Gas, Leaded race fuel, 2-stroke, high octane, etc

Hello fine folks of OG!

There was another thread recently that got me thinking about the smell (and “taste”) of leaded racing gas, sometimes mixed with 2 stroke oil -though not always - but there is a distinct smell that comes from high octane racing gas used in high performance engines of all shapes and sizes. Could be vintage cars drag racing, snowmobiles, older dirt bikes, and there’s plenty of other examples. Now I know that not everyone has experienced these smells as leaded gas isn’t very common anymore, but there are certain unleaded race fuels that have a distinct smell too that I find appealing.

In one former life I was a mechanic and worked on just about anything with an engine and got to be exposed to many of these interesting smells. Maybe it’s nostalgic or the memories are really greater than what they really were at the time? I don’t know exactly but I sure loved those fumes and still do today - they are just not as common anymore. Not diesel fuel…though that’s another that I really enjoy too, but that’s a different flavor IMO. Not asphalt either, that’s another I love and have a past connection doing roadwork for a spell…amazing all the flavors of asphalt there really are and to this day I enjoy the smell and all the nuances of different mix types. Some people say “it smells like tar or skunk”, which is mostly true I suppose, but when you spend any significant time around it closely you understand it’s not that simple either.

Anyone care to offer their opinions on strains that are very strong in these types of smells/terps? I’ve never had Race Fuel or All Gas OG, but I do have some All Gas OG to run at some point. I’ve seen some discussions and references to some of these smells, but there’s gotta be some of the you that have a similar thought as I do that these are unique - and I like them!

Here is another thread that started me down this rabbit hole, but there are a few others too. Maybe we can spark some lively discussions and learn some things?

Have a great day everyone! :green_heart:


I love 2 strokes man. Kush/OG is also a favorite of mine, i suck at describing smells but ive never had anything that actually smells like gas its more of an expression people used to describe high grade weed. It was usually some sort of kush. Im trying to get better with describing smells but man is it hard lol


I had a Sour Bluetooth plant a few years ago and iirc beans came from @misterbee


Deisel, Chemdawg, Or any Glue strains all smell of what I consider gas.

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2 stroke oil has a distinct smell when burned IMO - and there are many types of 2-stroke oil that have unique aromas too, and combined with a leaded race fuel there’s some extra “fruitiness” that has always been a favorite of mine too. I think there are plenty of strains that have some of “this”, hoping that some others around OG have had more experience and give some more insight into strains with smell and/or taste in that direction. :green_heart:


I friggin love 2 strokes. Banshees are sweet


Im no mechanic or fuel expert, but I grow mostly gassy strains, and have for over 10 years now. They tend to have unmatched potency and effect imo. Theres for sure some notable variations though. The OG/TK/Bubba stuff is usually a great place to start. But usually real sedative in effect. Chem 4 is straight fuel, and a really cool more upper effect. Same with good diesels. Headbands also tend to be great for it. Notsodog headband stuff specifically. TBH Id start with CSI Humboldt, he’s got all that stuff on lock. I used to grow TK91 commercially in dep greenies and no joke was smelling the gassy stank almost half a mile away lol


I grew Vietnamese Black from Dungeons Vault . When I break it up well , it’s a strong Crude oil smells. To me it’s just like being beside oil wells in Ohio. I’m sure it falls in there somewhere.


2 Stroke was the smell of my youth! The neighbors kids has a little 2stoke he rides around sometimes. I go outside to watch and get a whiff of those wafting fumes. Gross to some probably.

But to stay on track… kinda. I haven’t grown anything that I’ve found to taste like gas itself. I’ve had some motor boat, i think it was called, that smelled heavily of motor oil. It did not translate into the flavor, which i thought kinda strange

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I know exactly what you mean and I’ll be working on that here shortly. In the mean time I would recommend race fuel or rocket fuel from Archive.


This is true. If you’re looking to be knocked on your ass. These strains mess you up the most. Good for pain and sleeping. I enjoy other strains more myself.
For me the gas is for pain or bed/


just one word, lacquer thinner…

High octane fuel contains lots of methyl heptane, so look for strains with lots of C8H18 I guess? We have cannabis labs for a reason right? Stay away from nitromethane, the Steep Hill terp chart tells us it’s fruity… Definitely don’t want that.

Bait thread. Wrote a book of info for OP until I realized it’s a data mine. Op is a terp reseller attempting to reconcile the multiple definitions of “gas” that exist in the scene. Sorry you need other people’s noses to formulate your perfumersworld order.

His documented definition of “gassy” is random fart juices. Skatole, garlic, butthole, all smell the same to him. Is that how anyone else has defined “gassy”? Those fake bad breath “gmo” terps used by local extractors are disgusting, and I love bad breath weed.

My definition, the traditional pre prop 215 definition of “fuel” = carboxylic acids (sour) carboxylic alcohols (solvent) and alkenes (turpentine). This is that medicinal Marijuana definition of “fuel”, to med patients. The definition that big pharma doesn’t like. Sour Diesel is sour. Don’t let any weirdo on a podcast tell you it’s supposed to smell like;

…The 3rd definition of “gas”, the reason we don’t use the term “gas” anymore, the commercial boof definition, typically referred to as “sweet gas”; toxic vinyl/acryl/nitrile/benzyl/cyclo alkyl toxins that do not naturally exist in Cannabis until you overload DMAPP with P and break the methyl group off. This is what most people trying to buy fake terps think “gas” is. The marker sniffers, paint huffers, who have never experienced properly fed Cannabis. When the local dispensary bud all smells like “chemicals” to the cancer patient, but the bud tender calls it “sweet”.

I guess technically there is a 4th definition. Natural Cannabis alkanes/benzenes that aren’t toxins. No one is going to publish Cannabis alkane data until reschedule. Only lawyers are interested in that data. Not all benzene associated weed is unpleasant and toxic. But all the commercial stuff sure is.

Race fuel used BeNOL for lube, that’s probably what you mean by 2 stroke. Gasoline, premix, diesel, kerosine, styrene all great smells of my childhood. Not a one of them tastes good though. I brought home so many bags of cookies/jerky etc from the styrene factory , always ruined by the styrene taste. Lots of people would pretend to enjoy styrene. Lots of people don’t even notice when the Whataburger cups aren’t cured correctly for years straight. Lots of people lost the evolutionary function of “poison, not poison”.

Too long didn’t read: Strains like Jetfuel OG smell sour when grown correctly. If you want something less sour, Subcool grew a GG OG cross that was as close to kerosine as you can get. So look into GG is you want some fuel that’s less sour, less sharp.

Yes this is a bait thread. Hi TJ. Everyone knows the long standing definition of “fuel” except the terp posers down at the terp lab. Sour lemon fuel was the most common association for decades. Og, Sour, various Chems.


Can Abstrax give the people what they want, without killing them? First they gotta grow it, then they gotta outsource some chromatography, then they need peer review. It’s a lot of work to fake Cannabis!

Uh…I am a bit confused by this post. @Medicago ? First time I’ve received any negative comments I suppose - and though I’ve responded to many posts over the last (almost) year, this topic was technically my “first” topic that I posted on OG. Gotta admit it reading this makes me a bit sad :frowning:

All I was trying to do was have a fun discussions about strains that might smell like high octane racing gasoline sometimes mixed with various 2-stroke oils as something that I enjoyed most of my life. I’m just a dude in the midwest that enjoys growing, smoking, etc, and the folks of OG have been great to interact with - though I don’t converse as much as I would like I suppose. You must be confusing me with someone else is my only guess ?? I am not a chemist nor do I have the depth of knowledge many others might have on such a topic. I simply expressed to others a smell I enjoy and if anyone had any strains they thought smelled similarly. Nitromethane is another interesting smell - though not as enjoyable. If anyone has been to a Top Fuel NHRA drag race and spent some time around those engines when they’re running in the pits can attest to the eye-watering and coughing/choking the nitro fumes will cause. :face_vomiting:

If I have offended or put-off anyone in any way with this thread I do apologize as that was never the intent. :frowning_face:

Hope everyone has the best day they can. Always sending positive energy and good vibes. Life is too short. :green_heart:

Regards, -j


I grew an acapulco gold last year that smelled exactly like spilling gas at the pump…but that’s unleaded, lol


Read their activity. That account is a troll account. I would take anything they have to say with a grain of salt.

You’re a participating member who’s had a lot of great things to say and looks for a while now. You’re good, man. Don’t forget the internet is filled with the juvenile. Dude has accusations to sling but nothing to prove them? Weird.

have a great day @Jpaul


Thank you @TrichomesToStun. You as well!! :green_heart: