👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Have a great Monday @Pigeonman


Thanks @Heliosphear ! Same to you and the fam! :heart:


:play_or_pause_button: :arrow_double_down: :+1:

:metal: :star_of_david: :metal:

JEW GOLD 1974 are all on Day 29 since hitting water!

They all got topped yesterday, and I haven’t seen any sign of white-flies since the double soaking and Aquabac attack!

Up close and personal you can see they are nodes all the way down. :v:

This now leaves me with debating to flip or to wait? :thinking:

If I let them go a few more weeks there will be more yeild but I’m not sure how they’ll stretch so this may cause me problems as this preservation run is gonna be start to finish in this same 2x2 tent…

Ugh! So many decisions… gonna make a poll…

:metal: :grin: :+1:

Flip Jew Gold 1974 or wait?
  • Flip to 12/12 today.
  • Wait 1 week to flip.
  • Wait 2 weeks to flip.

0 voters



Wutooooh got a tie 33% across the board. :sunglasses:
I voted wait a week but I think you should go with your instincts from your previous practice grows.


My thought were: Now for a quarter to an ounce, a week for an ounce to three, two weeks for MORE. :joy:

I’d say FLIP Now. Everything Jew Gold got crossed with so far was TALL.

Photo of Kosher Daddy F1 indoors.

Ps. The 1 in the back looks male @Pigeonman
Ultimately it’s up to you my friend.


Funny I thought that was a roach lol

1 Like

How do you like those pots? Air pots I think they are called? Kinda same principle as speed pot more o2 to roots?


Freaking love airpots @420noob ! I made my speedcups because of my airpots


Noticable plant health difference? How much more often do you have to water?


Alright! Thanks everyone with 46% we’re gonna wake 1x week and them flip the Jew Gold 1974!


I ended up doing a lot more surprise work in the basement than I expected but it’s always worth it when this happens.

In the pic above you can see the new addition above the Mars Hydro FC-6500 light; another tower-fan! This white fan is rigged up on hangers like the black one on the right and is aimed down at a matching 45 degree angle.

The air in here is now nice and gentle, yet EVERYWHERE :wind_face: .

I moved in both of the Female Chocolate Chunks and the female Peanut Butter Breath. Being at the end of flower with the 5 ladies in here I’ll have space in less than 2 weeks so the timing is right.

The solo cups are on flower week 4 and the pistils are bone white and long. :+1:

I up-potted both of the female Texada Timewarp plants from 1L air-pots to the next size up (orange); and finally the Buddhas Cane S1: Muto Editon from it’s orange pot into a yellow matching it’s sister.

They are all in the MedCab 2x4 and as you can see the Muto plant has some catching up to do with her sister (in the middle) who is already MUCH MUCH larger next to her.

The AC Infinity tent now seems like an empty nest with everything getting either up-potted or shifted into flowering. :sob: / :rofl:

I’m seriously thinking about getting another 2x2 tent for breeding as the 2 males in here are always throwing banana’s at me regardless of the light being 24/0… The additional 2x2 would free up space as another chucking tent. :thinking:

Best thing is I have all the spare parts to put in a new 2x2 if it happens. :+1:

Cheers folks and all the best!



I’d say so! You get more bang for your buck with your footprint but if you fuck-up and let it dry out it can be really bad. Another reason to check daily. Additionally if you are unsanitary and or are prone to insects there are now litterally hundred of access points into your soil versus just the top layer… I rarely have issues and this last one was due too other non-cannabis plants in the room that I can only turn 1x a week. And 1 week was all it took for those buggers to give me a scare!

Depending on what period it is in the plant’s life-cycle it can range to every-day to every few days.

My suggestion is to get used to the weight of them during the plants growth when appropriately saturated and then you can water as needed. I check on my plants daily and each plant gets a 1/4 turn no matter what. Keeps me honest and prevents me from missing things. :+1:

I can’t do this when I’m using my RDWC system but then it’s 4 MASSIVE plants so i just do “plant yoga” to check up on all sides while the missus stares at my ass like I’m a peace of meat. :v:


I noticed the airpots seem to be smaller than say cloth. Does it make up volume with height or just can get more out of a snaller airpot?


Your lucky she stares , after 45 or more years all she’ll say is gross pull up your pants .





Bent over with your ass crack hanging out playing twisty plant .


It’s the way the wiffle-waffle of the walls work. (i have no idea what it’s actually called)

Easiest way I can describe is: expect your plant to grow as if it were 1-2 pot sizes LARGER than what you are staring at.

As far as how it works:


:+1:t2: outta likes


Basically keeps the roots from circling and fools the plant into filling the pot I’m guessing.