Good seed from dispensary bud?

So I’m breaking up some of my favorite bud from my local dispensary with my sweet leaf grinder. Strain: Zhits Fire. And out pops a great quality seed. What are the chances this will be female if I grow it next season? Or is it most likely gonna to be a Herm?


You never know. My “bag seed” experience resulted in solid males and females, but I didn’t know till after the fact when, all the notes were compared between all who grew them.

Untill then (now) I thought it was an S1.


It could be either. I am not much if a gambler, and tend to grow stuff of know provenance. :+1:


There is only one way to know if it a male or a female…

If it’s your favorite bud then the Cannabis Gods are smiling upon you…

You are going to have to poop it or the Cannabis Gods will think you did not appreciate the gift.

Tag me when you start the grow :wink:

Happy growing :call_me_hand:


I would grow it, but there’s a good chance it’s from a nanner that was overlooked.

That doesn’t mean it’s going to be a hermie, but it is a possibility. That seed is probably the offspring of stress. Just keep an eye on it.

In my experience, seeds from nanners seem to become female plants more often.
It could also be ‘the same as’ or ‘similar to’ the flower it came from.

If you really want to know what is inside that beautiful little seed… germinate it. It could be incredible.
There are a lot of well known strains that actually originated from bagseeds.

To be honest, finding a viable seed or two in my weed has always made me smile… but I’m weird like that.


Plant that seed…don’t forget some very dank stuff has come from dispensary seed //or stuff that’s Hermied
Think OGKB 2,0
Gorilla glue…ect
I’d give it a chance…
Could be crap
But could also be gem


If it’s just a lone seed, It should be a female and sometimes better than the bud it came from. That’s my experience.

I was doing it exclusively in the mid 90’s. I was buying from a friend I worked with who was either growing it or someone in town.

I had 100% female success on every one I grew through the years. I still keep them if I buy something and find one. If it came from a herm, there would likely have been too many seeds to use the bud to sell.

IME, and limited reading, it’s normal for a female to shoot out a few seeds for survival’s sake. I still have about a dozen or more single seeds in my stash.

I think the last time I did it was when I moved into this house 5 years ago. It was a Ghost Dream (Ghost og x Blue Dream). It was a monster and better than the bud that it came from.

Happy growing! I always look at those seeds as bonuses. peace


Same happened to me last yr. I grew it. Those gods shined on me I guess, because it was a female. Anyway, glad I planted it.


I agree with the above statements

Yes the plant shot nanners
No I won’t breed with it

But if it’s good weed we’ll grow it and smoke it

But I would grow it out separately from the main tent


Grow it! One of my favorite plants was from a dispensary bag seed. Just keep eye on it for hermies and Late flower nanners


thanks guys! iv grow successful plants from bag seeds, but that was 10-15 years ago. iv been out of the scene since about then. things and changes a lot since then. everythings feminized now. you didn’t hear as much about it then. so I was wondering if things might have changes a lil bit.