Fibro myalgia

Do you know the Coach ! Down on the lake big walleye guy ! On tik tok !

Hey out in the country just come up to look at whats growing on ! Up here and here it is licky i came up my friend gave me 2 plant a month ago and said for sure girls no boys here well glad i got here my friend

ok so now the depressing news is over how this down 5 plants out of thirty
Had a big wind storm ripped the shit out off my greenhouse ! Well we cant have it all our way !


Just found this one fuuuuucck ! I can win !!!

Another 1 holy cow ! Look at the size of these shit bags i have to rip out abd hope they dont effect any
5 more to the can 3 males i thought i had them all so far from the original start only 4 are from my original 30 i waited to the last minute to get out here and now i payong for it i have 7 beans i just popped for my next tent but guess what i guess there coming here and i gotta start over at the tent !!! Ah the life of a legal grower ??? HahahahahUploading: 17194361798168954008434993997111.jpg…


Nice spot @Thetravler ! Too bad about the males, that’s the way she goes sometimes. Everything looks like it’s enjoying the spot though.



Do you have a store front where I can get some of the Killer Koffee beans that seems to be helping people with chronic pain? I’ve been dealing with chronic pain similar to fibro which has caused me bladder, leg, foot and abdominal pain for over a decade now; what most people with chronic pain suffer from in addition to is lack of sleep which makes it even more profound. It’s a vicious cycle. I’ve been trying to find strains that really help the pain and sleep, chemdog is one. Again, do you have a store front or something?

What are you chronic pain guys using during the daytime that’s uplifting and allows you to function without being lit? I have to interact with customers for IT support and need something that doesn’t leave me drooling at my desk.

That sucks. What are you doing to them? LOL

I have a windows web server we could use… We’d just need to figure out what software to use to upload/watch videos, that part I have never looked into.

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I yanked them all one of my buddy s been helping me out and i dont want to say anything but i think he olny grows boy plants !!! You have any buddies like that ? Hahahah i seen your grow very nice !!! Im going to call my buddy and see if he has any females left !!! Not the trans plants !


Wow well were on the path ! Lead the way ! Not pot smoking to you done reading the instrutions !!!

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Oh, I’m not the one to lead this charge my friend, the “concoction” of meds in me doesn’t allow for that much concentration… But, I can offer my hosting services :blush:

There’s several linux distros for this and I believe ones that have kodi or something similar built right in. Otherwise you can use debian / ubuntu and kodi or plex. If you just have windows I believe both kodi and plex run in windows or you can virtualize them.

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I’m not able to setup a Linux box, my physical boxes are all virtualled up…

No, sorry I don’t.

Oh the reason i was asking if you didnt already know was your diet ! The coach promotes it on tik tok . But before he was doing the diet he used to post videos off him fishing on i believe fort erie or sorry lake erie for walleye he caught some beautiful fish if your into that but yea he probably has alot of insight into that diet if you ever need some advice ! Really nice guy down to earth !

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Sorry did tag you before i wrote big ass post for you ! Cheers it about that guy the coach !

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Every time i look at this grow wow we at OG have so many talented bean makers you never have to go anywhere else to find top genetics and im a admitted Genetics Freak ! But just look at these ladies i cant always put up there names cause then those guys want to see whats happen and all it is , is me talking shit !!! But here we go ewwwwlala !

And that your pot porn for today 3 weeks to a happy ending !!!


Is that the Koffee strain you guys were talking about? Did you ever grow it and how was it for your pain?

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Yes these are sambbwell strain there 2 here ! Killer Koffee is the 1 dominating the whole tent and then there Mothers Milk f3 thats the ones with the beautiful flower heads ! And no i havent smoked it yet i have three week to harvest and then dry and cure see you around september before i smoke it ! Cheers … ok im a lier it

Awesome, let me know how it works for your pain…I’m strain hunting to.

Have a good day sir!

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Buddy i only got a couple left but the bottom line is im going to order more anyways and people here have done for me so give me you addy and i will do the OG thing and send you a couple of seeds ! The only thing i ask is if you ever come by some one in need you help them and keep it the OG way ! And that way you have your own opinion !