NORCAL Boneyard Seeds Mr Toads Backpack

Tossing Down 3 beans out of a ten pack that was an 11 pack one extra seed for the Karma Was given these beans by Peter Cerveri of the Future cannabis project and owner and curator of Dagga.Love as a gift for Vets .I’ve been waiting a long time to pop these and showcase Mr Toads Gear.Will be doing in a Modified Coots /TLO Mix with my own adjustments with some Dr Earth Organic Pure Gold as always Amended with some Good Fresh ECW and Malted two row barley that’s been cooking in my tote for 16 days now and smells like a fresh forest floor now loaded with mycelium from the barley and ECW.Was waterd with Plant probiotics and last touches of with some BTI to prep the soil for spring gnats.Hoping for Some good females but will be praying for a male out of this one.I can’t find anything on the Black WOP fruit this should be interesting.Beans soaking Now!


Beans are little dinosaur eggs coverd in tiger stripes very healthy looking some of the biggest beans I’ve popped


Smoking on some haze grown from Tony’s seeds this morning. Good luck on your grow


Did you do Tony’s Haze 4 Dayz indoor or outdoor?Was going to try but don’t have the room for shit that will get 10 ft tall and my outdoor in western ny would never finish that one.He has a pic of it and in the pic it was like 18 ft tall pvc piped to that tree

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I watch fcp often. This video was how I prepared my indoor raised bed.

I grew the haze outside and started from seed in august and harvested in middle of January. I live out west and seem to be in a good spot for long flowering strains.
Only got 3 seeds to start out of the pack, but that maybe my fault, not sure.
It’s a clear, spacey , long lasting high


Forgot to mention, I have height restrictions on my plants and just bent them horizontally on a trellis as they are very bendable


That’s a Pure Haze and a good one to he got that one trading a cookies cut to a woman for it.I’ve been on FCP with Chris once I hop on from time to time when BUDEKILOWAT is on.Been watching that show since it first came out Coots was on there and that’s where I got my soil base from and tailored it to Western Ny.I don’t go on as much they let some people get blue wrenches on that show not going to blow thier names up but they will harass you with political and gender politics instead of grow advice make it rather unwholesome place to be.The assholes that harass Mr Toad are uncalled for.He helps out a lot of Veterans and medical patients and has good solid knowledge of the plant and he makes you dig for that info not to be mean but to make you learn what your doing and you will love him for it later it’s made me a much better grower He did all the hard work he ain’t giving it out for free and I respect him for helping people know what they are seeing instead of just seeing it


Can confirm All seeds 100% germination all popped tails in under 8 hours Mr Toad sir you have very lively beans.Getting goosebumps already haven’t even popped in soil yet need to slow down don’t want to blow my champagne cork yet but we’re just getting the party started so heeeerrrre we gooooooooooo!!!


Into plain soil soaked and dripped in rain water in thier respective pots.Anyday now anyday going to really baby these guys.I have some Humic fulvic acid on the way for when these guys get bigger and 25 lbs of malted barley and 15 lbs of Worm Castings and 10 lbs of Basalt in that order to start my soil cook the rest will be used for outdoor plots and whatever little monsters I pick out of my indoor sift of sets of threes.Will be popping other Shit as well just have to decide image


All Say Hello to the world and have all broke soil from 2 inches down and will be shaded with fan leaves from bigger plants and moved around every other day .Light bottled water and humic fulvic acid like 4 drops to a whole water bottle to keep things moist but not too moist.


Mr Toads one hitter quitter is also very good if you like couch lock. It makes powerful RSO too. Happy grow bro


I was told Tony’s one hitter is his biggest hitter besides that red Congo he has.I heard that one isn’t anything to play around with either

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My Repotting The Backpack Soil Mix of Berger BM6 and my dry amendments with one third earthworm castings to soil mix ratio this time with about 5 heaping cups of Volcanic Basalt powderized and a quarter of a 5 lb bag of malted two row barley cracked thoroughly mixed for 5 min then watered down with a Humic fulvic acid water solution Ph to 6.3 that had a smidge of earthworm casting nectar and a half teaspoon of molasses tea bubbled for 24 hours I prepared this in a two day process.5 days in and Mycelium growth is pretty impressive for a short time and the temp of the tote in the center in a 64 degree garage is a steady 102 right now with crazy condensation build on the lid smells like a forest floor sweet earthy smells with that malted 2 row popping mycelium everywhere .Soil is litterally cooking it self like a fucking Soufflé 9 more days to go then I can let the jacks out the boxes and into the nice broke down soil


Almost time to be mounded up.Have been supplementing with Clonex seedling and clone solution as these are in plain non nute soil.Was experimenting to see if you feed them a little bit not a lot in seedling form if it makes a difference.I never feed seedlings but these are handling it very well.Not much to look at yet but I’m going to put 100% into these guys and see what I can do


Quick Update going very nicely still small fry’s but we’re getting somewhere now.Definitely a difference with the fulvic acid watering I think I’ve found my new addiction feeding Humic fulvic acid to every plant I see and watch them Do really cool shit.


I will Say this the Backpack Soil that’s cooking away Is a very special soil is just starting to cool down at about 85 degrees temp to a 67 degree garage and it is a very lively soil with a couple barley grains Hera and there trying to sprout.Smell is a very clean earthy Forest floor reminds me of where i hunt where all the black leaf mold from good hardwood trees like oak and sugar maple.Threads of Mycelium even 3 inches down as far as I went with my finger so it’s throughout the whole tote.Moisture content is enough to grab a handful squeeze as hard as you can and one black drop of water comes out.Just right those EWC did this batch right By Odins Ravens


Check up today and these guys are flying by so far no issues very uniform I love it.


Back from vacation and what a growth spurt.Repotting asap


Repotted and soaked with some clonex rooting seedling solution cut with some fulvic acid into some lighter soil moved to the middle of the light.Plants even at this stage are getting extremely funky for thier size Still the biggest ones out the bunch


Fulvic acid for the win absolutely dominating the grow inches of new growth every day now even greeness and no yellowing the basalt has helped tremendously one of the others has grown itself into the picture for a photo bomb