👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing



Seriously thought thanks for the love bruv. :smiley:

That’s Metsatoll, one of my favourite bands and from :estonia: . They are folk metal with some seriously solid work over the years!

Here they are doing a live fundraiser for the Ukraine with the Estonian National Choir:



Great work @Pigeonman, love the 360 gif! Another fantastic post and your grow, as always…impeccable!


Sad to hear the bubblegum5k was a male.

Next one will be The One!



Got my goodies in from @Great_lakes_Genetics. All @Tonygreen related magic beans!

I ordered:


:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

Looks like there’s gonna be a Black Rose Sea in the near future along with some heavy hitters that came along for the ride! :hugs:

Additionally… I’ve got a Preservation Run now in the works starting up on the First night of Hanukkah:

That’s right. This Pagan is getting Biblical ! (But not by committee. lol)

:star_of_david: :metal: :menorah: :metal: :star_of_david:


@ShitSeeds here’s a mini update on the Blackout Bobby x Superfreak Testers:

As you can see above I’m all like:

BUT, there was the one that I had to dig up the second time only to find it with a 4mm tail growing BUT aiming straight up! It’s been a while since I’ve planted an “Australian Seed” so I carefully put it back and have been using a 1ml dropper to coax it to catch up as best as it can.

Regardless of it’s efforts this is my still general expression when I look at it compared to the other 3; and especially after finding it growing upside down :upside_down_face: .



LMAO Poor little confused seedling. Glad they are doing somewhat well after a tough shell battle. Maybe a little leggy so far? They look a little anxious lol

I just finished soaking and paper-toweling about 75-100 seeds for a better pop-test. So far I think they’re already cracked and starting after just 8 hours. Leaving them to ripen a bit was definitely a good idea. Patience is not my virtue lol

I guess we are testing these almost in sync. Race ya?! lol

P.s. Keanu is a legend. Great GIF.


Hey @ShitSeeds the public shaming worked!!!

The other 3x Blackout Bobby x Superfreak are growing strong; as are the Texada Timewarps and @Berserker7205 's Chocolate Chunk. :ok_hand:

Saved the best for last as here’s the showcase for today…

Buddha’s Cane S1: The “WTF?! But I Still Love You so Let’s See Where This Goes” Edition. It’s getting up potted this weekend :+1:


:metal: :metal: :metal:


Gotta make space cause in 3 days come sundown:




Killer work on those Jaliscos @Pigeonman ! Kudos on your successful seed run!


Good to see they came through for you. They later round of seeds were much less difficult, but I’m excited to see what you get with those.

These are a pop test I just did of those BBxSF

That BC is insanely warped, but I think she’ll bounce back. Looks like a misfired pepper plant I had last spring. Took over a month to get her sh*t together haha


I got almost everything ready for the big event starting tomorrow night!

:star_of_david: :menorah: :star_of_david:

Today i’ll be rolling up the 8x small joints of Kosher Kush to place in the :menorah: , and I just need to get a candle to put in the middle to light them over the course of Dec18-26th.

Fun Story about getting the Menorah:

My best friend of 31+ years and his wife have JUST had their second child. Their first is named Archer, after Captain Archer of the Starship Enterprise NX-01 and now their second is named Trip, after Commander Charles Tucker III (aka: “Trip”), the Chief Engineer of the same ship but most importantly the best friend of Captain Archer.

All this playful nerdiness aside… I have been given the honour, privilege and duty of being Trip’s Godfather. :smiley:

I’m Pagan and they are Jewish, but that doesn’t matter when it comes to love and family and never has.

So when I declined their invite to Trip’s bris stating: “I do not support child mutilation on behalf of a guilt-trip from the dead.”, they understood and respected it and additionally DID have up at the event a photo i took of myself imitating Marlon Brando as the Godfather so I can be represented at this event as Trip’s Godfather".

I’m 100% against circumcision IF NOT A WILLING CHOICE BY THE PARTICIPANT but there is also the “naming” part of the ceremony which I wanted to be a part of… hence the photo :rofl: The event was masked as well as there are a lot of Covid and respiratory illness cases going around again so I took the photo WITH A MASK ON and they laughed so hard when I gave it to them I know it was appreciated. :wink:

That’s the backstory… and here’s the punchline about the Menorah.

Last night I got a message saying “I found my spare :menorah: 's! Can you come by tonight to both drop off the folding table I loaned you + grab the Menorah as we are out all day tomorrow.” I agree fully, throw on some pants and then head on over. They live 1km away so it’s legit less than 5 minutes unless there’s construction blocking the way.

As I pull up to the turn into their crescent street there’s a delivery truck making the same turn right in front of me so I follow it but OF COURSE it’s also going into the lane way I need to use to access my buddies garage door…

…and it’s a tight shit-show in there so I resolve to park on the street and walk the table over instead of playing bumper cars. I pull around, park and get the table in the air and walk over only to find the driveway is being BLOCKED by the same delivery van :man_facepalming: .

I walk around awkwardly and then call my bestie mentioning the truck and hilarity of this all so he can come down and let me in.

As the garage door starts to open I hear a panicked woman’s voice behind me: "OH THANK GOD! YOU ARE OPENING THAT GARAGE DOOR! I’ve been trying to get a hold of that household in order to figure out HOW I’m getting this 75lb delivery to them and they are not answering their phone!"


This woman had 100% reason to be distressed… just looking at her SHE WAS ABOUT 75lbs!? so moving the box was not possible without damage to her or the items in it! :rofl:

“What is the package?” I asked, “I’ll let them know and come back to help get it inside. They have a 2 week old and a 1 year old… please don’t be too offended about them not answering their phone as they may not even know what day it is right now!”.

She laughed so hard she was teary when she settled down to answer:

“It’s a…”
(she paused to look inside the truck at the large box)

I laughed equally and harder, then got to it and ran in to let them know and then addressed the situation while each stood there stunned both holding a child in their arms while I moved around.

I feel blessed by all this and see it as a great sign of things to come for the following reasons:

  1. Choosing to jump up at the message and go right-away to do the initial pickup/drop-off meant I was there at the exact perfect time to help
  2. My friend and his wife were expecting the crib to arrive on MONDAY, not FRIDAY so this was a total surprise to them and caught them COMPLETELY OFF GUARD.
  3. This was the first time I got to actually see my God child in person due to everything on my plate and theirs… and of course it’s cosmically timed with also going over to collect a :menorah: for a seed-preservation run & ends up as a double-mitzvah with me lugging Trip’s new bed from a truck into the garage alone… with their proud papa and I carrying the 75lbs up 5 flights of stairs to the top floor of their townhouse. :rofl: :ok_hand:


That’s awesome @Pigeonman, I’m sure you’ll help give their child a future they can’t refuse.


Thanks @CanuckistanPete ! :hugs:

I choose to be “that” Godfather that is open to whatever Trip actually want of themselves if they ever reach out (work/study choices, gender, religion, etc…).


Haha! Seems your universe is aligned proper! Congrats GodFather!

Your stables are full of variety!!! Love it! And Jalisco #6, oh yeah!!!

giphy (5)


I’m very tired but equally excited so mini-update now and a bigger one tomorrow…

Check out what I found inside Jalisco :mexico: Landrace Plant #6:

My fingers stink of carrots and considering all this for what little plant mass was produced I’m very much looking forward to what I’m going to find in the other 5x plants tomorrow! :grin:

:metal: :grin: :+1:


Peeling carrots is one of my least favourite things to do.


Seriously awesome story, I loved it.
This thread is gonna be straight FIRE :fire:


Trip has a wonderful Godfather bro…


Respect Brother !



:arrow_double_down: :play_or_pause_button: :+1:


@Indoornesian 's second annual solo cup challenge being all like:

Bog’s Sour Bubble:

C99 BX1:

Detroit Big Energy x Roadkill Skunk:


CSI’s Purple Urkle BX1 F2:

Stuck in Plain Sight:





GREAT!, they look GREAT from the top. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Everything in the 4x4 is doing well! @MarsHydro this FC-6500 is a photon pumping PPFD dream come trve! At only 78% dimmed I can’t go any higher… which is not a problem in the least :rofl: :sun_with_face:

Far back (left to right): Horny Horse Cherry Red Shitfest F1, BOG’s Sour Strawberry (Gushers), Rockstar.

Mid-Row (left to right): Blueberry Twist S1, Alien OG.

HHCRSF F1: I’m speechless! Rhubarb stems, under-leaf is already red in tone, bud formation = stellar! I’m going to take this plant out of the tent for a day to pollinate the lower branches with Jalisco pollen in an attempt to produce a cross I will call: Tijuana Donkey Show!!! (Gotta thank @Foreigner for the brainstorm that lead to this name :rofl: )

Bog’s Sour Strawberry: Compact plant so far with a mandala leaf structure! (Like the Buddha’s Cane). I pulled 2 yellowed leaves off of this plant and they smell like strawberries! (Great work @CADMAN !)

Rockstar: Lemony terps so far when I pulled a leaf and stem rubbed. I’m really happy with this plant and it’s slated for a reveg as I delayed taking cuttings and don’t have it in my to ruin it’s progress this far into 12/12 (week 3). Thanks again @Andrane for this great adventure I’m on! :smiley: :+1:

Blueberry Twist S1: All the branches are sooooo tight and are also all still hiding under the major fan leaves :rofl: :+1: Rather than defoliate I’m just gonna sit back and watch whatever it decides to do with itself. Thanks @GorillaSeeds for these genetics again; I am very much looking forward to the extreme blueberryness of it all!

Alien OG: Growing like a shrubbery! :rofl: . One solid trunk of a main stem going up into :fireworks: of :leaves: ! @Oldtimerunderground this one is very pretty and weird. I imagine it’s gonna become a poof-ball when in deep flower. :ok_hand:

Off to the AC Infinity 2x4 which is keeping all the vegetative plants happy at 24/0 (20c on average) with the SF2000 at 80% dimmed.

Back row (left to right): UK Cheese (up-potted clone), Peanut Butter Breath (Trifoliate), Peanut Butter Breath (Crunchy), Buddha’s Cane S1 (Up-potted and topped).

Middle row: Texada Timewarp (Plant 1)

Closest Row (left to right): UK Cheese (clone), Chocolate Chunk (Plant 1), Buddha’s Cane S1 (Muto), UK Cheese (clone)

The Texada Timewarp & Buddha’s Cane S1 are locally (for me) from @ShitSeeds and the Chocolate Chunk is from @Berserker7205. The CC has more “cousins” upstairs in the 2x2 tent getting their roots growing for an up-potting soon enough.

Buddha’s Cane S1; up-potted in the BOG style :wink: .

UK Cheese (Clone); also up-potted in the BOG style.

Peanut Butter Breath: Trifoliate from @Purple-N-Hairy. (*I’m so happy with this plant I just can’t even…!)



Upstairs in the 2x2 under the HLG100 4000K are all the lil’darlin’s just about reaching day “14”… the “”'s are some plants took-off faster than others so I’m going to leave them a week or so longer before up-potting.

They are in speed-cups so no circling root worries for this guy!

Left row + far back of middle-row = Blackout Bobby x Superfreak (1st Testers) from @ShitSeeds
Middle row (front 2 only) = Chocolate Chunk from @Berserker7205
Right row = Texada Timewarp from @ShitSeeds

Those BBxSF gave me a run for my time but



Today I need to roll up those 8x Kosher Kush joints for the :menorah: as TONIGHT’S THE NIGHT!!!

Thanks for stopping on by to my Hobbit hole! :hugs:

:metal: :grin: :+1: