👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Thanks Shadey. I’ll talk to my wife about this. :pray::wink:

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My two brothers are the only ones that know. They are my neighborhood. :+1:
If anyone comes this far out here, they’re here to see one of us. We are beyond the end of the road.
I definitely keep it low and to my chest.



TG GG4 RIL’s are starting to show their sex.

Plant 1: Possible Hermie :worried:
Plant 2: Possible Male :+1:
Plant 4: Possible Female :+1:
Plant 5: Possible Male :thinking:

So. If I’m right then #1 = hugelkultur pile contribution and then rest will end up in the upstairs 2x2 FUCK CHAMBER with the new HLG and the mother of Horny Horse Cherry Shit Fest will come downstairs into the ac infinity tent which is on 12/12 right now.



Unicorn Poop BX1 Male x Cherry Festival (Red) F2 Female
Horny Horse Cherry Shit Fest F1

I hope all this yellow shit you see on the close-ups is just the caked on pollen after spraying down everything with water. I wiped up the tent but only fan dried the plant. :man_shrugging:

:metal: :unicorn: :poop: :cherries: :fireworks:


That sucks, anyone else seeing hermies in the RILs that you know of?


@Floyd yes.

My understanding is the new RIL run in the “gold pack” are all good but it was only the OG group buy from what I’ve read that are popping hermies here and there.

A lot of folks are sore; I’m still grateful and just being attentive always minding that GG4 was a hermie to begin with. The 2 “males” look like the have small balls no pistils, the “female” pistils, no balls, but the “hermie” is looking like what the GSC x Chem91 looked like before a few days later it was beyond obvious.

I wish I had a 3rd DeepRed puck for this tent as it really cuts down on the initiating flowering period.


Her chemo starts tomorrow so today i’m making her bone broth and hope to find a heat proof sippy cup.



Just make sure its not a plastic one, those things leach estrogen’s like a lot of plastics, when they have anything above room temp in them.


Yetis are very expensive but they actually work. Keeps Mrs Foreigner’s coffee hot all day.


Thanks for the suggestions @Shadey & @Foreigner !


The salve I make is done with coconut oil with lavender added also (whole pedals infused not oil) and it works great!



AutoFems on the home stretch with some weeks still to go:

Fog Dog:

Creme De La Chem:

Pineapple Express:

4x4 Tent Photo Period:

BOG Sour Blutooth F2: She’s a beautiful monster this one is.


I was initially thinking of letting this veg out until I have a decent canopy to then flip; but now I’m thinking considering the base of the trunk is the diameter of a 25c piece (:us: or :canada:) I should flip her into 12/12 once one of the 2x4’s is free to support photoperiods.

Ultimately time will tell but my gut has been leaning towards this over the past few sleeps.

Moving along to the other two photoperiods in here the UK Cheese Clones got trained on the weekend with some leaf plucking. They look kinda shitty now but as the new growth comes in they will look normal again. All in all when they get outside I’m going to have an epic trim jail in October.

UK Cheese Clone 1:

UK Cheese Clone 2:

Because of the Manitoba Poison I now only need 1 of these plants and I think I know who’s gonna be getting UKC_Clone#2 as a gift :smiley:

Obligatory group shot in the 4x4:

And in the flowering AC Infinity 2x4 we have a party:

Everything is filling out well, even the re-vegged Tangie & Cherry Festival. The CF is doing better than the Tangie but it’ll all be interesting smoke in the long haul. Both the Tangie and Cherry Festival will become branches on my Cannasai grafting project after they are done their run and a month of re-veg. :+1:

CSI Humboldt Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91 S1 - Plant 1:

CSI Humboldt Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91 S1 - Plant 2:

Crockett’s Tangie F2:

Cherry Festival (Red) F2:

And in the Medicine Cabinet, we have the Tony Green GG4 RIL’s:

They ALL LOOK GREAT, but now that the flowers are starting to come in questions pop up. I was hoping for at least 1x male, and 1x female for future personal seeds; but it’s looking like it “may” end up being 3x males, 1x female, and one of the males looks like it’s a hermie. :man_shrugging:

Meh, I’m still grateful and if it’s only 1F then the best male and it will go upstairs into the 2x2 tent for plant sex :heart:

Thanks for checking in! All the best to all y’all!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


I’d say flip her. She’s not gonna spread out across that screen any time soon. :confused:


i have some of those little ones, picked them up for trying to jar tech some resin.

Also likely missed it happen to have link for a recipe for said salves.


No but since so many have asked and PM’d me here is how I make my salves:

  1. first decarb 14-30g of flower per cup of cold pressed coconut oil. The amount of flower depends on the strength of it’s intended user. This batch was 14g for a non THC user.

  2. The decarbed flower is crumbled by hand, stems are removed and then put into a 500ml mason jar.

  3. Pour 1cup of melted oil into this jar and close it all up then give it a few swirls to ensure it’s all saturated.

  4. Place jar on a tea-towel which is in a pot of room temperature water. Raise this water up to 180f and then have it hold there for a few hours 3-4.

  5. When done remove from the water bath and towel dry the outside of the jar before pouring out the mass into another jar through cheese cloth and a jar funnel. I twist the mass into a ball and wring out as much warm oil as possible.

  6. Pour out portions right then and there into smaller jars or store it and split it up later. I like pouring right then and there as then I do not need to re-warm the oil to make it liquid again.

DON’T TOSS THE VEG MATTER; those dredges end up amazing in baked goods :rofl:

I store the not-in-use batch in the fridge, with the in-use in my bathroom until it’s too warm and the oil stays as a liquid.



“Dr. Wegz’ Nice and KVLTY BONE JUICE

(It’s got what bones crave!)

(*edit: the skeleton used in the image is her most recent xray in her chemo process)


I recently made up a second batch of salve and went from memory for the recipe. I used 14g because I thought that’s what I used the first time and it’s as effective as the first batch. I then realized I used 10g the first batch. Also with mine I infuse lavender pedals into another cup of coconut oil and then blend it all so technically it came out to 5g per cup for the first batch and 7g for the second and it works amazing for both seasoned smokers and those without a tolerance.

My point in writing this is to let you know you don’t have to put that much bud in to still have fantastic results. No harm in it if you still wanted to but if you’re using 30g you could at least double if not triple your production with the same results. Also again just preference if they both work but I take the mason jar and just put it in a boiling pot of water for 2 hours, adding water to the pot as it evaporates out and giving the mason jar a healthy shake and swirl every once in awhile. Again if you’re taking 4 hours for this step you could double your production here.

Oh I also add a few tablespoons of medical grade beeswax in a pot and melt it into the oil. It makes it less runny when applying to your skin and supposedly works with your body heat to absorb. Tagging @Mr.Sparkle too since you had asked for a recipe.


Fucking solid info to have @Slick1 thanks! My numbers are the same for my sublingual oil but I like hearing that good results occur for topicals when using less. I have a bag of lavender flower from an apothecary that I mix with hops to make “sleep pillows” so I’m going to add a pinch of them to the next batch made up! Thanks!

When doing this I totally use the stuff I ain’t willing to smoke :rofl:

I’ve done this before as well; and used a mini dipping sauce slow cooker but found the temps got to high for my liking for some processes. What I’m doing IS overkill, but the way my brain works I need to do something “overly well first”, then anything else after is gravy.

This is why I did 3x RDWC grow cycles indoors before ever doing a soil grow indoors. After the months of faffing required multiple times in the day for the RDWC micromanagement going back to soil felt like a joke grow with only needing 15min a day to check up on things :rofl:

THIS IS ANOTHER AMAZING TIP! Do you add during the infusion process or after straining? I can see benefits with either or.


Yeah nothing wrong with the way you’re doing it at all I just figured I should mention that you could be making bigger batches and cutting down the time if you wanted to.

I infuse and filter both the cannabis oil and the lavender oil, dump them both into a sealable container and then shake/swirl it to mix it as best I can. Then I put the wax into a sauce pan and put it on very low heat and pour the oil into the pan. I want to mix the two oils together more anyway at this point so I just keep stirring it as it warms up enough to start melting the wax and then stir that into the mix. As soon as the wax pellets are all gone I dump it back into the container.

One of the cool things about it is at room temperature it will solidify but when you put your fingers in it instantly softens up.

I also haven’t done it because I didn’t feel the need but supposedly you can make the salve psychoactive by adding magnesium stearate. I’ve read it allows it to be absorbed into the bloodstream or something so you can get high from it.


This right here is Info Gold.
Exactly how I infuse Coconut Oil for my salve. I usually dont even measure it out. I just grab a handful of buds, decarb them put them in a jar with about a cup of coconut oil. Place in a crockpot on top of some lids to get it off the bottom and let it cook for a couple hours. Shake it occasionally. Strain. When it becomes solid its salve, melted it goes into chocolates
Never thought of the bees wax. I will give it a go. Thanks brother.