👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

@ShiskaberrySavior consistent air-pruning of root tips resulting in excessive root noding resulting in more rootlet sites available to access water, nutrients and air. :+1:

In May when these plants go outside they’ll barely skip a beat and just consider it “game-on!”


I wonder if it is relevant: Some plants will go into flower, even under 24 hours of light, if they become root bound. I threw out my MOB before knowing she suffered from this limitation, only to be informed after the fact that this is why she was seemingly unstable :sweat_smile:


Thanks for video. I went to website as well I understand now. I llive in high planes desert and can only control heat and humidty to a point. Seems like these will help keep roots cooler and more humidity. 115°f and 15%rh is hard to battle indoors even gets up to 87-90°f with ac blasting.


why not 3 names… is 100% uncut dick cheese not good enough ?? uk cheese x meat breath,

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Hot damn I was browsing and then noticed the Mammoth Classic 60 was on sale for 70$!

I have my “work local” and “home local” grow shops but this is my “local but inconvenient” shop where they offer free shipping over 99$ so they still get my money if they have what I need at a competative price and the total makes it free to my door.

The tent was discounted just enough that when I added the needed hardware to bring it all up to the original price of the tent. :grin: :+1:

If I luck out it’ll be here by the weekend, if not then i’ll just have to deal. :rofl:

This set-up is going on the main floor just by the basement door… but to avoid any cross contamination it’s getting vented out a window on the same floor.

Another build begins!!! And with it the hope that I didn’t screw up the math and have enough 6" ducting…


Yes, you need another tent. Lol


:rofl: :v:

As my Dad says: “like a hole in the head!”


Aren’t those the best things to need? You don’t NEED it but you need it.lol


Everything’s on my porch and here I am at work on the wrong side of a large city!!!


Great service! Now I just need the last bits from the Dollar store to get this all put together.



Lol. One espresso after work later…



Hi Pigeonman. I noticed your idea to hang tower fans from 2x4s and hangers. Did you figure out how to distribute the weight with hangers and mount the base so the motor can oscillate the fan? I like your idea but I’m trying to figure out how to still oscillate with the fan. Did you figure this out? Thanks


I agree 1000% @CADMAN
Sand / Diotenaceous product separates the Bedroom from the Kitchen, insects cannot travel Through it


I don’t oscillate them as I would have needed to build a jig that surrounds and suspends the tower within it out of plywood, and use rollerblade bearings on the top-end that has no motor to lower the resistance as much as possible.

The motor at the bottom will more than likely burn out fast as it’s doing something it’s really not designed for.

If I did need to oscillate I’d put a toothed belt around the middle with teeth that could work for a bike-chain, and then rig a small motor in the jig with a salvaged bicycle gear in there so it goes back and forth. It’s all too much faffing around for me though but clearly I did thing about it.

Before I decided to mount horizontally and ignore the oscillation feature I had the fan in the back corner of the tent going back and forth but this did take up space… and 16ft sq sounds like a lot of space until you’re in flower. :rofl:


I like your idea of roller blade wheels in a frame to make it work. Also I agree with the motor burning out quicker.

I’ve never seen oscillating fans like tower fans roof mounted before but it caught my eye. Thanks for the quick reply.


:camera_flash: FLASH PHOTOS! :camera_flash:

Last few weeks!

It’s flower week 8 and they are all starting to get Florakleen starting tonight. Gonna pull out the microscope soon but just by eye I’m saying most of them will have “a fork in it” within 7-14 days.

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :ok_hand:

Alien OG: @Oldtimerunderground

Blueberry Twist S1: @GorillaSeeds

Horny Horse Cherry Red Shitfest F1: Bred with elite genetics F2 & BX1’d by @G-paS & @Pawsfodocaws

Rockstar: @Andrane

BOG’s Sour Strawberry F3 “Gushers”: @CADMAN

It smells SO GOOD in here and EQUALLY GOOD outside on the South side of my house.

:metal: :rofl: :+1:


I’m liking that Horney Horse plant. Really pretty. Smoke any good?


Great job bringing all them to flower . Looks excellent.


No idea! This is the first plant ever taken to flower! I sent out many packs into the world and know those that started them up (and tagged me) all had different hiccups. 2 had to end runs due to emergencies, and the other grower got a male. :man_shrugging:

Hopefully seeing what this actually does with next to no training as I literally just LST’d a few lower branches so they wouldn’t larf on me.

Next round will be up for the glory that is the ΊPot!!!


It’s also got a set of nuggies at the base RIFE with seed from their hook-up with Jalisco :mexico: Landrace pollen so I’m really, really glowin’ here aboot this one.



:new_moon_with_face: tonight so time to pop some more seeds!!

This next round:

Top: Ace Seed’s Zamaldelica; Gifted to me from @DrGonzo13 who got them from @G-paS :hugs: (A super sativa hybrid with strong uplifting and lysergic effects… that’s also an 11-14 week “slow-cooking on the back-burner” sativa :drooling_face: )

Left: Manitoba Poison; from @jessethestoner (2nd year I’m running outdoors as it’s become my daily work-hours smoke :ok_hand: .)

Right: Colorado Sativa’s Delicatessen Queen Mother; from @US3RNAM3 (1st Sativa outdoors!)

Bottom: Baked Beanz’s Snake Breath; @SamwellBB 's creation gifted to me by the one and only @misterbee !



I hope that you find something good in those will be keeping an eye out Happy Seed Popping The Doc!