👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Have an electrifying Christmas?


Tis just a we lil’ Festive Eel!


Happy Christmas to you and your eel I hope you both have a wonderful day man.


Hope your all following :blush: " Sneek Peak "
Haha NOBODY seen the sneek peak… to many people busy with Christmas. Another time then.


Pulled up here in my rocking chair. :sunglasses:




Ahhhhh Love it! :laughing:


It’s happened! I just dusted 2x branches of Horny Horse Cherry Red Shitfest F1 with Jalisco pollen!

There is now a chance for: "Tijuana Donkey Show F1"



That’s awesome


El burro de mierda - sounds delicious!


Lil’ am update:

:metal: :play_or_pause_button: :arrow_double_down: :+1:

Jew Gold 1974: All 3 are strong and have been moved into the 2x2 under the HLG100 and will be up-potted to Orange Air-pots on Jan 1st.

Horny Horse Cherry Red Shitfest F1:
Both branches that were dusted with Jalisco pollen and then paper bagged for 2 days have seem to have taken to the treatment well. At the end of day 2 I took of the bags and sprayed down the plant with water and then moved it back downstairs the start of lights on day 3. Looking closely at the pollinated flowers all the pistils are shrivelled in the way I had hoped for. :ok_hand:

This means that soon enough:

An amazing plant… but of course there is a catch: it’s herming. :man_facepalming: . The other day I noted that some of the pistils on this plant were going brown were every other plant is still bone white… and of course I found one open :banana: and then started plucking anything remotely resembling a male flower. It’s too nice of a plant to considering anything drastic so instead it’s been moved to the section of this tent directly below the exhaust fan and with the most still air in there. The way it’s growing it’ll be worth the extra effort picking the occasional :banana: . I did consider migrating it into the 2x2 to keep it away from everything but need that space for my Jews Gold 1974; which is much more of a priority for keeping separate.


Blackout Bobby x Superfreak & Texada Timewarp (from @ShitSeeds):
ALL growing really well in their 1L air-pots. The above ground growth is starting to fill in so I imagine the under the soil action is a party. These will be grown for 4-5 weeks and then sexed before up-potting and allowing to grow bigger again before the real flowering period begins.


Peanut Butter Breath(s):
It’s been 7 days under 12/12 and I think it’s settled that one is Male and the other is Female. The plant showing the early signs of :banana: is Trifoliate, where the Female is Crunchy. No stress here as Trifoliate will be the one pollinating any Female Chocolate Chunk plants and any CC plants expressing male may end up being used to pollinate Chrunchy.

These plants were grown with the sole intention for a seed run with the Chocolate Chunks so I might as well go big as I’m already home. :rofl:


I’m going to train them in the next few days as they are both branched enough to finally do it! :rofl:

All the best to y’all today! Huzzah!



Quick :camera: of the Jew Gold 1974 on Day 11 (aka: today!):

:metal: :star_of_david: :metal:


Awesome :ok_hand:


Interested… going for Peanut butter cup ?


I was thinking “Reese’s Pieces” :smiley:


I love it… I’ll have to grow this strain myself once your done with it. Sounds yummy.


Last night confirmed:

Peanut Butter Breath: “Trifoliate” = MALE
Peanut Butter Breath: “Crunchy” = FEMALE

:grin: :+1:

While I was hoping for “Trifoliate” to be the female; “Crunchy” is an amazing plant and will make a great seeds. Later today i’m going to up-pot the female into a yellow air-pot.

I’ll be putting the Chocolate Chunks into 12/12 tonight so :crossed_fingers: that I have at least one solid Male and Female out of the 3x plants. I can do the cross now with the plants no matter what but ideally getting the male/female from the Chocolate Chunks would allow for the following variations:

(Type A): Peanut Butter Breath: “Trifoliate” (Male) x Chocolate Chunk (Female)
(Type B): Chocolate Chunk (Male) x Peanut Butter Breath: “Crunchy” (Female)

I also have to redo the name as I forgot that I always eat Reese’s Pieces with M&Ms mixed together as I get them from a bulk store which is why my brain kept on associating the candy with chocolate & peanut butter versus what is actually is: candy coated peanut butter. :man_facepalming: :rofl:

The other way I have RP’s is mixed with Anise balls making: “Anise’s Pieces” (it works better than you think if you like black licorice :+1: ). There is a mini candy dispenser filled with this in the house with a pile of :canada: pennies next to it for anyone that wants. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Anyways, after sleeping on this I’m gonna call the variations:

Triple Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls:
{Peanut Butter Breath: “Trifoliate” (Male) x Chocolate Chunk (Female)}

Crunchy Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls:
{Chocolate Chunk (Male) x Peanut Butter Breath: “Crunchy” (Female)}



While many may have popped seeds last night to bring in 2023 I instead decided to up-pot the Jew Gold 1974 plants early… and oh are they happy about it!

The roots were already crawling back up the side-walls of the speedcup even though they are “only” 14 days old.

They also got their 1st spay-down with BudBusterPro so I’m expecting an even bigger boost of growth in the upcoming weeks. Their feeding at transplant time was a mix of Monosilic Acid, Copper, B-52, & RhyzoTonic :ok_hand:

Considering I do the same thing for all my seedlings these plants above and below soil are displaying all the signs that they are really happy and appreciative for having been unfrozen and released from their shell casings! :blush:

As a non-drinker I woke up a little tired from all the smoke consumption last night but no hangover to speak of which is always nice.

However, for any of y’all who had “a time” last night never forget

:metal: :rofl: :+1:


Happy New Year @Pigeonman



Happy new year Mr Pigeonman :+1: