👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Awesome!! :partying_face:


@HolyAngel the Sunshine Daydream BX1 F2’s really do seem to want to live!

Less impressive for now, a Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut is mid week 1 of flower and starting to throw pistils in the 2x2 upstairs with the SSDD BX1 F2 seedlings.

I was sick of walking downstairs in the dark so I got a motion sensor LED strip and it’s set to green for reasons. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Off in the Ac Infinity 2x4 the Jew Gold 1974 are all going ape-shit!

Serious ape-shit!

Like I mean wtf level whoa!

The veg tent is doing decent; I need to defoliate and spray again, also up-pot some stuff… let’s just say it’s gonna be a busy weekend. :rofl:

The small plants took the sudden drop in temp roughly. These are the ones that need the most babying; 2x Frankenstein S1, 2x First Class Funk, 1x Florida Ditch Weed: Pink Eye of the Tiger Cut

Finally in the 4x4 the Bohdi Yogi F2’s are beasts in their own right!

Day 44 from seeds hitting water. Fuck yeah!

Have a great night folks!!



Fabulous job my friend, all around awesome! @Pigeonman


Wow. Top notch bro. U definitely got a lot going on. That strip light on the stairs…brilliant!


Damm that JG74 is borderline alarming!

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Awesome! Everything’s looking great! Glad all 3 came up for ya :wink:

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Hey @Foreigner , you were talking aboot light stress in your thread and let me show you a totally related lol.

The very top. :rofl:



Icarus buds 🪽🪽


I’ve had that happen too. I think I called it crowning. But no big deal just a sign you need to dial it back. It’ll be a cool shaped bud when it’s done, which won’t be long now. :+1:


Screenshot (10)

You’re just over here on fire and killin’ it and I’m leaving with a smile every time I stop by and check things out, bro. Can’t wait for my little set-up to be as impressively and wildly customized and locked down. Trve cvlt inspirational sh!t.
Stay up!


Yeah I’m entering week 7 so I have one more feed week then a week of flushing with florakleen and done! I swear each of the 6 plants is showing different expressions!

This last image is the “Donkey Shlong Pheno”.

@CADMAN , do you recall how many expressions you’ve come across when you grew out the Jew Gold 1974?


I’m in the home stretch too but maybe a week or two behind you. The AK, well, she needs more time.

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I’m soooooo looking forward to this run being done! Not that I don’t like the plants, this has been a fun ride and I’m looking forward to sampling the Jew Gold 1974 in all these varieties…

But I need this 2x4 to flower out some vegging plants to cut down on numbers!


Yeah I’m tired of mine too. Hurry up and be done already. Only 5 more waterings!


OMG this makes me feel the upcoming 8+ weeks of hand watering 22+ oz of solution per plant per day for the Bohdi Yogi F2->F3 run!

:sob: / :heart:


I’m more like “saturate every 2-3 days depending on what you are…” the 8813 and the NL are using much less water. But yeah, 2-3 weeks. 4-5 for the AK but I’m going to Mexico so these decisions might get made for me.


I just found 2 myself. Tall one and shorter one.
Flavors slightly different but overall not bad.

I’ve grown her 2x, my friend in the USA down south grew her 2x, you @Pigeonman grown her 2x. Art grew her more times than I can count outside.

However the environment plays a big part, Temps, nutrition ect it’s all variable for each person I find.


Thanks @CADMAN !

I can’t wait to pull out each plant on trays before I trim them so we can all see each expression.

The one that I snapped over grew childfist sized nuggets, then there’s donkey shlong thats spent its time working on a central cola that’s at least 14+ inches long and CHONKY… one has red/bronzed, another has stacked cobs of flowers… fuck it’s wild and so much fun!

They’ve all gotten the same treatment sans the one with the break, the same nutes, and only difference is their location in the tent and height from the light. This was intentionally a wild grow as I usally faff around sooooooooo much to hone shit that doing a “wild-card” grow hydroponically has been soooo much fun! :rofl:


Sounds awesome, love watching ya grow :ok_hand:

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SSDD F2 BX1 are doing well and got their first feed this am.
