👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

I was telling a guy my weed had seeds in it and he looked at me like I’m a shitty grower and a fuckup because why would anyone want weed with seeds in it?

This guy is a douche for reasons other than that though.


They shuffle among us…


And trip over their own shoelaces while engaging in self congratulations.


When I give Poison Daddy samples to friends and family I have a warning lable:

“Caution! MAY CONTAIN VIABLE SEEDS: Grow them, give them away, or pass them back so I can give them away!”


Gonna tweak the new 2x2 today. I needed more EWC for tea so I ended up buying another AC Infinity Raxial 6" duct booster to swap out the Vivosun 6" fan which is pulling so much air at it’s lowest setting that the tent’s passive intakes sound like a running jet engine.

:rofl: :airplane: :wind_face:

This Raxial does a great job with the 2x4 medcab and is QUIET AS FUCK BY COMPARISON so it’ll do darn fine in the 2x2.

I also made a light baffle-box for the main passive intake and added a section of semi-ridged 6" ducting for the second passive. This gets bend around like a snake to create light traps; light doesn’t bend so the more bends in the pipe the less likely I’ll have any light leaks. :ok_hand:

Lastly arriving in the next few days will be another iPower 20x20 seedling heat mat and thermometer/controller as the tent is still too cold. :man_shrugging:

Otherwise I just need to cut a section of plywood for the top of the tent (allows for me to use the top of the tent as a shelf) and then a bracket to support the thermostat.

Thankfully this guy learned to slow down and rubberneck the curbside piles on garbage/recycle days by his resourceful Grandparents so I have plenty of scrap lumber laying around in the garage that was thankfully spared by the cat’s mess. :ok_hand:


Ever since you had to jew gold run been watching earnestly beautiful. You tent looks like a tropical rainbow pretty colors.lol looking good you have the skills of THE WAY OF THE HOUSE HUSBAND!:rofl::rofl::star_struck:


Man, you are killing it! All those buds turning out really chunky! The fall colours are amazing! I would be smiling too! I am smiling too!



A good amount of action in only a few days.

I did dig up the 1x no-show Manitoba Poison seed and as expected from the moment I pulled it out of the water: UNVIABLE.

The seed was always whitish to begin with and didn’t look healthy but because it fell out of the vial with the 2 I wanted to pop so I said “sure why not”. After pulling it out of soil and doing a very light squeeze it popped open like a zit. :face_vomiting:


So that’s out of the way now and makes it a 9 for 9 healthy seeds popped with the 1 for 1 questionable not doing much of anything but taking up space. :ok_hand:

All plants but one has opened up, where I’ve had to intervene now twice to help it out. One of the Snake Breath plant’s helmet was stuck so I used tweezers to take that off the other day… and 24 hours later it still was stuck closed because of how strong it’s seed coat was! This needed additional work with tweezers and this am it’s Cotyledon’s are starting to finally open up. :rofl: :muscle: :seedling:

Have a great FRIDAY!!!



Be Manic ALL YOU WANT @Pigeonman, its a Post you have to scroll through a few times… cuz its got so much going-on.

Question: Blue Cups with Grey Rectangular baskets… are the grey baskets just for Stability of the Solo Cup?

And I noticed a Nicely shaped, Donut of Compost on one specific plant…

Is that a special Mulch for That plant?

And have a Great Day! Thanks in advance. Please, carry-on


Thanks @MissinBissin !


The solo cups can fall over when they get their top-heavy grow-show going; so rather than worry I cut holes into “nick-nack baskets” from the dollarstore. They cost me $2 per 3x baskets and I use an Olfa utility blade to do the work.

Under this basket (meshed area which allows airflow) is the bottom part of a “snack click-lock” container also from the $store running me about $2 per 3x units. I use the bottoms when I want to have the top-feed caught and re-absorbed as bottom feed; and I use the tops for solo-cups that are only to be top-fed.

There’s no “donut of compost” on any of my plants but there are 2x plants in the MedCab that may be what you are refering to. The Buddhas Cane S1 and UK Cheese Clone both have been up-potted in the “BOG Style”, where the root-mass was planted with part of it above the new soil line. This allows for greater airflow to the roots and more growing area for the roots that will grow in.

I’ve done this in the past with 4x up-pots to the point that @Foreigner dubbed it “Pigeonman’s Mayan Temple Technique”; or something equally poetic.


If you do see top-dressing on my plants indoors it’s only ever 1 of 2 things: Earth Worm Castings or Aquabac pellets… and the latter is when I’m worried about :bug: 's!!

Cheers friend!

:fist_right: :fist_left:


Cheers and Thanks for all of that @Pigeonman
I Appreciated every letter



Looking forward to watching your new adventure brother.


Thanks @DougDawson , for me it’s just one continuous long session where the stone keeps skipping in and out of the waters that grow.



Very zen I may have to steal that one


Please use! My gift. :hugs:


I accomplish this by using an air stone


Great news: the Jew Gold 1974 plants are amazing.

Bad news: they all look female, even the tall one.

Good news: i still have jars of parts a and b for STS.

Mixed news: those jars are from a long time ago.

Questionable news: if the mixed a & b are already bad, i should be able to find the leftover dry components i have… somewhere.

:rofl: / :thinking:


Awww man!! :anguished:

Hooray! :grinning:

Awwww man!! :sob:

Hooray!! :star_struck:



What a rollercoaster post! I love it when a problem and solution are presented at the same time. :bear: