Fibro myalgia

Are you talking to me? You said you ordered them, does he have a website? I tagged him, @SamwellBB , above but have not heard from him yet.

When i first got a hold of him he was not well but misterbees is doing this big give away in his name you should be there getting some free stuff of his ! But you just have to try again he always answers ! Well i have never had a problem so i cant really say . But yea go look at bees and see if you can still qualify for something im not sure how that give away works i couldnt figure it out so i didnt do it . @SamwellBB That’s how i always got him !

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DM me and I’ll tell you the details. :fire:


Good morning guys and ladies !!! Just thought this would be a great shot !


Thanks mate, I’ll look out for him. There’s a lot on YouTube too, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Chaffee and a few others but always good to get all the perspectives.

You’re plants are looking on point mate. I love the pay-it-forward philosophy. I’m at the point after only half a dozen months on OG where I’m able and happy to help others out. So many generous people here.

Very true ! There are alot of generous people ! But it a damb shame when you see people take advantage of there kindness ! I didnt know this was happing till one of the other guys said something about it … But did you know theres people that will come on here score free stuff then sell it on other sites ! So be careful who and what you trade with ! Or give too ! I dont want to scare you just make you aware again i didnt even know someone would even think like that ! They take your kindness for a weakness !

It’s the world we live in, I’m about to turn 50 and don’t remember it being this way as a younger man. It feels like ever since the year 2000 came into existence something fundamentally broke in society. Getting taken advantage of sucks, it’s devastating when it’s somebody you loved and trusted. I guess we’ve always been a little selfish as that’s human nature…but we don’t even care about each other anymore as a fellow humans. It’s sad and why I moved out of the city into the country. I think having a conscience was somehow removed from the individual.

Here’s a shot of the outdoor garden been here since 8:00 am and its now 6:00 pm and im sacked but here some photos hope you like them .(upload://hfMV7iLDSSppqMFaTWJ7Iy4O3FS.jpeg)


Hey @Thetravler . I just saw your plants. I think they look good. I dont know much about growing indoors. I only grow outside during the summer. Now @AppalachianBiscuits grows inside in hydro and outside in soil so she knows what she is talking about. She always has nice plants. I dont baby my plants. If one dies I just replace it with another plant. This is my Ghost train Haze #1.

I apologise for appearing short on @RainToday s thread. :grin: I live on a farm and sometimes I have to drop everything and run. Usually its a cow in the road. :rofl:
Anyway, I think your plants will fill in. Peace brother. :rainbow:


Beautiful plants! Thank you for the link.

I’m very jealous of your field of pot. We have a plant count limit of 4 in my state or Id be right with ya!

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Here in Toronto we have a 4 plants per house hold or you can buy a medical license that starts at i think 180.00 and that gets you 140 indoors or 30 outdoors, and you can’t grow 140 indoors and 30 outdoor at the same time but you can plant 100 indoor and then you can do a couple out door i believe .

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Sorry meant to tag you for the post above !


I’m in Virginia and we have a mess. Recreational is legal, but you can only buy at medical dispensaries with a medical card. Or you can grow 4. But seeds maybe yes maybe no are legal to sell. Mostly yes, we think. :roll_eyes:
Looking forward to seeing the field this fall!

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Thank you very much for your kind words ! Isnt Virginia the lovers state or something like that ! Your screwy laws sound alot like are’s i dont understand if it’s legal fuck off and let use grow what we want i laugh every day i here another dispensary closes these people have put no skin in the game and there here making money hand over fist with no concern for the system thats been in place before they got here its like budding in line !


Ohio is messed up too. Its been legal since last december but there is no place to buy it “legally”. Ha ha ha. :rofl: That makes me laugh because if you smoke, you already know where to buy it. :joy: The republicans are trying to make it unworkable so that it fails. They want to get rid of home grow so they can force people to buy it from them. I say fuck em. I will throw seeds everywhere.
Hey @Thetravler . Your outdoor plants look better than mine. Did you start those inside?


No they were all from trays that were seeded !

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Damn! Those are big. Your climate must be warmer than mine. I started mine inside and way too early. When I put them out they began flowering and they are still confused. It will be interesting to see how they stretch in a few weeks. What are you growing outside? :rainbow:

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It is! I think it’s our state motto, It’s on our license plates “Virginia is for Lovers” any Virginians out there we have a thread Virginia Is For Lovers

I live in the most southwestern corner of the state wedged between West Virginia and North Carolina near the conventional divide, which is basically a whole other world from the northeast side which is a suburb of DC.

I keep it “less than a felony” which is under 49 :joy:


Hey @Budderton thought you would like this share just as you predicted you can even see how she is going in levels very nice !

Now for the full monty i have to move back way back
There you go that would be a killer name for a bud (wayback !)


Hey @DEFSeeds i haven’t forgot about your update i lost one of the Rainbow Belts to boy hood ! But this lady is doing just fine she is a real pretty lady the leave look like got a velvet finish the sugers are already gather everwhere ! Very nice plant just cant wait to smoke her hahah !

the last pick you can see her face on the left side in the center of the bud !see if you see her too !