👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Waiting for current grow to be done with, I’ve got no room to hold supplies while waiting :upside_down_face: :unamused:

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@CADMAN , while you never need my or anyone else approval:


Lol believe me it’s Killin me. I like to tinker with things somewhat. So for now I planing this Ohm bucket in my head lol

Have you tried using an actual fishing bobber ( with your straws) for your level indicator?

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Organized chaos I love what you are doing .

Deff out there killing it

One love :v:


Nope. I used a re-usable straw jammed in and then hot glued into one of these.

When filling the thing the first time I poured in 5 Liters at a time and made marks. Then a mark for the basket level.

PRO-TIP: Play 80’s metal when making it to up the fist-pumping.


I like the Styrofoam balls :wink:
I wanna make a door of sorts so I can get access to the water and see the roots in a tight space.

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I’m just decided to get one of these because it’ll get used it in so many places!

(ambiguity intended for mystery and intrigue)


Does the light on it work well enough to see through the water and the roots? Or I’d still need a flashlight as well?


Very excited to see how those manitoba poisons do for you!
They are new to me, so i will be comparing my outdoor results with your tent!


@CADMAN : no idea. It’s a $20 risk so imma gonna try then report :+1:

@jessethestoner or these are starting now to then 12/12 right after up potting from speedcup into airpot for sexing, then the go back into veg until end of may when 1x goes into a 20 gallon fabric pot for the summer next to the UK Cheese that’s been vegging since nov. :hugs:


O i see. Those will be massive then, youve got patience to veg something since November


I go into houseplant mode. If you scroll up this thread you’ll see my Cannasai mothers which are 1-2+ years old. :+1:


Hi @Pigeonman … > You said FUCKERY > I’m in man >>>

Tks for this week show off


I did it. :open_mouth:

I just ordered a temperture controlable distiller. :exploding_head:

Thank you again @Shadey for all your advice :pray:


No pics tonight as I only had time to water and finish up a batch of topical cannabis oil I then delivered to my friend after a rough weekend due to her chemo planning with her doctors. My partner knitted her a sweater with matching hat, and a metal as fuck necklace to cheer her up and that if very much did :smiley:

I do wonder if any of you talk with your plants, and the seeds as you plant them?

The other night it went as follows:

“Hello little guys! I know it’s gonna be rough at the start but I promise you three a wonderful life if you choose to spend it with us.”

I turned to the shot-glass containing the Manitoba Poison seeds and said while slowly pouring in distilled water;

“You both were quested for and I’m happy you came to our home. It’s going to be a while before you get outside but i’ll keep you safe and warm until then. I hope at least one of you decides to be female but don’t stress out about BOTH of you having to do so; there’s always room in the freezer for your pollen.”

I then turned to the CDB OG KUSH S1, again pouring water slowly into it’s glass;

“You my friend are going to help someone dear to me in a bad spot. Normally I would have the time to nurture you and then when trimming you carefully take those offerings and make medicine with them but I need your help FAST so I’m going to lay it out to you frankly: I need you to grow fast and flower hard so I can have you healing my friend. I won’t take all of you and will then nurture you as much as you will be nurturing my friend so you can grow again. This is my promise to you should you decide to help us.”

Well, it’s been less than 72 hours and all three are already in speedcups and have been re-buried once after climbing out of the soil :rofl:

I’m glad they are eager!!!

All the best!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


I fell asleep yesterday before remembering to post these happy new member of the garden family.


Manitoba Poison Reg #1

Manitoba Poison Reg #2

Group Shot!



I talk to, and do sing-a-longs as well :slight_smile:



I just now went to check on the seedlings (last I saw them was when I took the other photo’s yesterday am!).


Wow perking and praying the sky


That’s so wonderful, I think they were listening to you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also, I believe…water carry’s memories too. Between the seed and the water, to begin with, there is a lot of powerful molecular magic going on.

They’re going to make fantastic medicine for your friend. :+1:t2:

Many blessings. :prayer_beads: