Female pollen to give away

Can’t wait to receive this pollen from you sir.
I’ve got so many things I wanna use this for and ofcourse will send back seeds to you that’s I’ve made :wink:


Got my pollen to and it’s good! Thank you @Black-Sands-Ranch!


Guess I missed the train on this one :v:t4:


I think there will be more to offer in the future. Reversing a female usually produces a bunch of pollen and I only use a tiny amount for making seeds. I am trying to build a library of fems for future use and for trading.


I have a few Lucky Dog Guerilla Fume’s about to go into flower, i’m going to use this pollen on a few lower branches… Chem91 x Orangegasm. Should be an interesting cross.


Agreed, should be interesting. I haven’t tried any crosses yet, still just duplicating, maybe
some time.


I’ll make sure you get some, thanks again…


That sounds very interesting!

@Black-Sands-Ranch Was kind enough to send me some Lemon Jeoffrey pollen, super cool of him! I also picked up a pack of Sunkiss, which I’ve heard is pretty similar to the Orangegasm. Either way, it’ll be fun to play with this pollen!


I was eyeballing that Sunkiss… didn’t pull trigger tho. Lemon Jeffrey pollen sounds dope. I am a citrus freak… what u planning on pollinating with it?

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Rasta Jeff was live last night on IG so I asked him what the difference between the Orange Gasm and Sunkiss besides the fact that Orange Gasm is Fem only and Sunkiss Regs. He said that you can expect Sunkiss to throw out a mix of gassy/chem with sweet oranges where as the Orange Gasm is straight up fresh juicy oranges! So ya… I def need to get my hands on the Orange Gasm eventually.

I’ve been spinning my wheels about that tbh. I have to do a bit more research on the lineage but I was thinking maybe a Purple Hindu Kush x M10 cross from Crickets & Cicada seeds or something purple like Purple Urkle or Mendo Purps from CSI could be interesting. That or maybe one if his Bubblegum fallen soldiers I have… I also have some landrace Syrian THV seeds from Hoku that could be really fun to toss that pollen on and work the lines.


Iv got some small modeling brushes, and switched the 4x4 to flower. Awaiting more pistils before I start dabbing a few branches.

Iv never done brush on before, only open pollination. Another week or so?

I’ll be hitting a Lucky Dog Guerilla Fume’ and a Tortured Beans GG4 RIL. Hope for a couple hundred of each…


Pull the plant out of the grow space and into another room. Cover the branches that you don’t want to pollinate with a plastic bag. Brush the buds you want to seed and wait at least 2hrs before spraying the plane down with water. Uncover the other branches and return to grow area. For best effect, do it again in another week.


About 10 days or so till I bust this pollen out and toss it on a branch of all 4 plants in my 4x4 tent in the 3x3 living soil bed. Interested to see how it goes!


Was hoping to turn off all fans at lights off, brush a few branches without removal… I have a dual trellis setup. Figured spray after an hour or so as you stated, another few seeds in close proximity wouldn’t bother me terribly to be honest.

Thanks, that’s spot on what I’d do otherwise.


Did you do it?

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I did! I put it on a branch of some Galaxy I am growing. :+1:


I opened the packet and thought it leaked out… enough to about cover a match head. i brushed a bit on a few top buds of Guerilla Fume and GG4 RIL.

Hoping it was enough to give me a few beans… not complaining, just wondering.


I had just enough pollen to fill the tip of one of those small centrifugal plastic vials this year and I used a small stripling paintbrush and I stuck the tip of the brush in to the vial and kind of poked it rather than paint it into the white pistils of a medium sized bud a smaller lower branch on my outdoor plant and I was able to get 55 seeds that popped a male that was almost identical to the mom frame and all out of it.I bagged the branch prior and sprayed the whole plant down with the hose.didn’t get bit one seed anywhere in that whole plant but for that bud.The pile I had was about the size of a match head you will be tight but it will work


I brushed mine on the top bud of a female of Devil’s Punch by Demonic Genetics. Looks like it took.


Nice love fruity sativas! I have super lemon SMAC clone at week 3 now