👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

I must have the same ocd issues lol… I definitely fixate on things… beautiful pics my bro!


dont need much for that, only about 35w worth of led light.

Saying that of more name brand stuff in similar vein as @Pigeonman mentioned the following would fit with coupon about $65 something, another option would be their v1000.

But if wanting something a bit more… custom i have some old 280mm bridgelux strips kicking around if truly still looking.





Was a little down for the past week so I’ve missed doing some updates.

This Matt Berger Bubba Kush is in flush and will be coming down this weekend making space for more projects lol.

The breeder tent has happy plants.

Top 2 = First Class Funk; clones getting ready for a STS reversal.
Front 3 = Mendo Breath S1, one muto, one “Meh” and one keeper!
Yogourt cup = Florida Ditch Weed clone, failing. :man_shrugging:

And while I’m sad about the FDW failing so I now have to pheno hunt for this pink cut again… I take solice in looking at that solid Mendo Breath S1.

Downstairs in the MedCab 2x4 the plants continue to veg out. I’ll need to do another defoliation this weekend an get that gross looking CapJunky S1 sitting in the left corner into flower asap so I can get rid of it already lol.

Top row, left to right: Cap Junky S1, Matt Berger Bubba Kush (x2), Jew Gold 1974 Mom
Bottom row, left to right: UK Cheese (x2), Matt Berger Bubba Kush

There’s good reasons I’ve been keeping this UK Cheese cut going for so many years! :drooling_face:

In the AC Infinity 2x4 the Frankenstein S1 plants are going nucking futz! :crazy_face:

So I did what I usually do when something in a 1 gallon pot grows so cray-cray that it needs drastic action so they went from this…

…to these Schwazze mofo’s!

At least the Jew Gold 1974 S1: Black in reveg gets some light again! :rofl:

Have a great Tuesday folks!!



Hope it’s a brighter day for ya pal! Your threads always bring a smile to my face in the morning. Great work on those FCF. They’re gonna explode for ya.


Holy cow! :open_mouth:

It’ll be interesting to see how they respond to that.

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It works well. If you check out my Yogi co-op run you’ll totally see how good things come of it. :ok_hand:

@MrGreenJeans the 2x First Class Funk clones in the back of this tent got the same treatment and look at them now! :rofl:



I’m pretty new here, but saw the title of your thread " How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing and it made me smile :slight_smile:


Welcome @Doober ! Grab a chair and get cozy for the show and I hope you’re enjoying the fuck outa OG! :metal:


The trunk and branches (using tree lingo here rather than plant lingo – as seems fitting) on those clones are nice and thick. Do you attribute that to the radical thinning applied to them? Or is that becuse they were clones? …Or maybe just the nature of that strain?


I found I can force feed them after a radical defoliation as they need the excess food to regrow their foliage back… but with the added bonus of noding out!

May have helped.

Not sure as I’ve never grown this cultivar before. @MonasticDank may be able to chime in on this one.


I’m not one to comment on the size of another man’s trunk but that is impressive. You’ve got her looking really strong man. The branching structure came through after she was cloned. The seed mom wasn’t so vigorous from what I recall. I found that when I grew her right there wasn’t a Larfy bud even on the weak secondary branches.


Also, she grew best for me when I up potted right before flip as she doesn’t like tight shoes. Can’t wait to see how she runs for you in your environment.


BUDDY THANKS! I’ll do so with the 1 that’s gonna stay female but will leave the soon to be male in the 1 gallon.


First Class Funk, 1 gallon going into flower for STS. It’s root bound as fuck but since this is for pollen to bad so sad :rofl:

On the right is the Mother-to-Be First Class Funk, clones sent to me by @MonasticDank because he found fire and now we’re questing to keep it! :fire: :metal:

The lil’ ones to the left are the Mendo Breath S1 plants. One’s winning, the other is catching up. :wink:

On the subject of clones, I got hooked up by @DannyTerpintine with a pile of cuts of 2 cultivars: Limed Orange: DannyD Cut & Sour D: DannyD Cut.

They’re sitting in rockwool with clonex and :crossed_fingers: so far so good under 24/0.

Downstairs in the MedCab 2x4 the 2x UK Cheese, 3x Bubba Kush: MBC, and both Jew Gold 1974 plants (Mother for BX and S1 BLACK) are doing well.

The CapJunky S1 is sad as fuck and was never great to begin with. I should have culled it a while ago but it’s been sooo long I can’t do it now. :man_shrugging:

I’ll do a root trim and then toss it into 12/12 when the Yogi seed-run is done with the SSDD plants and one of the Bubba’s. :ok_hand:

Segwaying into the SSDD F2 BX1 by @HolyAngelWHOLLY SHIT THE LEAVES ON THESE FUCKERS! :exploding_head:

I’ve not seen any balls yet so I may have 2x Short and twisty females and 1x Tall Chonkster female.

Looming over and behind them are the Frankenstein S1 from @JohnnyPotseed refilling their greens from the hack’n’slash. :metal:

@HolyAngel , this side shot may give you an idea of how these three are expressing by comparison to your run making them. As always would love your opinion based on your XP gained doing the run. :+1:

The weather is going back up with rain and averaging +3-8c until next Saturday… no :snowflake: for HexMas this year just :uk: styled rain. :man_shrugging:

I feel extra lucky that on the one night it went to -3c(feeling -10c) I had the mind to put out the ice trays to make bubble the next day. :sweat_smile:

Got out the washing machine, bags and pulled out 3 ziplocks from the freezer with fresh-frozen from the summers crop and here’s what I got now sitting in the freezer until I get around to grating it.

I have another 2 bags to get through so I’m thinking I might do that then grate them all together so it’s less work down the road as it’s all at once.

Cheers folks and I wish y’all a wonderful weekend and holidaze!!!



Just Killin it. Love watching your projects come together and really honoured you devoted the time you have to that plant. I salute your general awesomeness good sir


Ah, I need to make a bx2 :thinking:
All 3 look like starlite hybrids to me :face_with_monocle:

The left one definitely has the moms crinkle leaf trait and double serrations. Those are definitely things to look for. The big leaves come from both sides of the line but are likely coming from the mom’s side. The bladelet location and width look like a 50/50 mix of the ssdd and the starlite though. And the ‘V’ branches and straight stems are 100% starlite traits.

The middle one’s leaves look a bit more like the blueberry in the ssdd line. It makes up part of the mom, not necessarily her trait but from one half of her heritage. No crinkle leaf trait by the looks of it :telescope: but it does have the double serration in the correct spots, right around the middle of the leaf. The branches on that middle one are also more horizontal and stretched out and it looks like she has a wavy stem too? All 3 of those are mom traits.

The right one’s leaves are interesting :thinking: the smaller ones definitely remind of the starshine #1 aka starlite daydream male that is the father of that bx1 line. Wavy stretched stems but kinda ‘V’’ shape says hybrid.

Are you doing any stem rubs? That’s helpful too. All 3 should be dank if they turn out to be girls :wink:


always love popping in and seeing all that you have going on! Great work :dove:.


Just fired up some of the BOH in my vape after nearly 12 weeks of curing. Really nice bit of puff :100::boom:, quite sweet and fruity, tasting and smelling, good strong buzz as well that creeps up on me. Thanks for the seeds man, appreciate it :+1:

I think this will be my Festive Crimmy Smoke, Cheers and Happy Christmas :santa: to you and all your family your definitely on Santa’s good list :wink:


Thought you’d appreciate this.