👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

If it can be done why not 🤷lol! Ditto!


You’re good to go as far as consuming after Floral/Ethephon/Etheryl applications.
All these compounds break down to ethylene (a natural plant hormone)
Just a side note: Bananas are always picked and shipped green (usually by boat). A day before hitting port they flood the holds with ethylene gas which initiates the ripening process…
Perhaps TMI, but I thought it was interesting ?!


So Bob, are you telling all us indoor growers to flood our homes with ethylene gas to speed up the ripening process? :thinking:


I prefer Barbaralene, but never use Karenalene.


LOL, Pete…NOPE don’t want to do that !!

Actually the largest commercial applications that I know of is used to hasten even ripening of walnuts.
Even then the walnuts have to be well into the ripening process (packing tissue brown). Packing tissue in a walnut refers to the membrane between each 1/4 of the meat…


Ba-Dum Tssss! :drum: :rofl:


When I want walnuts I want them right now.


I may have some children in not aware of… my dad jokes are on point.



OMG i’m on day 4 of a 5 day international film-labs conference where I and 6 other people are hosting 150 international artists & technicians who work in Analog film running dozens of workshops, discussions, screenings and talks hosted in over 8 different locations across the city each requiring a build, execution, breadown and cleanup.

We. Are. INANE.

But then again we are pillars in the arts here for those expressing themselves using the medium of photo-chemical film-making so this is SOOO totally worth it.

Example of one of the screenings:

Example of one of the discussions:

On top of all this we’re LIVE STREAMING some of the events on our website as there are so many folks that couldn’t register, or afford to travel to Toronto :canada: so we’re making sure they still get something even if it’s more work on us for them getting this for free!

Tomorrow we’re doing all this on a fucking island. :man_facepalming:

This was my step-count yesterday… tomorrow is gonna be even worse :rofl: .

Me this am watching Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome before heading back out for another long day:

All of us wear our :heart: 's on our sleeves and everyone who is attending knows this :ok_hand: .



That’s a gorgeous event space! Love the wood ceiling.

1 Like

Looks almost church like !


It WAS a church!

@ShiskaberrySavior @Rhino_buddy


Awwwwwwwwww yyyyeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh!!! :sunglasses:

Well that event was a fuck-tonne of fun considering I was one of the co-runner keeping shit going, moving and grooving! :rofl: :v:

Now back to plants, which thankfully were happy enough to be nice and grow well while I dealt with 12-16 hour days on my feet with a humble 5 minute check-in with them each night when blind with tired…

Buddhas Cane S1: Clone: (@ShitSeeds )

Jew Gold 1974: Reveg: (@CADMAN )

Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut 1: (@DannyTerpintine )

Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut 2:

Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut 1 & 2:

Mephisto Genetics Illuminauto #57 “Blood Orange Haze” S1: S2 Reversal:

I just soaked these plants again in @BudBusterPro again since they started flowering so the beans are gonna get even fatter. The soaking is additionally gonna deactivate any errant pollen still on there and hopefully midigate any late fuckers taking away the energy from the seeds already in play.

It’s week 4 for them but I’m already on week 5 nutes and will feed my veg week 3 mix in between to assist in seed formation. The pods are getting shiny regardless of this being a seed run so I’m defiantly gonna have some dry sifting to do after chucking the beans in a few months time. :+1:




It’s the :strawberry: :full_moon: tonight and I’ve decided to pop some beans even though I’m trying to keep the indoors #'s low so I don’t have a summer battle to deal with :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: .

BUT after smoking the Zamaldelica plants and finding how how stupidly functional they are in relation to my “issues” I need to make sure I get some more ready as it’s a 11-14 week flowering plant so I might as well start now!

HOWEVER I’m NOT growing straight-up Zamaldelica this round but my NEWEST STRAIN made with it!

Zamaldelica x Jalisco :mexico: Landrace has now been dubbed: “Zamjal” (Pronounced: Zam-Hull)

THIS IS GONNA GET GOOD!!! But not fast. :rofl: :v:


A friend needed a plant stand for her balcony so I went into my garage’s scrap-wood pile and found that I had enough Ikea wood salvaged from the curb to knock together a shelf for her to gain back the space her AC unit takes up.

It should hold up for her needs; and bonus was that the screws were also salvaged so this cost me my time! :hugs:

I tossed 4x Zamjal F1 (Ace’s Zamaldelica x Jalisco :mexico: Landrace) into a shot-glass of H20+H202 and after 36 hours floating only 2x had mini tails but into speed cups they went anyways!

The @JohnnyPotseed method of using earthworm castings to pop seeds has never failed me so far so it’s just a waiting game at this point. :+1:

Off in the 2x2 blasting 24/0 under the never ending glare of my HLG1000 (4000K) is the Mephisto Genetics Blood Orange Haze S2 project is going very well!

Seriously well!

So well in fact that in a few weeks i’m gonna pop the 1st of a set of Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1’s I got from @Tugthepup for another S2 project with a bonus: one HBSC plant is gonna get hit with Blood Orange Haze pollen!.

Downstairs in the AC Infinity 2x4 the mother plants are doing their thing; up first here is the Buddha’s Cane S1 Clone.

Jew Gold 1974; it’s taking FOREVER to reveg. It was flushed a few weeks back and since have added EWC as a top layer and will add some Black Swallow ammendment this week. I’ve added it already as a top-feed for all the outdoor cannabis plants and they are really loving it.

It’s a blend of blood meal, fish bone meal, feather meal, gypsum, soft rock phosphate, oyster shell flour, Wollastonite rock dust, Volcanophos rock dust, insect frass and Huplaso basalt so the fucking plants had better like it!!! :rofl:

I’m gonna piss this fucker off by clipping off all the yellowing leaves to the point of shwazzing it. The darling needs to start tossing better leaves so I’m forcing it through dismemberment. :+1:

This tent just keeps knocking back the hits! The 2x Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut clones are loving life and will be up-potted tomorrow into 1 gallon nursery pots rather than air-pots. :ok_hand: ( @DannyTerpintine )

3 types of gold in here! And only 1 has it in the name!! :rofl: :+1:

Cheers folks! Have a great night!!



Very nice :ok_hand:@Pigeonman


Damn cuz, lol you’ve got a lot going on in there! Way to go, looking sweet.
Also, good looking out for a friend!


Thanks Johnny! I’m a lead by example kinda guy and I know you are the same :ok_hand:


Nice tent! And I like that giant seed heat mat thing… didn’t know they make them that big! :stuck_out_tongue:


I have 2 of them. One for each 2x4. This + added heat in the forced air in + insulation mats under the tent itself is the only way I’ve managed to stabilize the growing spaces in the basement.

I have 20"x20" ones for my 2x2’s, and the 4x4 just has a stupid-big light which gives off enough heat. :rofl: