Favorite fuelly strain?

I will haha. They are next on my list! The SDSL x Blue Coma is what you sent.

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Sure i did not send you SD x SL f2 as well,i thought i did

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I have the F2s here as well! Had to check lol.

You should find some stinky greasey fuelly smells there.I have 8 going now and they have the closet smelling like fuel got spilt in there.

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I just finished out some gorilla breath that had a burnt rubber smell while growing but after having cured a bit stinks of fuel. Quite potent as well.


Without going to far back, some shit I was growing, sour diesel. It had the funkiest growth patterns, but was very fuel and greasy af.
Also I have to mention, the very first time I was introduced to Gg4, I was an immediate fan. That shit stuck to tha wall if you put it on there. I found a single black seed in an onion, and grew it out. Straight up :fire::fire::fire:, low and behold I found a seed in the one plant and still have it!


Sour Diesel brings back memories of a fuel driven buzzy high… one of my all time faves!

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I wish that ole school SD was still around. I’m going thru tons of beans looking for it, or something close

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