Fat bastard and ISS outdoor grow by mrgreenthumb

Those look great! You are getting me very excited about my fat bastard. I hope I can get the purpling as well. I have 4-6 weeks probably.


She is looking very nice @420. How tall did she get?

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Look at what I found today while I was inspecting the plants

2 different plants, I checked trichs and do have about 25 % amber on them. So I do believe it is :axe: time


Alright! Beautiful plants nicely done. Mine is just starting to look like buds and not just pistils. I top and lots lst so there is like 8 branches making colas but whole plant is 20" from pot at best.

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Eww, bud rot. Yup, give her the chop!
Congratulations on the success buddy. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks @blowdout2269, my first outdoor was ok, could have done better. But did learn alot on this run, now got to get indoor setup going.
Thanks @420noob I am sure you will enjoy growing the fat bastard was a great strain to grow


The bud rot sucks, bummer.
What do the buds without rot look like?

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The rest of the plant looks good, no signs of a problem, I believe I caught it in time


I think mine is the green pheno, no purple yet. Just starting to get cold nights though.


Glad you got those harvested. This front that just moved into the N.W is Cold & Rain.

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Yyea glad I did too, had to go to eastern WA for a 3 day work conference , gonna have to trim when I get back


Hi guys does anybody know the lineage or parents of ISS?? Thank you