👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Pulling up a chair for these, best of luck :pray:


Almost done but done enough to move the first set of lovin’ plants in! I rigged one of my @MarsHydro TS1000 as the fixture for the new 2x2 and moved one of my MH TSL2000 fixtures into the MEDCAB and dimmed it down to the appropriate levels for vegging out some fems :+1:

The large pot has the female Peanut Butter Breath F2 from @Purple-N-Hairy , with the smaller pot containing the Studly Male Chocolate Chunk from @Berserker7205 .


The PBB has LST clips on the top and I’ll start wiring her down as needed over the next 8 weeks.

Cheers folks!! Have a great night!!!


Whoah that’s some nice growin bro! :exploding_head::triumph::star_struck:

I actually just found a few pics today of the Alien OG male I used from last year


What size pot is that ppb? Looking good.


Hot damn no wonder this lady looks so fine!

2.2gal (8.4L)


All but 1x Manitoba Poison seed has popped a tail over the last 36 hours and everything is in a solo-cup.

The Queen Mothers and Manitoba Poisons were the most eager to pop with them being under 24 hours; while the slow-burner Zalmaldelica’s were the last 2 to show tails at 36 hours.

Now the waiting game involving the eyedropper and cup-game :+1:

All the best today folks!


I promise to take photo’s later; it’s been a distracting weekend as Heathcliff shit/pissed up our garage in an out of site spot over the weeks we had been letting him sleep overnight in there due to the horrible weather outside. :man_facepalming:

It was so cold that my partner didn’t smell the issue for longer than we both realized. She is the one doing all of the feral cat care with my support but when I needed to go into the garage (first time in a few weeks) I was hit in the face by a wall of “cat smells”; all bad.

So the Sat/Sun/Mon has been cleaning, scrubbing and throwing out contaminated stuff. My partner is not domestic at all; i’m the “house-husband” and have been teaching her over the 10 years how to coexist in a household as she’s only lived at home until she moved in with me very late in life.

This means though that often she doesn’t catch the situational cues as fast as I do… so this is a harsh lesson for her as she knew what needed to be done to keep her stuff and the cat both safe… and she didn’t follow through and as a result a lot of her own stuff which was stored in the garage to address in the spring is now in the garbage. :man_shrugging:

I learned these lessons early in life and I feel so bad for her but after years of “being a domestic tyrant” she finally has admitted that she has a lot to learn and that all I was doing was ensuring she knew what was needed to be done by anyone in our combined household.

We’re going to be building an outdoor shed for the cats that will be a dry/warm space with a cat-door for them to get out of the elements. A cat house will be in there as well for sleeping, but this shed will allow for their security without the need for them to hide in a stuffy box of straw. :+1:

Plant updates:

Flowering Week 8 plants: All stink, all a sugary and may end up being done closer to this weekend than the next.

Jew Gold 1974 Preservation run: the plants went into 12/12 on Sunday! They are getting big already as @CADMAN warned me… there are 2 “short-stacked” and 1 “tall leggy” plant. My hope is that the tall one is a “tall-boi” and the 2 “short-stacked” are “MILFs”.

Chocolate Chunk (male) x Peanut Butter Breath (female): It’s colder in the new 2x2 that i want but it’s purpose is to get the plants pollenated, and then after a week or so of exposure the female will be pulled, washed down and then but back downstairs into the 4x4 under 12/12 rather than do an entire run in this set-up.

Summer 2023: A little more yellow than I’d like but it was expected. I’ve been adding 5ml of cal-mag+ for my feeds now to help the yellowing and am annoyingly delayed with making up a EWC/Molasses tea for all these ladies.

SoloCup Challenge: the plants are now on “week 5” flowering nutrients with bonus added shooting powder! They are stacking on the bone hairs so :crossed_fingers: this keeps going as well as it has.

Blackout Bobby x Superfreak Testers: of the 4x plants 1x was a male and the other 3x great looking females! There is 2x Gobo-girls (short-stacked) and one 1x Amazon (tall).

:new_moon_with_face: seeds: Here are the only pictures for this am!

All the best everyone!!!



Thats a Gallery of Bud-Porn right there @Pigeonman.
Bring-on the scratch n sniff


Watching this grow for sure! Is the 8.4l your finishing pot? Would say by size and root prodution the 8.4 is about equal results of a 20l plastic pot?

I am also a house husband as I cook and clean.lol have you seen way of the house husband on netflix. Good stuff second season blah



:pirate_flag: downloading now!! :hugs:


I was manic last night so I watered, I plucked, I smiled like an idiot the entire time and then passed out. :rofl:

Really… can you blame me? Just look at this:

Let me think about it…

NOPE. I’m justified to grin like a madman. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :ok_hand:

The MedCab is doing great holding down the plants vegging out for summer days outside:

In the AC Infinity Tent is a similar story:

There’s some real action going on with the ever mind-blowing fact that all these little tykes want to grow with me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: .

This pic was around 7pm last night and of the 2x solos still covered then; only 1 remains covered as of this AM.

The second Ace Seeds Zamaldelica broke soil this morning! But the other pot remains on as I don’t think the Manitoba Poison seed in there was viable at the time of pulling it from water… it had the looks of a dead but soaked seed but planted it anyways because it deserves a chance to prove me wrong. :ok_hand:

Last part of this mornings lil’ update: @CADMAN you were not kidding about the Jew Gold 1974’s stretch!!! :exploding_head:

The tall fucker in the back had better be a male, nothing showing yet as it’s only been a few days under 12/12. :rofl: :crossed_fingers:

Have a great day everyone! We have a storm warning so I’m working from home today! :joy:



Looking great. And yeah. The first Poison Daddy that grew indoors was almost 6 feet tall :laughing: :rofl:
Hopefully Jew Gold 1974 doesn’t match that lol
Can’t wait to have a handfull of Jew Gold 1974 beans, it’s a blast from the past :yum:


Sounds like i need to top that tall one again soon!!! :rofl:


I’m sure it will be fine. And likly male anyways so that’s a good thing.

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:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

I got laughed at soooo hard at my work local from one of the techs in there when I mentioned: “FINGERS CROSSED FOR A MALE!”.


That person wasn’t well versed in Cannabis then lol


Your an electrician? @Pigeonman

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Oh they are! Commercial growers when not in the shop. The laugh was that most everyone coming into the store wants flower, not seeds. So I’m the oddball and they love it!.

I’m a Renaissance man, so I have some Electrician skillz but also know when I need to delegate appropriately. :ok_hand:

This made rewiring my basement easy. I did all the planning, got all the parts, and then asked and paid my buddy under the counter who is an electrician to do the install properly. :rofl:


Good call lol :laughing: :ok_hand:


Ohh ok Got it. Makes sense. I’m like that too when I talk to people about cannabis most people I know around here just smoke it a d that about all they know lol