Getting started with crossing

I’m a new grower and haven’t ever created seeds, but I’m thinking about it.

I have a bit of a “method” question.

Is this the way I would normally start?

Get 10 regular seeds of Strain A and 10 regular seeds of Strain B
Grow them all out in Solo cups and select the best M and F of each strain
Breed those two only and make seeds
Grow out several of those seeds, select the best M and F, and cross them again

What do I have then? F1 seeds?

Also, let’s say I have Acapulco Gold and Laughing Buddha, by Barney’s Farm.

I can cross them, right? Has Barney’s already tried that and not found anything useful? What am I missing here?


Your process look good too me, you even thought about to increase the density by using solo cups. The first generation is F1 then you add +1 each time.

For the strain’s consideration, Barney changed scale years ago … it’s more close to a white label than anything else now. You’re supposing a lead breeding with coherence in the catalog, it’s more true for little labels that focus their energy on given projects actually. I hope i got the concern the right way.


Thank you, sir. Can you tell me more about this? I’m not married to Barney’s but when I was seeking a seed vendor, it seemed like a solid choice.

Here on OG, I’m learning about a lot of other choices. . .

What is it about BF and “breeding with coherence”. . .


It’s not specially a rant against BF, i don’t have any grievances. It’s more to explain you that past a critical point with an offer, it’s more a seasonal list of chunks to do asap. On the mass of let’s say a dozen of strains generated this way, only three or four will carry the whole catalog. We are talking about big volumes, it’s more to explain you the proportion of this kind of strategy (mass product, big volumes, big catalogs).

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This is “there’s more than one way to skin a cat” situations… :wink:
If you have dug in this far then you have probably run across ‘selective crossings’… That’s where I started… :grin:
It is more work for sure but it can also get you quicker results.

I like 3 girls and 2 boys from a pack to work with. I segregate the boys and collect their pollen separately. I will then isolate a branch and hit it with pollen and do the same with the other male pollen so I end up with 2 separate branches pollinated on each girl for a total of 6 crosses and some unpollinated branches (to see how each girl smokes).

You can run two packs together (if you have the room) or in series (using the preserved pollen from the males of the 1st pack for the cross).

Several folks have said the female carries forward most of the characteristics. So in the future I’m going to cross both ways
(A x B & B x A) to test that.

There are plenty of ways to do this, find the one that suits you and have fun.
