👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

This is also now part of “Round 1 AutoFem” for the outdoors summer… and may also hit up round 2.
I ain’t hurting for flower personally but so many in my most recently escallated battle for a friend has brought out many I know in the woodwork that are actually hurting for non THC flower.

So Auto fem = no thinking just feed. And if I can nug out a whole plant in a solo-cup my hope is donging out these CBD meds to then make FECO, Gummies, and MCT sublingual tincture like it’s going out of style.


Fuck Cancer.

Spent my last like here for my OG visit tonight, always worth it.


UPDATES! :fist:

Manitoba Poison; they are going to get up potted into orange bottom air-pots tomorrow.

I’m going to do it playing this:

Tony Green’s GG#4 RIL; they are doing really well and are taking to the training like the :canada: Women’s Olympic hockey team. I’m really digging their rhubarb coloured stems that are really popping after their LST session today.

TG GG4 RIL Plant #2:

TG GG4 RIL Plant #3:

TG GG4 RIL Plant #4:

TG GG4 RIL Plant #5:

There is no “Plant #1” as this was the one that never made it past popping; but these 4 are beyond making up for its loss with their vigour. I hope they express sex soon as it’s been 7 days of 12/12.

PROJECT: FUCK YOU CANCER; is ramping up and I must thank you all for your support.

Here are the CBD plants that are coming along.

  1. 2x ACDC; they said this was a difficult cultivator and: YES, yes it is.
  2. 3x Earth Lover AutoFem; large beans, long thick shoots. I’ve never sprouted in a air-pot before but considering my Speedcup runs it shouldn’t be much different once I figure out the ML/Day rate for the size as the grow goes along.

  1. 1x CBD OG Kush; this was a gift from a friend that got them as freebies from some Quebec based seed grower. He got them stapled to a card but the card was illegible so I have no idea who created them but I trust my friend so this one is getting into a yellow bottomed air-pot and get a re-veg after harvest 1 if it turns out as good as I hope :crossed_fingers:

Everything else is chugging along well.

The AC Infinity tent in flower has a lot of pistils everywhere and thankfully no :banana: 's. The Crocket’s Tangie and Cherry Festival were both in reveg and have some seriously weird flowering structure going on.

The 2x remaining CSI Humboldts GSC x Chem91 are flowering hard and already stink when i move around the foliage.

The AutoFems; Fog Dog, Pineapple Express, and Creme de la Chem all STINK and can be smelled outside my house :rofl: My neighbour getting the blast doesn’t care because it smells like fruit and candy :+1:

The BOG Sour BluTooth F2 is re-vegging HARD and is finally starting to produce some normal looking leaves :hugs: :leafy_green: This week is another reservoir flush with a fresh batch of veg week 3 formula. I’ve taken to top feed it the dredges of my other plants veg week 3 mix when i want to make a fresh batch.

I do this not just out of convenience, but also to have an application of Yucca as a wetting agent in the ΩPot’s soil mass as I DO NOT include it in the reservoir mixes.

Last but not least; it’s Flower Week #6 for the Horny Horse Cherry Shit Fest; aka: Unicorn Poop BX1 x Cherry Festival (Red) F2. The buds are gaining some red colour… WHICH I CAN ACTUALLY SEE DUE TO THE NEW HLG! :hugs:

More pics tomorrow and thanks for checking in & all the best to you, yours and your grows!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Dang, you lost one? Sorry to hear that. Stupid difficult variety. :wink:


Sok! That’s why 1st round is 3x seeds with 4x backups :+1:

The second plant needed a drop of water placed on the seed head daily to get it soft enough to finally bust through! I scuffed them well but these bay be in the pliers crack territory. I think the one that fizzled was heltmet choked.


Time flies when you are having fun!

…and now the magical journey continues :hugs:


A great way to celebrate the 1 year anniversary is to share the love. So I’m going to hand deliver these 2 jars to 2 different friends that have a lot of muscle pain in hope that this will help.

These jars were dirt cheap and from Dollarama and have been the PERFECT delivery method for my salves so long as it gets an electrical tape wrap (also from Dollarama) to ensure the lid is secure in transport. Never seeing the “mini jam jars” before i grabbed 2 packs and now NEED more because I feel like i’m making slaves for my very own “bed and breakfast” they are soooo darling :rofl:

The large jar (200ml) is for the person that wants it outright, and the small jar (20ml) is for someone who is open to try it and will accept more if it works but doesn’t want to take resources from someone else just in case. :smiley:


Man… that is dam good of you. the receivers will love you from now on!

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Dang Pigeonman! I wanna be your friend! lol
I hope someday I have the know how and the extra available pot to make some of this.
Among my assorted ailments, I have what is known as Dupuytren’s (du-pwe-TRANZ) contracture. It is a condition that gradually causes connective tissue (fascia) under the skin of your palm to thicken and become scar-like. Although Dupuytren’s isn’t always painful, it does restrict movement. The thickened tissue forces several fingers – usually your ring and pinky fingers – to curl in toward your palm. The bending caused by the thick tissue is called contracture.
I have this in my hands and feet as well (not normally seen in feet).
The problem is, I am a musician. As I said this doesn’t, normally come with pain but everyday I force my fingers straight and hold them there for several minutes several times a day. That has slowed the contracting of my fingers but it causes pain that lasts for hours afterwards.
I wonder if something like this would help?
I will make it a point to try making some. I believe that I would loose my danged mind if I could never play guitar again. Naa, don’t want to go there, it’ll jack up my mind for the day. Don’t need to be dwelling on that aspect. lol


WHOA @MoBilly that’s brutal!

My partner is an RMT (registered massage therapist) and she’s gonna look into this and pass me some “self help” suggestions for you.

The salve is made by decarbing flower (in this case 14g), then this crumbled flower is soaked in the coconut oil over a few hours at 180f (a sealed jar in water bath). After decarb, I toss this mass onto cheese cloth and squeeze the heck out of it into the storage jar.

I’ve made up to 30g/1cup for myself but the 14g/cup seems to be a good start for most folks; especially those non-thc consumers.

All the best @MoBilly :hugs:


Thank you Pigeonman. I appreciate that a lot. Please tell your partner I thank her for any ideas. The operation for this is truly a brutal process. The palm has to be lifted and then the fascia is trimmed and the palm is replaced. I am so not looking forward to all that. I would do it in a heart beat if it meant my continuing playing music but even this is just a temp measure and would have to be repeated.


@MoBilly ; I hope you don’t mind me posting the info here but I wanna make sure it’s accessable for anyone with Dupuytren’s Contracture.

  1. DON’T FORCE ANYTHING. It creates more scar tissue and accellerates the issue.
  2. You can do this yourself using light pressure and a marble or similar stone/rock/orb/etc.

A video showing what to do:

Further reading where the video was pulled:

:heart: :hugs:


Thank you so much! My primary care physician must not have had this info back four years ago when he told me what was going on. He suggested the stretching. I researched it back then but not a lot had been published about it and it was all so discouraging because the only fix was temp and painful. I guess more studies have been done.
This was awesome Pigeonman.
Thanks again.


EXACTLY how I make my salve. I can tell you it helps a lot with pain… I take a decent sized dollap and rub the sore spots until I feel a good bit of friction warmth and then let it soak in Good shit for pain.


Growing on the scale that is “allowable” under my permit, would actually be setting me up for a problem. There is no way that I could smoke every bit that I “could” grow. Therein lies another factor in my grows. I can, however, make salves and such with any weight that is over my “allowed on hand” weight. :thinking:


I’m sure if you really got meticulous and weighed out everything in the house, I’m probly over limit. I just keep a low profile, the cops have never been to my house nor any of my neighbors.
Now, as far as plant count, I try to keep at or under my allowed plant count. in OKLA its 6 in veg and 6 in flower per license. That’s 12 each for my household. I do not grow any more than that. If Jonny Law comes, at least they wont get me on that. and my stash looks no where near capable of being a money making ordeal. I think they would leave me alone. Like I said the key for me is LOW PROFILE. No one around here knows i smoke or grow, other than my Granddaughter.


I’ve made salves with coconut oil and added essential oils to the mix like Eucalyptus and Peppermint for a heating/cooling effect and Lavender for before bed/nighttime or Rose for just after a bath. Just a suggestion. :blush:

Also, you use “Cold Pressed Coconut Oil” right? :wink:

Celebratory…and the last of my Blue Fin Tuna. :fish:



I buy organic coconut oil so my assumption is yes? :rofl:



I would presume, organic or not, it’s of the cold pressed variety. Otherwise, it wouldn’t “firm up” once it had cooled. :face_with_monocle:

The first time I did it, I used regular old coconut oil! :rofl: Just trying to make things a bit less :woman_facepalming:t3: for others.

I hope you had a wonderful Sunday! :slightly_smiling_face:


You may be low in Iodine, iodine deficiency can cause connective tissue problem’s as well as other things, not just thyroid problems. Regular oral supplementation or direct absorbtion through the skin on the affected area can reduce symptoms in a couple of months if it is caused through iodine deficiency.