Fibro myalgia

Sounds like a great strain!!

Right on @Thetravler , I’m happy you found respite from your symptoms with one of my seed batches!. I’m pretty sure you grew out the Glitter Trike, going by your previous posts. My apologies if I am I mistaken. Ether way its always good when I hear folks found good medicine in my gear!


Have you tried THCV rich strains. It helped my pain and inflammation. Also ACDC is a great full spectrum CBD plant that grows and stinks like a good pot plant. The hemp plants produce terpeneless CBD weed. It sounds good at 15:1 or 20:1 but it’s lacking a little THC and Terps.

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you are right i did grow glitter triycle but i also did tricyle at the same time the glitter tricyle was a male so i just went on with the Tricyle ! hahah no problem
I appreciate your quick eye ! I do intend to try the Glitter Triycle again in an upcoming grow . I will always notifie you when im growing your gear . I have a grow in flowering now but in my veg tent I have 3 x SVG bx3 f3 and they look outstanding ! I will post some update :camera_flash: soon ! cheers


it funny you ask about 15-1 or 20 -1 Im growing
Casey Jones x Willy G / Lebenese 20-1 cbd

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hey rain ! just thought i would give you a update since your push got me off my ass for this one so far 13 have popped i didnt wait and fart around even a little tail i put them in dirt ! still have 8 im waiting on go extras just incase .


That’s awesome! You’re rocking it :slight_smile: going to be fun to see what they grow into :seedling::green_heart::seedling:

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Good morning brother, hope you had a good weekend in your garden!!

hey my friend you asked about strains that are helpful ! i just recently got @Budderton Triycle out of curing for 30 days veery nice smooth smoke great for days i have found it great for muscles tightness. My muscles around my shins from my fibro tend to tighten up to the point of being very painful while walking but even just sighting it happens some people call it charlie horses. I have found that Triycle gives you relief of your muscles knoting .

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hey buddy goodmorning ! if you look a post 330 you will see a picture of Triycle I sorta ripped people off on the loss of the glitter tricyle if you notice i was jumping back and forth from indoor- outdoor sorry for the confusion cheers buddy have a great day !


hello again my friend your gift has landed so my target is for friday early morning Saturday the latest . Im going to throw 5 of your pineapple x zamadelia express in and see if we can get them into the parade !!!


up here getting things set up for all the new ladies coming to party !!! heres some pot porn for you to enjoy !


It’s even more crossed than that - (pineapple x Zamaldelica Express) × Miss Piggy.
I ran out of room on the flip and had to write on the bottom. :joy:

I’m sending you more seeds soon, I suggest planting 10 so you can keep outstanding ones only, and just ditch any of them that don’t grow awesome right from the start. There should be some nice large plants possible in there :green_heart::seedling::heart_eyes:

You could just plant the seeds directly, spread out across one of your dirt circles outside. Survival of the fittest, and cull the boys :slight_smile:
Like this :green_heart::grin:
1 -
2 -
3 - 17231519533312721988916914754663


haha i like your example ! so what your saying just so im a your page dont put them in napkins and sandwichs bags skip that faze and go directly in the dirt! Heahaw!! I like this idea but I have to stick with the fems . I cant take a chance this late that i miss something my car has been a real piece of shit latly it actually back in the garage again today so thats another reason i have to stick with the fem s :upside_down_face: :sweat_smile: if i cant get there for some reason i can get them watered but thats it ! as far as any help gos it fuckin asparagus as far as the water boy knows ! hahah


Got a delivery today from one of OG’s fine bean makers @DannyTerpintine

looking forward to seeing what kind of fire he sent !!! I know coming from him its got to be good !!!alot of his pictures inspired me to start growing ! so its a treat to get some of his gear . Hope you all follow along when i pop some of these !


Glad they arrived quick and safe! (btw, I don’t use the Spacebound brand anymore, (it’s York Genetics), but I forgot to take the slip out of that pack in the middle. Just in case you’re looking, I’ve uploaded info to seed finder eu under York. :slight_smile:

You posted in the fibro thread, so I do hope you get some good pain relief! :pray: (Also super honoured to be a part, even a small tiny part, of influencing you to grow this beautiful plant!)

You should find some great stuff in any of those packs - I’ve seen grows of all of them and I’m happy with the work. The only pack I haven’t run or even shared was the Double Take one. Double Take = Og Kush x Bubba Kush

This is the DT mother;


Wow, gorgeous plant @DannyTerpintine !!

@RainToday that was a wicked way of showing where to plant… I’m sitting with my Mrs and her son and they’re wondering why I’m laughing like I am :joy::metal:


Yep, you got it right, and I somehow missed how far your outdoor grow was. You’re absolutely right, go with the fems over there - leaving reg autos unsupervised is a dangerous business :wink::laughing:
Feel free to dump a bunch of them straight in a container instead. :grin:

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i never met a seed i didnt want to grow !!! i hate to admit this but Im a bit of a cross my self Im an horder x adictive personality trates but only trates hahah ! im looking all over were i can plant all these seeds now ! hahah