Female pollen to give away

Question about using fem pollen… when using it on a different strain mother will the result be a fem cross of both strains or reg cross? Are there any other tidbits I should know before I use it?

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It will be a fem F1.


You will get a cross of the female you pick to pollenate and Orangegasm. They will be female seeds. A bit goes quite a way, I use a pipe cleaner to just touch the pollen and then rub it on the white hairs. I usually do one branch and end up with 50 -100 seeds. I let them go at least 5 weeks after pollenation. After that trim and dry as usual and pick out the seeds as you smoke the buds.


Have u just been making fems off of one specific orangegasm fem u selected from a pack? How orangey is it? Is it everything I ever dreamed!? I assume it’s straight orangegasm with no other genetics mixed in…or have u tweaked it… sorry I have tons of questions about this. I love citrusy stuff


thanks @Black-Sands-Ranch i got the pollen and wanted to thank you again cause that was nice of you


Hey stank:
I got a pack of Orangegasm this spring. I sprouted and grew one in light dep green house. Plant grew fast and large. The orange citrus is very strong and it is my favorite smoke this year. I took two cuttings before going to 12/12. Reversed one using STS. I will pollenate the unreversed female in a few days when she is ready (I like them about 3 weeks into flower). Let them go at least 5 weeks. I use a pipe cleaner to in pollen then touch the buds, repeat, repeat… I cut off the end of pipe cleaner when it gets sticky and keep going.


You did this with just 1 seed from the pack? Talk about a being economical!

Would you be interested in a trade when the fems are ready? I have some things you might like. I honestly only want 2 or 3 seeds and I’ll keep it going like you are.

I hate sounding ungrateful because believe me I am super thankful for the pollen. I’ve been interested in orangegasm but regretfully didn’t pull the trigger and can’t find them now. Thank u either way…u are the dopest of the dope!

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Thanks for the kind words! I think I will make more seeds that usual this time so I can give some away. I love this strain. I was thinking when I was replying last time that I would save your address and send a few seeds so you could have a 100%. I tell people if they want more fem seeds all they have to do is send me one and I will return many. I will also keep some for myself. The hardest part of the reversal is the collecting of the pollen and that only take about 15 minutes per day. I am retired and I have the time, now I have the skills.


Well I guess it’s not discontinued so I can just wait it out and buy em when they come available so no biggie there.

It’s funny if you look at my grow log the very first post I show the 1st seeds I bought which was Citrus Sap by Crockett family farms (gg#4 x tangie) a sativa dominant strain I tried before and loved. Ever since I wanted citrusy strains. Didn’t run em yet tho.

I do have 2 tangies rn but they’re seedlings.

Oh yeah btw is reversing easy? I read up on it a little already. U seem to have it figured out pretty well

Pollen hit yesterday! Thank you!
I also love my citrus!

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I just found some packs at Chi Town. I have never done business with them, so I can’t give them a rating.

Reversing is not hard mostly takes time. I have used both STS and CS methods. I prefer the STS as there is less spaying (only every 3 days for me) while CS is every day. I have reversed about 12 plants so far and only had two that did not produce an abundance of pollen. Oh yes, you have to have space for a small pollen flowering room.


I totally didn’t see your last post before posting mine it seems u answered before I even asked!

Lol I would touch u anywhere to get that O-gasm

Chi town is out of stock. It doesn’t show until you click further. They were on sale for 72 bucks apparently.

I use white boards in my grow area to keep track of all the info that I need, then I take pictures before I erase them. I will make a note to send you some of the Orangegasm, should be about 7 weeks or so, it will be my Christmas present to you, LOL!


I grew a Lemon Jeffery a few months ago. Mine hermied like crazy. Did you have any issues with that?
Shame. Cause it is a kick ass smoke. Great smell and potent!

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Thanks man you’re amazing. I have good things coming up I will not forget your kindness

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I been looking at this one too. I want to try it…shn has Sunkist 5 pack for 48 bucks. Looks worth it.

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Actually is cheaper on most the other sites on the list (the list of irie vendors on their site)

Ooh dang, hope I did not miss out on some of this pollen heh. Been looking for photo fem pollen in the trading thread for a while now. Let me know if some is still available, would be greatly appreciated. More than willing to trade a few crosses I have made or some other seeds, for some fem pollen/pollens :evergreen_tree: :heart: :evergreen_tree:


Wow, sorry to hear about the hermie problem. No the Lemon Jeffery did not have any nanners, I really liked the aroma while growing but like the Orangegasm better for smoking. Both are fine tho.


Thank you @Black-Sands-Ranch

I received a nice gift yesterday, if you see me playing with anything that you have an interest in… just reach out bud!