👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Well this either worked or it didn’t because the “male” First Class Funk is now down. :+1:

The female that should have some seeds at least is stellar as fuck. :ok_hand:


Y’all want this to work too so I can share seeds. :rofl: :+1:

Cheers folks!



she really has a nice overall structure . what an lovely view!!!

great as always! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


She’s a beauty for sure.


I’ve got everything crossed for you pal. Wishing you great success, per borat.

She is looking awesome man.


No wonder she looks so happy and at peace - Security and moral support provided by Pterry the ptactical pterodactyl :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I did a “treat yourself” Friday and finally gave in and bought myself this majesty:

That’s right, a “Happle”, aka: “Hash Apple”. :rofl: :+1:

They did a great job with the packaging.

Pulled out the fresh-frozen Pigeon Hash…

Tore off a chunk, rolled it into a gooey worm.

Now to go try this thing out! :drooling_face:

As a bonus these arrived in 2 days from the other side of the continent from @SHSC-1 !!!

Fuck yeah winning today with :tiger: :drop_of_blood: !



that was insanely fast LOL
glad they arrived safe n sound!!!


So does it work? How do you heat it?


Yeah it blew my mind! Talk about holy shit fast! :exploding_head:

Oh fuck yeah it does buddy!

You make a worm of hash, stick it in the apple via the down stem “core”, and it’s works like an incence burner of sorts. If I drank I would have a snifter of Brandy and a fireplace with this bespoke handmade glass :apple: .



I didn’t trust myself to take a video yet so here’s an online example:

It’s a shit video but does get the point across. :+1:


That’s pretty cool. Next you’ll be smoking out of a grapefruit.


Only if it’s glass. Maybe.


A glass grapefruit? I don’t think so. Pomegranate maybe.

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Good morning brotha :coffee:

Man I missed a lot of pressing fun :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Thanks @InTheWoods there’s more to come!

I have a bunch of Jew Gold 1974 to press over the next few days. The stuff as rosin smokes as it smells!



good morning @Pigeonman :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

looking forward to so some nice shots of the pressed results fro the jew gold! :slight_smile:

have a great day!

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Good morning right back at you @m0sirys !

It’s gonna be fun for sure! I have it all in a container lifting the RH% to 63% at minimum and then the grinding task of bricking 14g at a time for the crushinator!

I hope everyone’s having a great weekend!

yes, bet that will be a lot of fun! :slight_smile:

all a hard work task but in a good way!

out pf likes for another 20 hours what a bummer

take some of these :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Gotta set the mood for the Sunshine Daydream F2 BX1 plants from @HolyAngel .

There we go!


Stanky nuggies growin’!

Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut:

The looming Frankenstein plants from @JohnnyPotseed .

Limed-Orange & Sour Diesel clones coming along from @DannyTerpintine .

The laziest tent, UK Cheese, Bubba Kush: MBC, Jew Gold 1974 & Cap Junkie S1 all need a lot of work.

Sadly, the reveging of JG1974 is more difficult than expected as the Black S1 cut is doing so badly I’m culling it today. :-1:

Upstairs the clones are all doing well considering the fungas gnats. :man_facepalming: (I blame my aquarium; everything got a bunch of aquabac pellets to fuck them all over)

First Class Funk (@MonasticDank ) + Hummingbird Sage

Frankenstein (Solocups, @JohnnyPotseed ) & Blueberry (4" pot, @Rhino_buddy )

The @Tonygreen 's GG4 R.I.L. plants are popping despite signs of thrips… I’ve been battling lots of stuff this winter due to houseplants that had hidden fuckers. They are getting topped today so their gnarly main nodes wont be an eyesore.

They look like this from me soaking them down over the week with Safer’s End All but i never washed off the product so the tops got a little crunchy.

The Mendo Breath S1 plant is going downstairs after I clean-up the MedCab and remove the JG1974 Black failed reveg.

For now it’s hanging out with the houseplants not being fucked with.

In the last tent we have the First Class Funk (@MonasticDank ) that is hopefully ripe with seeds!

Regarding refining flower, here’s what we get from the Jew Gold 1974 when it’s at 63% RH and ran through The Crushinator:

Each of these is 14 grams preformed into a brick and then pressed without any bags,

First “leaf” scraped:

Then all the rest (3x 14g bricks, pressed twice):

This rosin moves like thick honey/jam! (@THCeed , @JoeCrowe )


Hope y’all have a wonderful day!



Beautiful plants, wide selection, and just overall enjoyed the show!


That’s so interesting that you don’t get a great big mess of rosin everywhere pressing without a bag. Can you put up a picture of your Press Box? Thank you