Federation Cotton Candy :Breeding a cross to get the moms genes back?

Long story not short:
2008, I had federation cotton candy had 3 or 4 females from seed growing out(amazing weed). A coworker at the time gave me seeds he got from a trip from Amsterdam : Sweet tooth. I was excited because my brother and I had been lucky enough to receive seeds from John Lee Pedamore from OG in 2002. i was the #3 or #4 cant remember but it was amazing. The seeds I was given by my coworker were not the spice of life sweet tooth but maybe barneys farm its a mystery. But I decided to use a male from the sweet tooth and make some seeds with the Cotton candy and Jack Cleaners 2 ladies (lemon and blueberry pheno from seed) So I’m going to finally start some of the lost gems (hopefully) I’m going to germinate 10 seeds from one mom Cotton Candy A and 8 seeds from mom Cotton Candy B.

Down to the genes:
When I grow these F1 how do I select the plants to use for breeding, that will bring back the moms genes as much as possible? I remember the shape and structure and smells and wont forget the sweet taste but man did it give you dry mouth like nothing else. Do I use the F1 moms that look and taste most like the originals for the F2 cross also any input on a male or males to use thank you. Want to be methodical about this.
Thank you


Since cotton candy is supposed to be a sweet tooth line this should be easy.

You’ll simply need to grow out as many plants as possible and pick the ones that most resemble what you’re looking for for the next generation. It’s a simple but time consuming process, can’t really speed it up. Not much else you can do, no trick to it.


@vernal If I end up keeping a A mom from the f1 what difference would it make if I used pollen from A or B selection. The A and B were just different females that were grown from the original seed stock from 2008 . All 3 moms were similar but just slightly different

I wish I could definitively say but I can’t.

Shouldn’t matter much between the sister females, whichever one you think is closest. Better yet grow both and see which ones you like better.

Yeah, grow them out and pick from the best.


i think you can reverse the best F1 female then S1 it to narrow the pheno types.