Favorite fuelly strain?

Something I recently smoked smelled like it was covered covered in gas and motor oil. I was wondering what strains you guys have encountered and may enjoyed that were similar.


Green rebel farms swamp gas, and swamp gas bx, has that.


I will check it out! Just started growing but have been trying to figure out what profiles I want to hunt for in my tent. One is cookies and one is now going to be a fuelly/gassy profile.


Original ECSD was some of the stankiest stuff I’ve over run.


I got some jet fuel a while back, had a nice clean gasoline smell, not so skunky, not too fruity, just that chemical taste. Great for me- I don‘t like the skunk too much.


What I had was Race Fuel Og. Smelled like oil and regular gas. It had an earthy exhale. Wish I could know why I didnt look for it till now.

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I notice that on really strong strains especially (strong terpenes) that the exhale is a whole second flavor. It’s great to watch people try it, lol… damn, now I miss that strain. I’ll have to follow this topic I guess.


I just finished reading the description for the ECSD lol. I might see if I can find it mixed with an indica. Usually stay away from sativas.

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Abusive OG freaking burnt rubber, oil, and gas.

The old family purple i grew this year was artificial grapes and gas.


Oh for sure, ECSD is great but definitely a bit racey. Jet Fuel even worse!

Although, honestly I hoping for more diesel than sour out of it and was disappointed, but YMMV.

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Ooh! Love fuel strains… following


Well, I have no idea if it is even remotely the same nowadays, but circa 2001 or 02, I grew a few packs of Nirvana’s ICE. The taste and smell of the dried flowers was amazingly similar to the old (early 1960s) Cox fuel for .049 model airplane and car engines. And it was wickedly potent to boot. I had friends and relatives that would avoid smoking it because it “was too strong”.

I have been thinking about growing it out again, but it is probably not the same as it was back then. Maybe still worth a try…I just hate to be disappointed.


Sometimes I wonder if our memories of certain strains have changed over time and not necessarily the strain. lol


Sour Diesel, GG4. :fuelpump: :dizzy_face: :zzz: :zombie: :pizza:



Grow it with the expectation your memory has slowly built it up as you got older lol. Maybe you will still be suprised/pleased!

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Like it will never be the same because we dont remember it as it actually happened lol.

Ive added him on IG. Ty!

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I . …I… I remember it like the day I was born!


I ran the original cut for 7-8 years. Still talked about in my circle. Def needed 77-85 days to bring out her full potential. The high was speedy racey n long lasting. Other crosses with her in them (including my own) never had the same funk the ECSD cut did.

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Ummmm why dont you try growing the SourDiesel x SnowLotus seeds i sent you bro.You might just find what your looking for lol…Did i send you SDSL x BlueComa or SDSL x GodsSpaceNeedle they both have a fuel hashy boquet aroma to them.