👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

sadly yep still no show. :cry:


Musta had an issue and was destroyed. 🤷

One made it. Weird that the similar one didn’t. I’ll send some more real soon. :+1:

1 Like

First Class Funk: yes I’m obsessed!

STS treated plant:

The female to be seeded:

I didn’t train this! It just grew like this from the cutting!!! :heart:

And @ix3u thanks so much again look what arrived yesterday you artist you! :blush:

Have a great Sa-:poop:-ay everyone!



Woohoo! Glad I was finally able to get them to you :laughing:

Plants look great by the way! Nice work as always!


And now my weekly “Pigeon Droppings” will have even more meaning! :rofl: :+1: :poop:

Thanks so much growmie! Let me know if there’s anything I’m working with that catches you’re eye and is mailable :grin: :+1:


Just gorgeous man. Ya that thing will grow into a complete shrub if left to its own devices. That’s gonna be an ample bounty of funk my friend.


I’m very excited! I’m gonna grow out one of the cuts for the press considering the bounty of rosin that’s bound to happen from the GMO lineage!

Also this thing is smelling spicy! :drooling_face:


Pressed more 2021 summer outdoors and the stuff is dark!!


White Widow x California Orange
(bred by @Foreigner ).

From the bottom:

Broke out the label maker to make this most bespoke!

:v: :grin: :+1:


Looks good how did she press?


@Foreigner i put the flower in a glass click lock container with a humidity puck and hygrometer. A few days later it was holding at 63% RH. The flower gets pre pressed into a 14g 2x4 block, and then into a “leaf” of parchment paper magnet held to the press. I have the press down just enough initially to hold the brick tight and let it heat-up before the constamt pressure squeezin’.

The ww x co pressed almost like everything else with the biggest difference being the older the flower the darker and thicker the rosin.


OMG was busy :honeybee: today!

2x rounds of Bubble Hash + clean-up.
Up-Potted all 6x GG4 RIL, and the remaining 3x Sour Diesel: Danny T. Cut.
Collected all the WW x CO rosin from the freezer (earlier post).
Mixed up 5x different type of solutions because i’m a madman with that many variables going on.
Addressed the 3 rooms worth of houseplants.


Now I’m gonna bong, then dab, then dinner with Masters of the Air: Part 3.

:airplane: :bomb: :metal:

Have a great night folks!!


Barry Keoghan is on fire right now. Dunkirk, Joker cameo, Banshees of Inisherin, Saltburn, Masters of the Air. He manages to be unassuming, and riveting :bear::purple_heart:
I wish I had Apple TV


I just have a :pirate_flag: .






Your plants look amazing as always, just reading through your thread (months behind) I’m glad you are recovering from getting sick and I am so sorry about the loss of your buddy. Looking amazing as always @Pigeonman :grin::+1:


Thanks @nefrella and everyone that stops by to check out my plant adventures!


It was another pleasureful night going through the garden.

With so much on at once I’m finding my ADHD appeased and my OCD kicking in to make the grand plans to keep everything on their own shedules and in check… all while still working my day job! :rofl: :+1:

The 2x Frankenstein S1 plants are in full-on Skull Island mode growing all beastly and giving nay a single fuck to anything getting in their way.

It’s almost comical, but then again I’m the sick fuck that’s growing these out to have one in ground and the other in a 30 gallon fabric pot so I can have so much :fire: to :clamp: :honey_pot: , bubble hash, and :sunflower: to :smoking: .

Down below are all the clones from @DannyTerpintine . Luck be had they all took, just took time. :ok_hand:

The orange tags are Limed-Orange (Black Lime Bubba x Mac Stomper), and the red tags are Sour Diesel: DannyT Cut.

This tent has the most pissed-off with me plants… I need to root trim, defoliate and flush and fuck-knows when I’ll have the time! Since I’ve pretty much processed most of the oldest flower in the house I just need to refocus my agenda into these plants as much as everything else.

Top Row, Left to right: Cap Junkie S1, Bubba Kush: MBC, Jew Gold 1974: Original Reveg
Bottom Row, Left to right: UK Cheese (x2), Bubba Kush: MBC, Jew Gold 1974: Black S1 Reveg

It’s Flower Week 3 for the Sunshine Daydream BX1 F2 from @HolyAngel and the lone and heavily trained *Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut.

Though shorter, the under canopy lighting are assisting the Bubba and it looks like it just might grow to be a chode! :rofl:

SSDD BX1 F2 Plant 1 (Shortstack, mucho nodo)

SSDD BX1 F2 Plant 2 (Amazon, tall and lanky)

SSDD BX1 F2 Plant 3 (Shortstack, also mucho nodo)

Moving upstairs, the First Class Funk clones are doing fantastic!

The pistils are still more up and aboot than expected, but one way or another i’ve got an amazing has run coming down the road.


Looking now I think I should have done another week of STS application as this plant went hard into resin production.


So long as I get some seeds from the female i wont be annoyed. There should be seeds, as I know from handling the sprayed plant there is pollen just no idea how much and or if it’s viable.


Up close it’s heart breaking that this flowering is toxic because of STS :sob: .

Right next door in veg are the established Mendo Breath S1, and the 6x @Tonygreen 's GG4 R.I.L. plants just up-potted and entering day 14 since hitting water.


And the runners up in the propagator tent:

First Class Funk:

Frankenstein S1 (red cups, no tags) & Blueberry (4" green pot, blue tag) from @Rhino_buddy !

Fresh off the press: Queen Mother Sativa.

It’s pulled from 42 grams of outdoor grown flower so it being < 3g is not very impressive but it still sure as hek is purdy up-close:

(yes there’s a hair, please try to ignore it as I struggled to get it out afterwards with tweezers and learned my lessons in processing to avoid this self-inflicted bullshit. :rofl: / :sob: )

Have a great night folks!

:v: :grin: :+1:


Making bubble and pressing rosin gives me time to think; so of course I’ve mulled on my summer 2024 outdoors lists and have come to decide that this is what’s gonna happen this year:

UK Cheese - a personal fave to grow outdoors and a staple of our household.
Frankenstein - one in ground, one in a 30 gallon fabric pot to fuck-around-and-find-out.
Coastal Blueberry - a showstopper set for my climate bred by @SHSC-1
Might Mite - we all know I love my shortstacks! This one preserved by @Oldtimerunderground
Shiskaberry #3 F3 - a classic preserved by @SHSC-1 with beans from @PineTarBastard
Alaskan Thunderfuck - there are so many reasons this one’s happening! gifted to me by @middleman
88g13HP - growing this out just for hash and pressing; preserved by @Foreigner
Limed Orange - I have enough of them so I’m gonna let them compete indoors for a single outdoors spot.
Sour Diesel: DannyT Cut - Same as above, THUNDERDOME!


LEGEND :100:
Can’t wait to see the lineups :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:t2:



nice line up @Pigeonman :wink:
the shishkaberry 3 f3 are from me, made in the seed run increase i did of the ustad shishkaberry 3f2 beans @PineTarBastard sent me last year :wink:


yeah nice line up for sure! :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: it´ s going to be gurrr gurrrr! :smiley: