Favorite Blueberry strains?

I believe it’s DJs Grape Krush x @Josh_Blue s blue star. Had the pleasure of sampling the blue star as well. The Blue Star has a unique smell to it. I can’t describe it. But it’s a one of a kind type of smell. Grape juice cocktail was awesome too.


@kavman got it right. You will find grape in the mayberry too though. In fact If i pull the blue star mother at day 63 shes a top notch elite blue diesel or grape diesel. But when you let her fully ripen to full maturity and all her color fades from her leaves, your left with a world class smoke of ‘blueberry pie dessert wine’ to the last toke of a joint.


Hang in there with it. You did the front half, by growing it healthy. Now you need to leech the N out. If your feeding nutes, that means no more nutes with N in them for about 2 weeks is a rough idea to trial. Then the 2nd half is drying and curing properly. 60f/60% is a good standard. But do your best to achieve close to that. I do 70f/55% a lot or somewhere in between. They should be getting pretty close to small stem snap dry in around 10 days. At that point I trim them and jar/bag them. Next day open them up and inspect for moisture. If they are too spongy let them stay completey open to breath in 55% rh until they feel a light spongy. Put them back in the jar and inspect the next day and do the same thing. Smoke test and see if they burn smooth. If not do the burping process again in 55% rh. Thats the basics to dry/cure. You gotta experiment a but and find the sweet spot of dryness for your liking. But i think its pretty important to follow similar procedures to bring out the best aroma and flavor. After all that its genetics and like humans, every plants different even from the same parents. You may be 7’ but your sis may be 5’. One may be skunk, one may be hay. But you put in the work, have some patience and give them a chance with a propper dry/cure and you may be pleasantly surprised on how some turn out? Never know till ya smoke em.


In my experience sometimes the cure takes time and the smells don’t show up right away. I just cut an OG Kush and it smelled awesome on the plant but now smells like pretty much nothing. After a little over 3 weeks it’s finally picking up a sweet lemon smell that I think will get better with more age. Usually I have some plants that show up right away and some that take time. My advice is smoke the smelly ones first and let the other ones sit. Works for me :v:


Thanks guys, I’ll see what it’s like after a while curing.

They’ve been drying for 10 days now between 14-16c with the dehumidifier maintaining 58/62% the winter months are actually favorable for drying.


@Star_Dog So just for a gauge most of strains take roughly 14 days before the nose really starts to show up and it just gets better from there


My buds smelled like nothing after drying. They’ve been curing almost a month and the smell is just now coming back.

Best of luck.


My outdoor, the blackberry fire while blooming was the most potent terps. Smell it blocks away. Nothing after 2 weeks dry. Since it has been in a 1lb grove bag the terps are very nice. My blueberry muffin and Indiana bubblegum have rocked on terps since the get go.


Yup always just seems to depend on the plant :v:


Where did you find these available?

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If you wanted a seedbank dcseedexchange.com is where I would recommend, they have a lot of them. @Josh_Blue I’m sure could tell you other good spots


It’s always a process some accept cc some do not and it really dentures me when I have to send a money order or make a account on some app to send money

Thanks bro I will check it out!


Dcseedexchange takes cc. Freebies are always included with orders as well.

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DCSE is super easy and yeah CC is accepted

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Looks like there’s one strain available and the rest is a wait list …ahhh maybe next time

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@Rabeats2093 hit up Cool Beans they have a bunch of Blue Star some on sale, and 35% off the cart with code BLACKFRIDAY still live:

They do credit card payment through Amazon Gift Cards, you buy one of the print at home ones online and give them the code.


Hey brother, I have always meant to ask you this question, but it slips my mind. Do you find that the Blueberry Muffin aromas usually come from a BB plant with green stems? The reason why I ask is because Mystic Funk sent me some really Blueberry smelling seedstock, and the stems are mostly green. The plants are also really WLD, and the short squat ones are the most berry. I saw a post from Reeferman on IG where he was talking about a line that he bred for several generations, and he came to the same conclusions as well. Just interested to hear your thoughts.


Dj mentioned something about green stemmed and autoflower traits. May be a link to the pungent bb muffin aromas? I used that green stemmed f4 95 male on the 90s blues cross. His 98 female is very blueberry but I wouldnt say bb muffin. More fresh effervescent bb. And it goes purple stemmed fwiw.


@Josh_Blue just curious as well, what’s the difference in the Family Blues V3 and V2? Thanks!


I got some twinkle tarts a few years ago from esos seeds and found a absolutely beautiful plant that just stinks of fruity/blueberry candy. Also would press at 25% rosin, the rosin smells so good I’m tempted to put it on toast and eat it🤤

Just found a jar of it that’s over a year old and it still reeks…so delicious.