šŸ‘ØšŸ½ā€šŸŒ¾ Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Thanks @mainerJ !

I used to do 20 things at once with many subjects and places. Over the years as Iā€™m getting older and those subjects and places changed naturally and unnaturally into variations I no longer enjoyed I am blessed that my primary interest in Cannabis cultivation and applications has blossomed as a result.

Concerts going from 20-30$ a pop to 55-100$ a pop for the same spaces with less output really made me say fuck-it to most all live events.

I set-up a 4k DTS theatre in my bedroom so going out to the cinema is mainly IMAX or D-Box with my best friend and even then super-rare.

I have no kids, and all my friends that usually got up to shit with me either do or got priced out of the city so the personal social scene isnā€™t what it was when I used to host 5-20 of my friends every Monday night in my basement theatre (now grow space) for a TBS styled: DINNER AND A MOVIE where we all got together knowing that as we all get older weā€™ll see less and less of each other. I did this for 10 years so even though my lifestyle is the exact opposite from what it was Iā€™m okay with it all as I have many blessings to count and lots of great memories. :blush:

Additionally I rather detest travelling so staying at home is my vacationing! :rofl:

So in short my partner, garden, animals and home get the bulk of my OCD ā€œcontrolledā€ ADHD!



Oh shit Iā€™m having so much fun with the press I ran out of parchment paper so Iā€™m obligated to stop (which tbh I should at this pointā€¦) and also storage containers so the Jew Gold 1974 pressings are still in the fridge! :rofl: / :confounded: !!!

Gonna get 5ml glass jars soon enough, these containers are in a plastic click-lock container in the freezer until the Mrs and I run out of the 3ml container with the dab rig and quartz honey straws. :ok_hand:


Yabba dabba doo, thatā€™s freaking awesome. I can see me hacking up a lung smoking that.:laughing:

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Shots from last night but I wanted to dab the fuck out and watch ā€œAmerican Ultraā€ with the Mrs so here they are this AM! :wink:

Mendo Breath S1:

6x @Tonygreen GG#4 R.I.L. & 1x First Class Funk clone (@MonasticDank )

Here are the cuts still waiting to root including: Frankenstein, ** First Class Funk** and the Blueberry in the mail from @Rhino_buddy.

First Class Funk reproduction is going well, I see no pollen but when I moved the plants around this round my hands were ā€œdry slickā€ā€¦ which is not enough pollen to collect but itā€™s still pollen non-the-less and you know what Iā€™m talking about if youā€™ve done a seed run. :ok_hand:

Sour Diesel: DannyT Cut, the ones still needing to grow some more before up-potting:

And all the other cuts of Limed Orange & Sour Diesel: DT Cut are in 1 gallon pots under a canopy of @JohnnyPotseed 's Frankensteinā€™s :+1:

I wasnā€™t joking about the canopy:

In the other 2x4 the UK Cheese, Cap Junky S1, Jew Gold 1974ā€™s, & Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut are all doing their thing.

The 4x4 is now entering Flowering Week 2 so pistils are everywhere. I need to defoliate the lowers but with the under-canopy lighting Iā€™m getting away with them being bushy lol.

Sunshine Daydream F2 BX1 from @HolyAngel , & the ā€œShort-Stackedā€ Bubba Kush: MBC in the bottom right corner. :+1:

Besides all the rosin pressing and collection this weekend I also did the bubble run with the Yogi F2 plants + a few plants left over from a small auto seed run and thereā€™s no complaints from this stoner. :grin:

The plate is 6" across.

I got a long haul today with an open house tour after work. So iā€™ll be getting home just in time for my scheduled gardening time with no breaks lol. Gonna ask the Mrs to either make dinner or order food so I can just stop moving when Iā€™m done as itā€™ll be a 12 hour day.

All the best yā€™all!

:v: :grin: :+1:


You already flipped these to flower, right? Otherwise theyā€™re gonna overgrow that tent for sure! :wink:

Everythingā€™s lookin good!!


Yep, theyā€™re entering week 2. (7 days = transition, 7 days = week 1)


:partying_face: Gonna be a good haul :muscle: :sunglasses:


Seriouslyā€¦ Those Frankensteins are gonnaā€™ try to make their way through the top of your tent!

Whatā€™s the plan for those?


Iā€™m reminded of a pic from the old site of BOG showing a completely full bowl of kief. These kind of pics are wild!


Going outdoors into 30 gallon fabric pots the end of May!


I hope your tent can survive their assault in the meantime. :laughing:


Lol. Ive vegged sin nov before. Though these beasts may demand another tipping soon!


@JoeCrowe the 6% has got to be a bit of an exaggeration if its dry weight for bubble hash but its totally reasonable if theyre tumbling it. my buddy gets roughly a zip / lb on his tumbler. lots of green matter in there though so its def not top shelf. pretty sure they dont care since its gonna get cleaned up in the press anyhow


2x Frankenstein S1, and 2x more First Class Funk clones have rooted enough to put into soil!

@MonasticDank looks like my hopes to get you a rooted cut back with seeds is so far on itā€™s way to being 1/2 successful! :rofl: :+1:

@Foreigner , one of these Frankieā€™s is for your balcony this summer! Youā€™re gonna have stanky shade in August! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

These came in from @Foreigner 's Forestry and yā€™all know there gonna get wet sooner than later!

And on the *ā€œPigeon Pressingsā€ game check out these CUTE AS FUCK 5ml jars that just got in today!

I now have 250 of them so now Iā€™m set for a whileā€¦ I hope. :sweat_smile:



Okay I gotta add this footnote:


I just took the time after a few weeks to actually go through the FCF thatā€™s female and accepted the pollenā€¦ and HOLY SHART STICK I canā€™t even express how much of an amazing thing you found in that bag of flower and so rightfully decided to see what may come of it!

This thing is a freaking BUSH. I didnā€™t train it much at all and itā€™s like a never-ending focus-pull going into and out of it when I was pulling yellows. The nodes are so tight that if it fills out the way my gut tells me Iā€™m gonna have to defoliate the fuck outa it to make sure thereā€™s enough airflowā€¦ and this is a reversal seed run so iā€™m even more stoked that the cut has decided to stick around in the rockwool cubes and that the easier to transport beans are pretty much just ā€œset it and forget it instant flowerā€ kinda cultivar!

If you canā€™t tell iā€™m both very grateful and very excited. Rock on growmie!

:fist_right: :seedling: :fist_left:


Man Iā€™m happy youā€™re pumped for it as I was too. As finicky as she is she really is worth the effort to keep her happy. Youā€™ve done a bang up job with her man. Thanks for all your efforts! Iā€™m glad you find her as special as I did. What a happy find she was.


@Rhino_buddy !!!


Totes Success!



Oh yeah! Ah-ha! Roots on the blueberry! Yum yum!
Very nice rooting success Pigeonman, that is going to be a tasty treat :partying_face:


Incredible! Nice job friend!

Canā€™t wait to see what you do with her. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

GMO still a no show?