👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

It’s Saturday so here’s my FUCK HUGE UPDATE! :rofl:

If you REALLY wanna set yourself into my headspace when I am working on my plants; please press play on this now.

(*for full effect make sure it’s loud and in 5.1 surround sound with a 8" active woofer)
(YES, my garden has 5.1 surround sound…)

I need to flip the BOG Sour Blutooth F2… so i did! Today is day 1 of 12/12 which means that I can now move the flowering plants from the AC infinity tent into the 4x4 and the almost done auto flowers + UK Cheese clones are going into the AC Infinity tent to run at 20/4.

Here is the 4x4’s group shot before the rearrangement:

And here’s it after:

Here is the AC Infinity 2x4 before the swap:

The Cherry Festival (red) F2 hosting seeds REALLY STANDS OUT in the crowd! :open_mouth:

And here’s the same tent with the swap:

Up close things look really happy, which of course pleases this tired gardener. :hugs:

CSI Humboldt’s Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91 S1 - Yellow Airpot: (Buds are fattening up nice :+1: )

CSI Humboldt’s Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91 S1 - Orange Airpot: (A little taller, but same sized buds)

Crockett’s Tangie F2: (It’s growing horns :rofl: )

Cherry Festival (Red) F2: (Bent over and split but still growing nuggies)

UK Cheese Clone 1: (Twizted in the best way, with a tree sized trunk for it’s size.)

UK Cheese Clone 2: (Same upper growth pattern but the bottom of this one is like an :onion: bottle!)

Fog Dog AutoFem: (I think it’s done? :thinking: , will microscope tomorrow.)

Creme De La Chem AutoFem: (I also think this one is done… or almost done… :thinking: )

Pineapple Express AutoFem: (DAMN GURL, I can’t wait to grow you again come May! :heart_eyes: )

The Medicine Cabinet 2x4 is showing it’s love as this past week there has been a growth spurt!

Manitoba Poison - Male: (Topped and balls snipped off. It seems stable now and I’ll keep it small until I want the pollen.)

Manitoba Poison - Female: (This is the star of this tent. It’s clearly said fuck yes to life and I’m grateful.)

Earth Lover CBD AutoFem - Plant 1: (Getting bigger each day! Must be doing same below soil too.)

Earth Lover CBD AutoFem - Plant 2: (A little smaller but still loved.)

ACDC CBD - Plant 1: (I think I reached a milestone with these two. Everything I’ve read about ACDC is that it’s a trouble-maker but WELL worth your time so I’m keeping my eyes on these two.)

ACDC CBD - Plant 2 (:eyes:)

OG KUSH CBD S1: (It’s reaching out! So this tells me the roots are doing the same :smiley: )

Cherry Festival (Red) F2 - Female: (Pollenated with Unicorn Poop BX1 - Male)

BEHOLD BURSTING FORTH from their dried calyxes are the mighty "Horney Horse Cherry Red Shit Fest F1 seeds!!!

Moving upstairs… Of the 3 Freedom Dream CBD seeds only 1 showed a tap root before planting, and it’s still the only one that’s done much of anything. I’ve got more in the vault so if this turns out a male then I’ll pop more later on.

Freedom Dream CBD: (:crossed_fingers: it’s a :woman: )

I also said I’d be popping some Black Snow in March and by darn-it I totally did! Two seeds in water, both came out after 36hrs with nothing; then into a small dish of soaked worm castings and double-covered.

Wonderfully, this happened 2 days later:

It’s going into a speed-cup tomorrow. :heart_eyes:

Finally there’s the matter of plant sex.

Tony Green’s Gorilla Glue #4 RIL’s: (I keep hitting the male with a stick and he just keeps cumming all over the females face! :open_mouth: :umbrella: )

Other than being into S&M, he (the male) is also into burning and scalding himself to get off even more :man_facepalming:

Tomorrow I’ll take shots of the Mother plants and a funny side by side of the Mexican Death Sativa - Male and the Mendo Breath S1 Cannasai :rofl: It’s been a while since either of them have been showcased :+1:

Thanks for checking in! I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoy doing all of this! :smiley:

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Keep hitting him!
Amazing how much you got going on. :smiley: :+1:


Fuck that’s a huge update @Pigeonman live the Om song to kick it off


Thanks @LegsMahoney ! It’s easier to spend 2hr faffing around with a steady rhythm cutting through everything making the nutrient buckets vibrate like Jeff Goldblum’s water in Jurassic Park. :hugs:


“He” has a name, you know… it’s only polite. @Slick1 didn’t come up with that excellent moniker just to be referred to in the third person all the time. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah show some GD respect!.. Hey wait a minute… :open_mouth:


NOT when I keep finding you in my garden with this look on your face and my plants are then all gooey!


What a perv. That’s my reaction to finding them all gooey and thinking about how they got that way


Next you’re gonna tell us it was your evil twin…


Yes but the issue is I have facial hair and it’s harder to spot the telltale “evil twin goatee” to tell us apart.


Me in a few weeks: “Wait… that’s not frost… THAT’S NOT FROST!!:face_vomiting: :rofl:


Mothers (and one Father) Update

The MDS and Mendo Breath are the youngest in the bunch as they’ve “only” been growing since around October 2021. Everything else is 1-2.5 years old. :mantelpiece_clock:

I took some time with these elders that live upstairs. I did some leaf plucking of any “sinkers” and then used a silicone basting brush on all branches to remove any dead matter that may have accumulated over the last month. :smiley:

Mexican Death Sativa - Male:

Mendo Breath S1:

Pink Cookes:

UK Cheese:

Kosher Kush:

Gelato 33:

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Your Plants are looking :wave:t2: Fabulous :wave:t2:!!

I use the same twist tie material from Dollarama, Mom used to call me the “Dollar store Queen” :princess:t3:! Adore the Cannasai configuration.

I don’t have anywhere near the patience yet to train my ladies the way you do, or perhaps it’s the :hot_face:, I’m usually sweating my lady ballz OFF after about 5min inside my tent! :rofl:

Don’t forget to move your Gnome around too…they get mischievous :smirk::upside_down_face::wink: if they don’t get a change of scenery routinely and will start causing shit. My great grandmas Irish Superstitions. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Wonderful update! As usual. :blush:


Bahaha! That’s 1 of many through out the house. The ones outside are in corpse paint :hugs:


That’s great! Did you buy them or paint them yourselves? :art:

The partner would “pitch a bitch”and have to “douche” his “mangina”, and my elderly neighbour’s would be all a flutter with gossip, except at Halloween. :rofl:

It’s naught but the “status quo” round here and it’s driving me crazier than usual! :crazy_face:


That suuuuuxxx. :open_mouth:

I painted them myself. Everything from Dollarama except a spray sealant that I got at crappy tire. I was thinking about Dollarama modge podge but worried about it’s weather proofing abilities. 2 coats a day apart any my gnomes are 4 season.

The one from the store looks angry, holds a sign saying “Go Away!” , and is right next to my front door.


Things I did today:

  1. collected a sheet of foil worth of GG#4 Ril pollen to send to @Floyd for his lady GG4 ril in waiting.
  2. i used a small amount of this pollen on a brush on 1x nug of: H.CSI’s GSC x Chem91 :smiley:

I also watered but that’s everyday! :slight_smile:


This makes me soooooo HAPPY! :smiley:
Just for the record, the lady is a GG#4 S1 I’ve been growing since 2018.
She is very nice. :wink:


I was the one with the GG4 RIL lady in waiting. :slight_smile: She’s got about a week and a half left to veg, if all goes as planned.



DONE! I’ll have enough to pass you as well! **THANK YOU FOR THE STONER REMINDER @Cormoran !!! :heart:

Also… i did it…

I just ordered the Jalsico (Mexican Landrace) seeds from The Landrace Team. :open_mouth:

FUCK!!! I don’t like spending this much on seeds… like EVER. But i’ve actually brought this strain subconsciously into MY DREAMS which I’m reading as a sign to move forward and make these both available and to make some seriously strong medication by utilizing it’s magic in crosses, tinctures and as personal smoke.

It’s been over 1 month and every day I think about this strain so I’m 100% pulling a:

I mean SERIOUSLY, just look at this and tell me you don’t have :heart_eyes: !

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians: