Fem seeds, bonus or bogus?

I have just ordered a 4 pack of feminised Bakerstreet.

My first try with fem seeds, been hearing stuff like easy to hermi and tough to clone. How reliable is the sexing?

After loosing two prime spots to males last season, decided to make the plunge.


I use feminized seeds. No hermie issues yet. They are easy to clone. It is just recommended not to breed them.

I say go for it.


I’m almost exclusively a fem seed grower as I’m outside. Haven’t seen a herm yet. Think it’s just genetics.


However, I’ve had some issues with buds having no flavor. It may be my cure, but some have theories that it’s fem seeds


Out of literally hundreds of femiized seeds I have seen only one hermi and I put that down to the light controller failing for 5 nights in a row. I think if you get hermi’s in your fem seeds then it’s because hermi’s have been used to self pollinate.
I use both fem and regs and other than the fact you get no pollen, there no discernible difference that I can see.
They are just a bit more of a pain if what you get is a cracker plant and you wish to make seeds. Cloning in my experience is down to the plant. I have some that will throw roots in days, while some seem to take weeks. I don’t see any difference in cloning between regs and fems.


I’ve never had any issues with fem seeds. I think they have that reputation with some because many people of older femmed seed making techniques. Originally people produced them by rodelization which favors and passes on hermaphroditic traits. Modern fem seeds are produced with other methods that do not have that disadvantage.

As for cloning, some of the easiest cloning strains I’ve had were femmed seeds.


Thanks for the replies. Good to know they are working well.

Managing my plant count is important, that will let me fine tune the program.


Fems work fine but some think it an attack against nature to produce them they will also tell you not to breed with them at the same time they’ll tell you about all the elite cuts they have that they use for breeding lol


Yeah, some people do feel this way. Again for my own purposes I have used fems for breeding, the only issues I have encountered is more of likelihood of the progeny expressing recessive genes that they may not otherwise have. So this year when I selfed some Panama/Malawi and I ended up with some of the seed coming out with whorled phyllotaxy, and others sprouting two seedlings per seed. Interesting, but not a major problem. It’s even possible that breeding this way will result in a recessive gene that is beneficial, that you would not have got otherwise.


If you buy already tested Fem’s that others have ran before from a reputable breeder they should be fine​:+1:. If you buy shady fems from shady people you might have a problem :man_shrugging:.