👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Fun quick update!

Quick because I am tired after a long day with an added 2.5 hour adventure after work before the daily watering, turning and checking routine for all the plant babies before I sat down to eat for the 1st time today and then type this.

Trizzler F2 AutoFem: Done with a fork in it!

Strawberry Shortcrack AutoFem: Home stretch & i’m getting some colour @Yetigrows !

Mmmmm… :drooling_face:

Jumping over to the “Big 'ol 4x4” the BOG’s Sour BluTooth F2: …IS GOING INSANE! :crazy_face:

:exploding_head: AND SMELLS LIKE COTTON CANDY BUBBLEGUM!!! :exploding_head:

Meanwhile on the other side of the 4x4

Pineapple Express AutoFem (Top Left) = :open_mouth: … I have 4 more of these seeds and 2 are gonna be used to make seeds with STS. I am not just blown away, but intimidated how this thing decided to say fuck it to the shock that’s effected the other 2x autoflowers that were up potted.

Creme de la Chem AutoFem (Top Right) = short, stocky, has resin growing on it’s leaves! :rofl:

Fog Dog AutoFem (Middle Left) = Catching up to the PE, really really nice saw-blade leaves on this one. I’m looking forward to growing out another in the summer outdoors.

UK Cheese Clone 1 (Middle Right) = Doing its thing after up-potting. I need to defoliate a bit but I’ll do that after she stretches out a bit with the new leg room.

Mendo Breath S1: Cannasia (Bottom Left) = A BUSH when viewed from the top, but it’s a TREE if you looked at it from below. The heat and light is a bit too much for this one here as it’s the tallest; but this did make it push out some nice colours which look like shit here on my phone (it’s a red/bronze vs this pale representation.

I’m going to bring it up stairs with the citrus trees as it doesn’t need to stay in a tent anymore :hugs:

UK Cheese Clone 2 (Bottom Right) = Just like it’s sister it’s doing well and will need the same treatment as mentioned above. :+1:

2x4 AC Infinity tent in Flower: It’s transition week so they are getting trained and fed veg week 3 until day 7 of 12/12 which will mark the flip into Flower nutes :+1:

2x back wall = Crockett’s Tangie F2 & Cherry Festival (Red) F2
3x near door = CSI Humboldt’s Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91

Gorilla Glue #4: RIL Regs: They are doing me proud and steadily throwing out their arms as I keep up with the leaf tucking. :sunglasses:


:exclamation: :exploding_head: NEW TO ME LIGHTS! :exploding_head: :exclamation:

We are looking at:

  1. HLG 100 V2 4000k (used 1x cycle) = $100.00 :canada:
  2. 2x Mars Hydro TS1000 (old style ballasts)(used 1x cycle) = $160 :canada:
  3. Hangers = “thrown in”


This is going to make the medicine I’m making for me friend so much better than what I could pull off before in the new “Medicine Cabinet” with the old box leds.

I’ve had searches open for MONTHS and then this all happens within a few days from popping the first CBD beans for her grow! :heart:

Which leads to the last image from the garden…

THANK YOU @Rhino_buddy !!! :heart:

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Hoping those help man! Good on you for going out of your way to make some good medicine. Take care of your “family”. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also, your plants are looking amazing! :+1::heart_eyes:


Plants are looking great! How long are you going to veg the RIL?


Not sure yet. They were gonna remain in veg until a tent with better lights was free as the boxes do well for veg but i’ve never been pleased with them in flower.

Not like my Mars Hydro Reflector48, which even as a box still does a decent enough job of flowering if the light is close enough.

I need 60ish days to push em so I may start this weekend… after I install the 2x new-to-me MH Ts1000’s!


The GG4 I’m growing I usually let it go about 63 days. Going to harvest a couple this weekend. Its not the RIL but I would guess the flowering time is similar.


I need to sit down in my charts and map out everything I have going now.

There are 4 plants that are going to get pushed into 12/12 after a shorter than usual for me veg so I can get their medicine fast for my friend. :+1:


Time and space, time and space…


@Floyd , that’s ACTUALLY what i’m referred to at work: “The Wizard of Speed and Time”

(Same skill set as this filmmaker; Mike Jittlov)


I had a bad afternoon so I pushed when I finally got home and now I (and the GG#4 RIL’s) feel much, much better:



:sunglasses: :seedling: :heart:


:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Sexy! Love that Mendo Breath, and well, great grow…

But, I’m really here for the Cherry Unicorn Poop Festival!

I so badly want to make Double Cherry Unicorn Threesome Festival! Or maybe Smelly Cherry Unicorn Threesome with the Cherry festival I’m about to pop… The possibilities are vast!


Bravo man, just looked over more of the grow! Love the variety and mix of autos and photos!

Hope I don’t botch my next grow which will contain auto regs, photo regs, and fem autos. Mostly all on one system :crazy_face:


Just keep on it and you’ll be fine :fist:


After 36hours floating in a “spa” ALL 3x ACDC CBD SEEDS HAVE TAILS AND ARE NOW IN SOIL!

Thanks so much again @Rhino_buddy ! Mission FuCancer is maintaining its momentum! :heart:

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


hell yea @Pigeonman hope you can help your friend give cancer a roundhouse kick in the nuts! ACDC oughta help.



Got my wife a cake that said that for her 10 year cancer free anniversary.


Meanwhile in the OmegaPot…

@CADMAN , the cam is worth the $30. :+1:


We are captain planet!

So glad those all popped. Some of the earlier seeds I’ve gotten from OG. :wink:. Miss you @misterbee !

And fuck cancer!


Awesome :ok_hand:. I’ll probably get that light…


Wild looking roots! Like crazy underwater kelp!

Awesome! :+1:t2:

Have a great Sunday!



Good morning everyone! Here’s an update for y’all!

AC Infinity 2x4 group shot:

Cherry Festival F2: (@G-paS)

She looks rough… but I asked first and she assured me that she likes it rough…

Crockett’s Tangie F2: (@GCBudz)

They way this one is growing I’m wondering if I can topiary this plant into a :metal: when the stretch kicks in :thinking: .

CSI Humboldt’s Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91 S1: (@corey)

Each of these ladies is doing well! I’ve been removing yellowing leaves since transplant and they are happier for it. Earlier in the week they all got the kinkster treatment with their tie-downs keeping them in line. They are good bitches and like their training. :wink:

The 2 in the larger (yellow) air-pots are squatter than the one in the smaller (orange). It’s what I had expected but great to note for future. Orange = perfect for Autos, yellow = perfect for photos!

@Tonygreen 's Gorilla Glue #4 RIL Regs: (@Floyd)

They are filling in nicely and took very well to the topping. As you can see they are all full of branches and will be ready for bend training next week. I decided to keep them in their orange air-pots for the entirety of their run and flipped them to 12/12 on Friday so it has begun :smiley:

(If a male shows up, it’s going into the plant bordello with one of the ladies for messy plant sex.)

In the 4x4:

Group Shot

Strawberry Shortcrack AutoFem: (@Yetigrows )

Creme de la Chem AutoFem: (@BasementBeans )

Fog Dog AutoFem: (@corey)

Pineapple Express AutoFem: (@sprinklememaynee)

UK Cheese Clone 1:

UK Cheese Clone 2:

BOG Sour BluTooth F2: (@corey)

ROOT PORN (still working on cam settings but you get the idea)

Moved to upstairs right next to the Mexican Death Sativa and my small citrus trees:

Mendo Breath S1 Cannasia: (@Neb )

Done and hanging now to dry:

Trizzler F2 AutoFem: (@Mr.Sparkle)

Thanks for checking in! Tonight I’ll snap some photo’s of:

  1. ACDC CBD (seedlings) (@Rhino_buddy)
  2. Manitoba Poison (seedlings) (@jessethestoner)
  3. CBD OG Kush (seedling)
  4. Mother plants
  5. Mexican Death Sativa (@misterbee )
  6. Unicorn Poop BX1 & Cherry Festival F2 seed run (@G-paS & @Pawsfodocaws)

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians: