Fibro myalgia

Just the kind of morning I’m having !!!


I’m plum outa likes :+1:…I’ll holler at you later about Aphasia Haze seeds I was gifted

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I put a like on that one for you !!! I will be here waiting my friend thanks for ringing the dinner bell !!!

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Right on brother, thanks for that…hope you has a great weekend

Latest update on my Killer Koffee and Mothers Milk f3 4 weeks into the flip !

This plant I got from @SamwellBB if you like these plants support our own OG Bean Builders !!!


These have been waiting too long for the flip so off they go to 12 by12 land sorry these are Tricycle and Glitter Trike I will post better pic after the dogs get walked ! Lol


Goodmorning OGer for this mornings wake and bake some outdoor bunk from last year not bad


Ahhhhh !!! Another project in the let’s grow with a license hahahah !


I just grew out this Purple Caper stuff over the winter. Luxor’s Chocolate CBD. listed at 8% thc 8% cbd, and 5% other cbd’s, plus thcv. it’s been a “make me feel better” strain. it’ll plateau the high… ceiling limit it. but oh boy does my body feel way better.

I’m really happy I put in the effort. It’s better medicine for me than almost everything at the store. I have a couple clones still going.

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That’s gonna make a sweet setup. that’s about the same amount of space I’m using in the basement.

30X8 ft it should do kwight nicely I hope lots of work a headaches but it was a choice just fix it up snuff to grow pot thru the winter or rip it right down and build the with a tiny home so I’m going to grow pot first to pay for that tiny home hahaha !


Just come in today ! Stoked !!!

Looking forward to the next couple of grows around here !


Hey buddy thought i would check back with you about the Aphasia Haze were you able to straighten what you need out ! Have you grow them yet with pictures ?

Have you thought about a seed run with them ? Or any that you can spare ? Of that Purple Caper ! Do you think it would help with my fibro-myalgia? Some days, I feel just bruised all over ! This last couple of days with the heat and nowhere to run has been playing with me so bad !

Hey guys and ladies this is a little update on my latest grow project it been stream lined a little from the start but well lets just look shall we ! Killer 1

And Mother Milk f3

Just stoked at the bud ! And Now for Budderton Trycle and Glitter Trycle these ladies waited a long time for me to flip them but they have been very patient and there looking fantastic ! ![17188216260076829964040020475413|230x500]
They’re about 3.5 ft high !


This is Glitter Trycle and Trycle from @Budderton these have been just great plants just a little water and a little light and these ladies are happy jappy ! Highly recommend these beans to anyone that just likes to grow !


Right on @Thetravler ! Watch out for the stretch. Some of the parent stock went 2.5 - 3.5 X stretch before they started slowing down and setting flower. Best of luck with them! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


You know sometimes you get attached to something about the plant.and you dont want to flip them i got a little hung on these for 2 for a minute they just dominated there space like they belong there i flipped the other 4 weeks ago ! And these last Friday after the wife brought me back to reality that she wasnt allowing me to have another tent !


Hey @BigMike55 heres the trailer i have started working on her ! Thank goodness i have a vacation spot Eh!!! The place were a man can go unwind ! King of all his wife dont know and the kids havent found ! You can see the garden shots here i have to udate them !

I keep reading this post and it sound like a piece of chocolate cake that i just got to have a try of hahahah ! I bet there a lot of cake eating after you smoke it !!! Hahahaah