Fibro myalgia

Right on @Thetravler , awesomeness!! I hope you find something that gives you relief from your symptoms. Best of luck with your hunt!:crossed_fingers:
@RookieBuds has got a couple of the Glitter Trike near done over on his tester thread, if you’re interested in what to expect.



Big thanks @Budderton again I thank you again for keeping me in the loop definitely will take a look ! Cheers !!!


Big OG Breakfast !!!

Scarlet Purple kind of morning !
Lots of big nugs !!!


The morning of Magic Smoke Hash !


Good morning, OGers ! Start my day showing off these beautiful genetics that came from super beans. I got to say these beans were showing tails in 16 hrs

Sorry about measuring all my tools. am at the trailer you know so my wife and kids can enjoy their summer !!! I get all my enjoyment from fixing
things !! Hahah sorry, that’s another story for around the fire after a couple of beer ! !!!hahah
OK these are growing so smoothly I’ve found they like easy watering I have been sticking to 2.5 cups every second day and they have flourished beautifully these so far are a very recommendable seed sorry seeds there is 2 strains here and I have made it sound like one but I’m starting to think that @Budderton beans really thinks of the grower with his genetics ! Just loving these beans ! Have a great day and check these strains out Glitter Trycle or Trycleand support OGers beans we have some of the best genetics in the world just on this site you don’t have to look no were else ! Share a smile there free !!!cheers


Right on @Thetravler ! I’m happy to hear those beans are doing what they’re supposed to. I just popped some myself and got great germ rates. Best of luck with your run!

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Right on having a great time as you can see there doing great ! There 6 weeks old 22 inches that 9 inches in a 8 days wow that’s like jet fuel growth ! I looking for 40 inches before the flip ! That just something I’m looking for !

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Good to hear they are doing well. Sounds like you’ve got some growers! Watch out for a good stretch post flip. Some of the phenotypes are not too bad but there are some that stretch up to 2x or more.

That so funny that Scarlett Purple I just had blowdout2269 warned me of the post flip stretch ! He looks at my pics and says the look like the get ready to stretch ! That night and into the next morning wow they grew a quarter off there size all over that’s alot considering I got just over a pound dryed from three plants ! That was my first attempt at autos !

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White Rhino is great for sleeping with pain. Here is an article that some may find useful.

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Thank you very much for this info very informative!
Now do you have any of the recommended beans ? HahahA ! Cheers !

Goodmorning! OGers !!!

Scarlett Purple 3rd toke ! Was the charm kicked it right in ! Nice wave you feel . Very nice not over whelming ! Have and OG day ! Share a smile there free !

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The stork ! Dropped off a hefty load of genetics today many thanks to @BRMTreefarmer looking forward to having these in the garden asap !


I got show these crazy genetics they ladies are just brutes ! But they don’t ask for much unbelievable! Just thought I would share these fans before I clip them hey @Budderton just growing and growing they are soon beautiful they just have such classic profiles


Had to come back to these when I find something I like sorry but me likeeeee ! Haha and cause @THCeed loves weird leafs and different phenos ! I thought I would send him a picture of these but instead of more there’s less till there higher on the bush .

I can’t wait to see what kinds of buds there going to gift me ! I’m holding them back but I might flip them next week .

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Now I have a question @Budderton these plants are 7 weeks I have had a set back in my outdoor grow and I have to come up with 4 plants do you think I can use these 2 plants and transplant these to outdoor or Finnish them in the tent and start new seed . I’m in Southern Ontario

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I think they’d do fine outside. It’s a little late in the season to be starting seed.


I already have had them in the tent for 6 to7 weeks but I started my outdoor last month but a couple didn’t Take and I don’t want to start from the beginning again so I thought instead of flipping these 2 plants I thought I would ask you about using these outside .


Got these in the mail today thanks @sd9007

Thanks again my friend ! Stay Healthy !


These were also dropped today in my box all the way from Deuitsland !

I can’t wait to pop the black cherry this is one of my favorite flavors many many thanks !