👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Sorry to hear that brother. We choose to open our souls up to things, be it other people, or some other form of life. As long as we are alive there will always be those hard hits when we lose something we have brought into our lives. No matter the pain, it’s always worth it when we open up to something else that inhabits this amazing planet. RIP Quigley. :v:


Pets our some of our kids and your right your quote says it all. I’m sorry to here about Quigley man that’s a hard hit and the others as well. He always had such pimp pose’s when you snapped pics tuff little dude. I wish some of these pets lived longer for us I know that’s very selfish but loss/pain sucks ass. Your Quigley is actually who made up my mind that yep gotta get one!


Sorry to hear about Quigley @Pigeonman - always remember the good times and allow it to bring you joy !


Oh man I’m so sorry to hear about your loss! I’m sure he had a good and happy life with you!!!

RIP Quigley!!


@chronix, @Rhino_buddy, @DougDawson, @420noob, @CADMAN , @m0sirys

Thank you all so very much for your love and care. :blush:

This makes me very happy! I miss him every day and you’re gonna have an amazing friend to care for!



Sorry to hear about this @Pigeonman losing a pet is hard. the price of love is to have to grieve the loss of it. It’s always worth the cost in my books. Hope you grieved well my friend.


Sorry to hear that brother, I’m sure he’s had good life with you 🫂


That news bums me out PigeonMan, all life is precious and fleeting, RIP Quigley :pray::dragon::rainbow:


Thanks everyone for all the love!

If it helps lighten the mood check out the results for 2x 7g pressings of @ShitSeeds Buddhas Cane S1 collected into a 5ml silicone honey pot:

The stuff is killer and as expected “a dab will do ya!” :rofl: :+1:

For my 7g mini-bricks I press 1st as is, then fold over and press again… considering the above is just the 1st pressings I’m feeling really good about this process so far :grin:


Looking great :+1: wish I had room for a press. Can use that goo in vape pens, edables or just hit that shit straight :fire:


Sorry to hear about Quigley @Pigeonman …he’d become somewhat of a mascot of the board. RIP Quig


Thanks @CanuckistanPete ! :heart:

@DannyTerpintine all the Limed Orange cuts had circling roots so they are all up-potted as of yesterday :grin: :+1: . The Sour Diesel: DT Cut need another week + I need to find more 1gallon nursery pots :sweat_smile: .

@CADMAN , with joy I can report that the Jew Gold 1974 pressed much, much better after lifting the flower from 55%RH to 63%RH. I made a 14g brick and that pressed like it was meant to with clear :honey_pot: drooling out the sides of the parchment. :+1: :+1: The second pressing did produce as well. Will post pics later on today.

On the hash front, I’m having too much fun processing all my old flower :rofl:

The cold snap provided free ice, and after the Yogi seeds were done drying I remembered to grate the spoils from the freezer and they’ve been drying out for the week so I balled it all up this am.

I’m gonna start cruising value villages to find a cheap meat grinder to process the sand into a homogeneous mix before rolling the mass into the temple ball.

I should start smoking this stuff already but I figure I should go through the jar of hash powder before cutting into the balls. :grin: / :rofl:



Great news on the cuts, and nice hash ball!

Holy #@$# That Buddah’s Cane looks :fire: :fire: :fire:


Thanks @DannyTerpintine !

OOOOHH!!! @MonasticDank there’s roots popping out of 1 of the First Class Funk cuts!!! :heart:


A random photo of it on the Net is what drew me to this site. :grinning:


depending on the buds i find 3-4 days usually does the job to re hydrate them for me.

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@mainerJ that’s about what it took! :+1:

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Niiice! Well done bro!


Jew gold is starting strong 8 days above ground I think it’s doing alright not stunted yet like most of my flowers.lol


i am amazed with all you have going on plants seeds clones hash and all you other many garden plants, that you are able to get and find the time to work on pressing too. as the saying goes a little dab will do ya! :wink:
keep on keepen on!
oh ya forgot that you also post amazing music. like ziggy malstream? [not sure how to spell his name] but sure as hell loved that music. thank you for that one. :musical_score: :musical_note: :notes: