Making Seeds M or reversed F

Thinking about making seeds this upcoming year. Should I save a male from my seed run, or grow out my regular and feminized seeds and find the cuts that I am going to keep. Then once I selected the best cuts (by growth but also smoke report) out of the strains I’m growing choose 1 and reverse it making feminized crosses and also a S1 of the strain I choose. If there any difference in the pollen besides chromosomes if i use a reversed female from a regular strain or the pollen from a male out of the same seed pack. Thank you. Haven’t decided if I’m going to make a small batch of seeds inside or wait and use my outdoor next season to make seeds.


i would use a reg because that way you keep the line and hunt to spray your s1.
all very doable, spraying your first time you could lose your work or not be successful when spraying, it is a lot to spray for a while then find out that the strain is hard to reverse or whatever other problems come up.


Thank you @blendmedmedman I was leaning to using the male pollen as well. It limits what pollen I can choose but not to worried about that. Also I plan on keeping clones of the selections I will use for breeding . Allowing me to grow out the cross and will be able to cross the siblings pollen with its mother to stabilize or just make F2’s out of any seeds I make.


yeah you will have more breeding options and you’ll find some good keepers im sure.
but take clones because they are easy to. and very handy esp in some seed projects


How about both?

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