👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Everything looks real healthy :wink:

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Glad those girls finally rooted for ya! I’ve held clones in way less than ideal conditions but as long as the are still green leaves still can take. @gregog has a great way to clone and he says never had on not take. Put cutting straight in dirt in solo put in a small white bucket cover with Saran wrap and place in taller grass. Should be rooted with in 7-10 days. That reversal really took wow those are some fatty pollen sacs. Do I see another lizard tail hang off rock in back of quigley pic?

Looking good!:+1: :ok_hand:


No that’s driftwood he climbs on :smiley: :+1:

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Did some things last night to coincide with the start of a new month.

1: The last 2x Bubba Kush: MBC clones have roots and were potted into speedcups.

2: All speedcup clones have been moved into the AC Infinity 2x4 with the Jew Gold 1974 and Cap Junky S1 plants.

3: The 2x Bubba Kush: MBC plants, 1x Golden Tiger and 1x Buddha’s Cane S1 are all in the 4x4 and are now set to get flowering already!



The brevity of that post makes me think it must be very witty.


Which one? lol

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A few pics of what I was talking aboot earlier.

The 4x4 in flowering mode with the @MarsHydro FC-6500 @ 78% of power.

Top Left: Buddhas Cane S1
Top Right: Golden Tiger S1
Bottom Left/Right: Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut Clones

Speaking of clones! Here’s the set from the “i think i finnally figured this shit out” run with the UK Cheese and Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut clones.

The big picture in the AC Infinity 2x4 tent.

Left: Cap Junkie S1
Right: Jew Gold 1974



The One right above mine. I only said it because it doesn’t have a soundtrack, a whimsical intro, nor 46 drool inducing photos. Thus, it is brief by your standards, and since brevity is the soul of wit, I concluded the post must be witty.
Stoner processes.


Quickie update for the end of the week. I’ve spent most of my energy outside but that’s a story for tomorrow on a different thread :wink:

The seed reproduction is coming along as best as one could hope. :crossed_fingers:

Check out these purdy :banana: 's on the STS applied Hubbabubbasmelloscope.

No pollen seen yet. But then again the smaller plants are only nearing day 28 since hitting water so they don’t even have pistils yet! :rofl:

Downstairs I took the dome off of the clones and they are all seemingly doing well.

There are 2 temp/humidity gauges in here as one was inside the dome and I didn’t move it out before taking the shots.

Left side: Cap Junkie S1
Blue Cups on left side of tray: UK Cheese
Red Cups + 1x blue cup on right side of tray: Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut
Right Side: Jew Gold 1974

In the 4x4 action is a go!

Back left: Buddhas Cane S1
Front left: Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut 1
Back right: Golden Tiger S1
Front right: Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut 2

I got a decent pay-cheque from the projectionist gig I did last weekend so I ended up “treating myself” with a couple of toys I’ve wanted for a while.

The first is a second Sensor Push HT.w sensor, this one for my 4x4! I paid full price for this one but only $20 CAD for my first one used so I’m looking at the two of them as mutually discounted :rofl: .

The data I get from these things are very helpful, but I mainly love the fact that they track VPD.

Speaking of VPD, ignore the 4x4 values as this was the reading at the time of install… thems are cray-cray numbers when compared to what’s showing up on the other live readouts. :rofl:

The second “treat yourself” was this PAR/PPFD meter! It’s app based with no readouts on the actual device which is why it was so cheap versus most PAR/PPFD meters I have looked into.

I just hold it at canopy level and it shows me a good reading when compared to manufacturer provided light intensity maps.

It also does not measure the light spectrum but let’s you choose light source type. Since I didn’t get it for spectrum measurement I’m not upset about it not being included as an option.

I also rather enjoy that it’ll calculate the DLI for you so I can just make sure it’s set without dealing with the math or an online calculator. :rofl: :+1:

Cheers folks and have a great night!

:grin: :v:


Looking great and love the new toys I mean tools :sweat_smile:. Do you have a link for the app based par/pond meter?


Looking strong & healthy :muscle: :clap: :ok_hand:

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Here ya go @420noob !



It’s cheaper in the states.


Actually, with the exchange rate that’s slightly more expensive. Only by a couple of bucks.

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Snap! :rofl:

Hey @DougDawson this is one of the few items without the “boarder tax” on Amazon! Wanted to share because I don’t think i’ve experienced this before :rofl: :+1:


I up potted ALL 4x of the Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut clones and the 2x “primo” UK Cheese clones into 1 gallon nursery pots.

I’m leaving the other 5x UK Cheese clones to give to folks as I only need the the 2.

I finally got around to training the Cap Junkie S1 plant which is beefier than I thought after spreading it out. :grin: :+1:

In the 2x4 MedCab are the Jew Gold 1974 testers. I scuffed and tossed 2x more into starter mix today as I’m gonna do a “test with testers” in here in where there’s enough root action out of the cubes.

They are progressing well. :ok_hand:

And we’re on week 2 of flower in the 4x4 with the 2x Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut, Buddha’s Cane S1 and Golden Tiger S1.

The VPD in here is not where I want it and my new fan is delayed.

I need to drop the heat so the new fan will boost the exhaust by A LOT and the ducting booster fan that is being replaced with the new AC infinity fan will be swapped over to the currently passive intake.

This will make the 4x4 have 2x active feed lines, and 3x active exhausts.



AC Infinity is a step in the right direction. :+1:

Can you separate the LED driver from your light and run it externally (from your grow area)?
That will cut some heat. (some can some can’t)


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I did this yes and thanks for suggesting it! I’m running a Mars Hydro FC-6500 which is pretty much a series of heat sinks pouring light out the bottom side :rofl: :sunglasses: .

There are additionally 3x fans in there making the ladies dance at all times but are also generating heat so the 1x Cloudline T6 already installed is pulling at 10 venting straight outdoors during the day with the temps, and at night similarly so due to the higher RH%.

The fan ordered is a secondary Cloudline T6 which moves up to 351 CFM versus the currently installed duct booster which pulls 100 CFM.

Once I get the fan installed I can see how the charts read; and if the VPD is still out of whack I’m gonna bite the bullet and lift the plants closer to the light and dim it down to the correct DLI using my meter.



That sounds familiar… :wink:
I pulled one of my internal fans and replaced it with a small USB (doesn’t pull enough power to matter) for exactly the same reason.

My next (final) grow setup will have a mini split to control the ‘lung room’
(the ‘boss’ has been warned… :rofl:, this isn’t going to be cheap…)



Thanks @Pigeonman! Always appreciate a good trade!
Hope yours shows up sooner then later. :crossed_fingers: