FREE Bodhi DLA 5.3 Pollen

This plant has exceeded my expectations…and I’d like to share its pollen with anyone interested in creating something new!

I just harvested pollen last night and will be drying it out over the next few days… I’ll be storing some in the freezer for myself and providing the rest to ya’ll.

My Notes: All organic, soil grow in a 5-gallon container. As a seedling (from Bodhi’s recent release), he was growing vigorous and I remember hoping it was a female. I then took him outside in late June to see what may happen, as it was my first time growing outdoors (as well as a male :upside_down_face:).

I am glad I did… super tall (just less than 6ft after a decent stretch), super healthy (never a hint of purple on stem/ALL branches), very quick to produce thick pollen sacs and release pollen (less than three weeks into flower). I am not sure if this would be considered a stud, or just a normal male…but it should be a strong partner for any of your ladies.

All I ask is shipping costs and a few of the seeds you create with this beautiful male. Send me a message if you’re interested, I’ll be active later today to make sure I get this pollen out.

Also, I have a Good Karma male I will be harvesting pollen from this week. Good Karma is a pack from this last Bodhi drop that sold out from most distributers. Pics/info coming soon (send me a message about this one so I can save GK pollen for those interested).


What a great offer. I have a Chem D and a Chem 91 from farmerjoe 420 that will be ready in the next 2-4 weeks. Interested in both of the boys you mentioned.


Beautiful! It should be perfect timing without any freezing/long-term storage. Shoot me a message with your details and I’ll let you know about shipping. Would love to see what DLA - CHEM create!


Sounds like a great offer. I am interested in both pollens. I will send you a PM.


Very cool, looks like a really nice male. A1 leaner from the leaf shape. He a stinky guy?
Would be interested in trying some pollen with the bandaid haze clone, going to flower it in a few weeks.


Id be interested if its still up.


very interested, but it probably wouldn’t make it safely until next month when things cool off a bit.


Hella fine job growing an finding a standout male he looks phenomenal growmie :raised_hands::sunglasses:. If there is any of that magic dust left im most definitely interested and would be honored to snag some.


I would love a little bit of that pollen. i had a goji x dla5 cross from a member here and it grew great outside and made very nice hash , so im interesting in this latest release. i think ill cross it to Chernobyl (trinity x trainwreck x jtr)a and vintage red head ( vintage bb x romulan x bb muffin x colombian x headband)
Thank you very much, no rush at all


Wow, that’s Doug Dawson territory!!

Looks like you have enough to be shipping it by the gram! :wink:

Great looking structure, congrats!



That is a good structure. I had something similar in the DLA 16 (similar lineage) where the branches seem to snake through whatever buds/leaves are there and just keep going.


Send me a message with your details and I’ll let you know shipping (if US $5 for card mail or $10 for priority w/ tracking. Once the shipping has been covered, I’ll get some out asap.


Send me a message with your details and once shipping costs are received, I’ll send it to you asap. :seedling:


Nice of you :+1:


A picture of him today after the pollen “shake-up” a few days ago.

I noticed none of my pictures captured the entire plant and some have asked for it…

There are some pollen sacs still developing and I’ll just let him ride until it’s got nothing left in the tank. Should have plenty for everyone who has reached out so far.


Looking great bud, he emanates the word stud :clap:t2:


Pollen? Sure I will take some,just let me know what to do. Thx!


Send me a message with your details (if in the US it is either $5 for regular mail or $10 for priority) Appreciate your interest!



I have had about 25 people reach out for the pollen! So far, 15 have sent payments…which is appreciated. It may be petty to ask for $5 but when 20+ people are interested, it becomes a bit expensive on my end.

There is plenty enough for others still interested (and more sites are still opening up!) Just shoot me a message and we’ll go from there…

Finally, I have a male Supernatural Selections 023 (Holy Hand Grenade), the new Bodhi strain which sold out within minutes from all sites. While id love to do this again, I will be keeping most of this pollen for future use. That said… I will be offering free pollen in a future giveaway!

Look out in the next week or two for a wiki to sign up (winner will own nothing, not even shipping!)

I do this to respect Nature. Nature produces and spreads pollen around, freely, without strings attached. I should have another round of males outdoors next spring, and will provide any extra pollen I collect!

Appreciate all the interest in this plant :heart: :seedling:


I just got an F2 of DLA #2 in today as a freebie from Copa Genetics. If you have any more pollen available or would like to trade something please do let me know! :pray::heart_hands::call_me_hand: