👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

That’s an amazing deal. I use them as well, and so far I like 'em!


Lol. My Father was a chemist and the jugs are from my Grandfather’s brewing days!

Love em. You just need to be on top of your watering. I usually lift the pot to feel the weight to figure out how wet or dry everything is.




6 plants, 6 litres of medium with 24 litres of nute solution circulating did all this! :rofl:

Week 3 flower so things are looking good! There are even leaves starting to get frosty!

Here’s a SUPER LAZY AS FUCK shot of the 2x4 MedCab with all the vegging plants. Will defoliate again this week + flush with 1/4 strength nutrient solution.

And in the 4x4, the Bohdi Yogi F2 to F3 Co-op seed run is coming along well in auto-pilot mode!

Have a great night folks!!!



WTF! :exploding_head:

I did some defoliation of the Jew Gold 1974 jungle.

The square of tile that leaf is on measures 12" x 12" :rofl:



The JG1974 jungle is real, and I really need to defoliate in there a lot more asap!


@Foreigner this is the bending i did, and it didn’t give a fuck. 40 years in the desert indeed makes for a tough force to deal with. :rofl: :+1:

I snapped it, let it droop, it just grew right back up and said “Fuck you, I’m flowering at this break you bastard of an overlord!”. :rofl:

The flowers in here are getting mighty pretty already, and there’s immediate results from adding shooting powder in this weeks nute mix. :grin:

I’ve added some things to this mix that I have not added before when doing RDWC and I’m chuffed at the results.

B-52 (constant access to b vitamins vs only making it out of the available salts)
H0Cl (keeps available salts in the solution versus building up in lines and the reservoir)
House & Garden Shooting Powder (starts a new flowering cycle after the regular flowering phase, only adding during weeks 3-6.)
ChitoSal (hard to explain so see the image below)

So far the excessive experimentation is working in only the best ways. Mrs. Pigeon was joking that if i want to keep using this thing (the ΩPot2.0) than I will need a taller 2x4 tent. :rofl:

In the 4x4 tent, I’ve lifted the light levels to it’s max until flip time.

And the Bohdi Yogi F2 plants are slowly growing forth!

In their defence, with the 14 days alive being planted into the 3L air-pots they should be doing more underground action than above and it seems that this is the case.

The only hiccup is the environmental situation is crazy with it going from a week of 25-28C + high RH% into “suddenly fall” with seasonal RH% and temps around 8-14C! :sob:

No pics of the small tent right now but both cuts of First Class Funk sent to me by @MonasticDank have thrown roots and as they are :fire: discovered in bagseed the plan now is to veg them out until I can do a small reversal run with STS. :ok_hand:

Additionally regarding clones… one of the Florida Ditch Weed: Pink Eye of the Tiger Cut clones threw out a small root so I solo-cupped that right away with big set of :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: , and in my kitchen window sits the last cut in water, which after 1.5 months has started to show white dots!!! :rofl: :+1:

All the best folks!



Yeah they are relentless. I have snapped, super cropped, and tied down the same branch with similar results.


Just stellar brother.


This this is happening on Sat:

“27 per cent of the sun will be covered by the moon’s shadow in Toronto, starting around noon and lasting until 2:20 p.m., with the most amount of coverage happening at approximately 1 p.m.”


So this means at 2023-10-14T17:00:00Z I’ll be starting some seeds even though I already have enough on my plate. :rofl:

What seeds you may be thinking?


Well considering it’s a “ring of fire” eclipse just before Samhain




YEP!, @JohnnyPotseed 's very own FRANKENSTEIN!

The seeds are out of the fridge and are currently “charging” on my polished freeform chunk of Smithsonite Blue Aragonite, which is a coloured trigonal mineral which only rarely is found in well-formed crystals recently in the Congo.


Bonus aesthetics for me is that me piece looks like this trapped as a mineral:

And with the stars of the show!

:v: :grin: :+1:


I was able to watch Haleys Comet fly through the inner solar system. I also remember Comet Hale–Bopp. It was hilarious a group of UFO worshippers committed ritual suicide when the comet Hale-Bopp was closest to the Earth. They believed their souls would ride the comet to heaven. The cult was called Heaven’s Gate.

I might pop Momentary Lapse of Reason(?x?) or Pine Apple ( Congo Kashmir x Lavender Lemonade)


@SEMOActivist do the pine apple! I almost got these as my freebie with GLG last week but went with Bohdi’s ChemD x Purple Unicorn.

Hoping to trade down the road for pine apple


Pine Apple freebies will be around for a while. I havent seen near as many of the ChemD x PU freebies.


That was my thought too @SEMOActivist :+1:


It’s going to be even better in Panama which is by all rights where I should be,…


All the people I’ve gifted indicas too are ready to harvest, even in shitty climates:

Foreigner: philanthropist extraordinaire.


Us Texans are right in the direct path of this thing. I’ll be sure to get pics!



Good problems to have! I guess.




If you can keep your humidity in check let it ride they look good.


This is where I’m lucking out! Even though this is hydroponics it’s dialed in so well the RH% is at 44!




Ring of Fire…
Have you been into the special hot sauce again…?

…cue up the Johnny Cash tune… :wink:
