👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

I was like damn!!! lol


Happy New Year, Senor Pigeonman! All the best for 2023. Keep it golden! :grin::v:


Little ball rubbing. Lol
You’re crazy funny.
Happy new year


Happy New Year Birdman!



:play_or_pause_button: :arrow_double_down: :+1:


Let’s start with the Jew Gold 1974 preservation run as the plants are taking off like :rocket: 's since the up-potting on New Years Eve!

Even Quigley is impressed!

Moving into the AC Infinity 2x4 there’s more space again as the Chocolate Chunk plants are in the 4x4 getting sexed. I flushed the hell out of both the UK Cheese plants and the male Peanut Butter Breath.

Buddhas Cane S1: MUTO:

Peanut Butter Breath: Trifoliate Male:

Texada Timewarp:

UK Cheese - Plant 1:

UK Cheese - Plant 2:

The MedCab 2x4 is also on vegetation duty like the AC Infinity 2x4 and will be the home for the larger plants getting ready for summer days and all the 1L air-pots working on root duty until they are all sexed.

Blackout Bobby x Superfreak Tester Plant 1:

Blackout Bobby x Superfreak Tester Plant 2:

Blackout Bobby x Superfreak Tester Plant 3:

Blackout Bobby x Superfreak Tester Plant 4:

Buddhas Cane S1:

Texada Timewarp 1:

Texada Timewarp 2:

Texada Timewarp 3:

BOG’s Sour Bubble:

UK Cheese:

Peanut Butter Breath - Female “Crunchy”:

There’s a lot of action in the 4x4 with the different flowering week plants + sexing going on. It’s nice to see all the different stages alongside each other in the same space when it can happen.

First are the 3x Chocolate Chunk plants getting sexed.

Chocolate Chunk 1:

Chocolate Chunk 2:

Chocolate Chunk 3:

Next up are the 2x Solo-Cup plants still standing and on their second week of flower (week 3 since 12/12 flip).

C99 BX1:

Detroit Big Energy x Roadkill Skunk:

And of course the ladies currently in week 5 of flower (6 weeks since 12/12 flip).

Alien OG:

Blueberry Twist S1:

BOG’s Sour Strawberry F3 (Gushers):


Horny Horse Cherry Red Shitfest F1: (It’s blowing my mind!!!)

:camera: = :sunglasses:

:camera_flash: = :exploding_head:

BONUS: The Jalisco pollen took!!! All the flowers dusted have FAT calyxes developing seeds where everything else is bone white and still wispy!!! :heart_eyes:

It’s gonna be fun when I get larger plants in here as right now I giggle a little each time I see this :yin_yang: effect with the tent due to my current hanging height! :rofl:

Thanks so much everyone for checking in! All the best to you and yours as we continue the first week of 2023 :crossed_fingers:.

:metal: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:


Everything is looking fabulous :ok_hand:


Wow , nice as always :star_struck:

have a great year @Pigeonman :green_heart:


Looks good brotha keep up the good work happy new year


Always one of the more interesting grow logs on here. Thanks for the great updates.


@CADMAN , @g1900 , @Big_Yeloe , @CanuckistanPete thank y’all so very much and big love back to all y’all!


I tried to do some sniff testing of the week 5 flowers but somebody reproduced BOG’s SourStrawberry into an F3 so well that has it being the *first plant tested legitimately ruined my ability to smell anything else afterwards but:

:rofl: :strawberry: :exploding_head:

On a completely random note here’s a PSA:


I connected the 2x LED green bulbs + the string of LED lights to one button power-lead so it’s beyond idiot proofed. :+1: :rofl:

Have a great night everyone!


Hahaha this is just funny. I’m hopeful that smell stays into cureing the buds as well.


Can I ask a few questions @Pigeonman?

  1. You mentioned that you water the solo cups daily with 2oz around the other edge. Was it like that from the start to end/transplant?
  2. When your adding worm castings on top of the solo cups, how much and how frequent?
  3. When you topped your Mendo, how long was them stem on the cutting?

Thanks! :grinning:


Anytime @TricycleOfDoom !
:fist_right: :fist_left:

Q: You mentioned that you water the solo cups daily with 2oz around the other edge. Was it like that from the start to end/transplant?

A: It’s by weight. When I make up the cup I take a mental note of the weight by feel as that’s the most saturated I want the medium to be while the roots are starting off. I’ve been doing this long enough that it’s intuitive but I started with a kitchen scale until it was muscle memory. The scale was great but honestly to much faffing around for me moving the pots in and out versus lifting them just off the tent floor by a few mm. :rofl: :+1: Some days there’s no need to water, some days it’s am and pm. I love those days cause it means some hot root action going on under dem dar soilline :smiley:

Q: When your adding worm castings on top of the solo cups, how much and how frequent?

A: It’s usually the top 1" of the cup right at the start before saturating it a day before planting. Afterwards I usually only add EWC in espresso spoonfuls around the seedling as a mound built up around the stem as it goes upwards; and/or to cover up any white I see as I tend to plant my seeds 3/4 of the way into the EWC after any sign of taproot in the 24-36hr soaking period. They always look like little hemets buried in shit but I can see what’s going on at all times… even though sometimes they dig themselves up and out so I have to replant them :rofl:

Its still worth it. I hate having to dig in the cups to see if a seed failed or stalled.

Q: When you topped your Mendo, how long was them stem on the cutting?

A: Oh damn I don’t remember at all. That plant was in a 1L square pot that was around 6.5" tall (i think…) if you can extrapolate from that from the image your referencing. I tend to let the plants tell me by insight when to top them. Sometimes it’s 4 weeks, sometimes 3 months it all depends on what the plants wants to be honest. Although if I were to think about my “hard rules” it would be: min 4 nodes.

I miss that plant as I lost it due to a insect related misshap. I had to quaranteen it outside and only 2 tiny branches were going so I put it near the compost heap but still potted as I didn’t have the heart to cull it. It kept trucking until the first frost, but by then it had 2 tiny nugs that were deep purple and smelled up the area. 100% need to pop some again next seed round after my #'s are back down.


Awesome, thanks for the detailed responses. :metal:


No problem @TricycleOfDoom as I want to see everyone here on OG BLOSSOM.
Anyway I can help I will.
(within reason… :rofl:)





Lmfao that 1st gif.



The Chocolate Chunks have shown sex with 1x male and 2x female… so i can do the double cross!!



Fantastic brother :clap: :raised_hands:


:play_or_pause_button: :arrow_double_down: :+1:

Damn things are getting prettier in the 4x4…

Opening this thing up everynight releases a warm waft of heavily perfumed air laiden with a faboo mixture of strawberries, flowers with undertones of rotting fruit. Although if you get up close and knock the AlienOG add a fuel note to those undertones. :wink:

AlienOG: (@Oldtimerunderground )

Blueberry Twist S1: (@GorillaSeeds )

BOG’s Sour Strawberry F3 “Gushers”: (@CADMAN )

Rockstar: (@Andrane )

This thing is STACKED, here is the top cola with the added bonus of sexy-foilage fade:

No word of a joke I spaced out when documenting and forgot to take a full plant photo of the Horny Horse Cherry Red Shitfest F1 because of getting distracted by up close inspection of the plant’s lower branches now clearly ripe with seeds.

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :ok_hand:

Up close here is what will be: “Mayan Donkey Show F1”

You can see from the frost that this surely will be a winner. (:crossed_fingers: )

(Unicorn Poop BX1 x Cherry Festival “Red Pheno” F2) x Jalisco :mexico: Landrace

Below these seeds in production are the goodies from @ShitSeeds which include the 4x Blackout Bobby x Superfreak testers along side 4x Texada Timewarp’s. They’re beefy-as-fuck now and need to be sexed.

Top-set of 3 (1L air) + 1x middle row (1L air) = Blackout Bobby x Superfreak
Remaining 3 (1L air) + larger plant all near door = Texada Timewarp

The remaining 2x plants in here are the solo cup plants, which could be doing better but it is what it is.

I noted blotching leaves a while back and started addressing the start of this lockout by flushing them long and hard with 1/4 strength nutes. After the run-off went looking like rancid-piss to a light tea colour I stopped and then feed them only water for the remainder of the week.

During that time the damaged leaves slowly dried up and were plucked and I watched the plants eat themselves via the leaves and kept plucking as they yellowed into “sinkers”.

All in all it worked because the necrosis stopped so it was time to feed, and urgently as this was flowering week 2 :man_facepalming: . They started getting fed again on friday with some added some cal-mag into my flower week 3 mix but I have additionally mixed up 1L of H20 + 1/2 TBS of Epsom salt (dropped the PH down to 6.4 after mixing) to be used as a foliar fed these ladies.

They got their first soaking yesterday and were allowed to dry off with a breeze from a box fan before they went back under the indoor-sun-grid.

C99 BX1: (@Mithridate )

Detroit Big Energy x Roadkill Skunk: (@Kushking902 )

Moving all the @ShitSeeds gear into the 4x4 for sexing means that the MedCab seems mighty empty… :rofl:

Left to Right:
UK Cheese Clone,
Buddhas Cane S1 (@ShitSeeds ),
Peanut Butter Breath (@Purple-N-Hairy )

In the AC Infinity 2x4 the plants in veg are in their holding pattern.

Back-row, Left to right:
Chocolate Chunk (Female 1), Chocolate Chunk (Female 2), (@Berserker7205 )
Peanut Butter Breath (Trifoliate - Male) (@Purple-N-Hairy )

Front-row, Left to right:
Buddhas Cane S1: Muto Edition (@ShitSeeds )
BOG’s Sour Bubble (@DougDawson )
Chocolate Chunk (MALE!!!), (@Berserker7205 )

I’m so happy that I have 1x Male Each of the PBB & CC! It’s going to be double the work now but it’s also gonna be doubly worth doing all of this.

:smiley: :+1:

Upstairs always brings a smile when you open a tent to find these every morning:

The Jew Gold 1974 preservation-run is going strong with these plants looking the way they do.
(pictures taken before watering)

Jew Gold 1974 Plant 1:

Jew Gold 1974 Plant 2:

Jew Gold 1974 Plant 3:

A note I should mention is that each and every single plant you see above has been treated with BudBusterPro (@BudBusterPro) for reasons that are obviously seen via the results showcased in the images.

While this is only a part of the success, I do have to note that in the year of me using the stuff it has become a foundation part of my growing regime along side CopperGro, GroSilic and Yucca extract.