Fibro myalgia

Thank you so much for reaching out ! Your always welcome to add any advice you views will always be considered ! Cheers

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I had to show this plant one more time this is Glitter Trycle its structure is very nice ! And in the tent i believe i stretched her pretty good

I just trimmed it as i notice things didnt look right ! I hate when they can hide themselves so well it takes this long to know there a fox in the hen house !


You know im sitting smoking a joint and im thinking how great this site is for advice and all how we all talk about how to organize our seeds and how to preserve them . But one thing we’re not doing and it should be some what in our thoughts because the more people doing it the better it is for everyone that being said i had this idea if we could put the outline of a grow from germination to harvest videos and make a video library of different stages of growth explained so the newest grower could understand . From there expand it into different parts from training basics to advance techniques. How too’s and why’s ! Ithink this would be a great asset to OG I think this would encourage new people to join our ranks wich is good for everyone but our small seed vendors could benefit from this it ope s so many other doors i only see an up side of this kind of project ! And participation can be had by all ! So what do you think ? @THCeed , @Bert , @Mad_Barry , @DougDawson ,@DannyTerpintine , @misterbee , @CanuckistanPete ,@pie , @blowdout2269 ,@defseed , thanks for your time !


Lanky one there @Thetravler

May i ask what is lanky ? You looking threw my windows again!!!

@Thetravler - that’s an awesome idea! Each page could include a bunch of searchable terms/ phrases to show up in Google searches. It would be more useful to new folks because the info would be organized. Great thinking!

I really think it would show people how much this site helps eachother and others !


It sounds like a cool idea. I am pretty thurough with my journals and daily updates but it’s not video.

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You video of collecting pollen was actually were i got the idea . When i was reading your instuction because of my disability i sorta got it but watching your video made it make sense to me and help out alot for my to feel i understood . If we could work something out i thinkit would be a true bennifit to all .


HahhahH OK doug when you figure it all out we all here to help you !!! Hahah mabye we can start off by you opening a section were we can upload video to and then when we get enuff start organize them in some kind of order

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The first issue is that you cannot upload video to Overgrow. The site already needs storage upgrades due to the large influx of new members and all the picture uploads. Almost you can do is put videos elsewhere like YouTube and post links here.


You know more than me i can say i know absolutely nothing beyond google search ! Is there a way to use wikapedia ?is there such a site that you can sent up a library of video Happy Diary app Happy

I have no idea man.

Well, if it sounds like a good idea, i will investigate this a little further and let you all know if we can put something together.

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I like the idea!
Like Doug said though…we cant upload straight to OG.

I actually have several ideas in mind for short, yet helpful tutorials if something comes of this.
I’d just have to build my confidence enough to make a video. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Sounds like a OG YouTube channel :ok_hand:

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I’d be up for hosting the videos on a home server if someone would help me through setting one up. I’m almost technical enough to do it, and want one for some other stuff.

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Come on, your a champ you would be great on the pot porn channel !


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Walking in the park on a joint adventure me and my girl !!! Does anyone know how to fix this my pictures are just getting worse, !!!

Someone said something about a server ? From watching some of these pod cast you dont have to be technical but you need content and if we can put some stuff or ideas for mabye that would belp with server cost cause im sure if we have good stuff an invester with something hes selling might share his server till we get on our feet my father always had stories the best is the one of the old bull and the young bull The young bull and old bull were at the top of a steep hill over lòoking a field of hundreds of cows the young bull looks at the old bull and said lets run down the and screw a few of them cows and the old bull smiles and looks a the young bull and said one day you will understand but lets not run down and screw a few when we can walk and screw them all ! I dont know im still trying to figure it out but i will take my time and learn as much as i can !!! Have a great day !!!

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