Fibro myalgia

its started to rain on my parade !!! Anyone following Im using G13 Foyo berry fem auto and Foyo fem auto


if you seen the seeds he sent me the other day you would have noticed suga suga was there if your interested I will notify you when i pop them !


Sure man… I’m watching your thread too, so if you have a grow log of it, I’ll be following along :grin::grin::metal::metal:

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werent you the one to help me make a grow log ! you gonna have to show me what that is ? Im feeling like you buddy ! just waiting for my elevator to the penthouse of life !!! lol


Oh shit, could be man… With all the nerve and pain meds I’m on, I’m 10 second Tom these days :joy:, I have zero memory, lol

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always something new these days how come is doesnt nessasarily mean it’s good !! I will let you know !!!


Geez if i was fishing i know what bait get you out from under the dock haha whats up buddy !

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ok the vanilla hash was outstanding .

how this for a fuck in the bum 3 more males but know the 8 ft high and 10 ft round the one is !!!


Yikes, is that all you grow? :rofl:

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so i guess it anotĥer boy how about these

me and you were talking about the purple colour so is this seeds or budding you grew this before any advice ?this is the other one next to it look at this big bitch ! Ph


Those purple ones, upon closer inspection, look like flowers. I think they are girls.

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I just want to share some good news cant show pictures camera is screwing me around again but out of 13 auto’s 9 have taken and are growing quit fine very small but hoping for big things ! As soon as i can i will show the pictures .


Good morning bud, haven’t been around much with work lately, but finally have got to the ending point of all the BS there. Plants looking good man and hopefully you can get that car fixed up soon. Can’t wait to see how your auto grow is going, have a great day!!


im up at the trailer now had to cut a 10ft that decide it wanted to be a male ! but on the bright side 9 auto are on the move the took very well for be planted in a rain storm ! And my car what a joke it been in the garage now for 2 weeks going on three still dont know a thing called the mechanic hes to busy secretary says call back and he never does but i hope thats a good thing . have to charge my phone i will check on you later have a great day ! cheers


loading up the grounds again from the winds and swaying of the plants alot of the roots are popping out every were thought i would do a top up its about time anyways then top it all off with a BOKASHI - PRO BLOOM TEA !


another round of 60 day autos these are the last of the autos i popped if you were following 9 of thirteen took quite nice. But alas i have these one and i believe i have to set them free ! so off to the garden ! already called in sick ! Glad i work for my wife she see i wasnt doing to good so she canceled work so she can take care of me up here at the garden dam good wife i have ! i really like her ! hahahah love her ! yea yea love her ! hahah three punches and a pinch and im in love again ! and that was from the kids !

i got to say these beans im using from G13labs froberry froyo s1 great beans everyone that i put down popped and are definitely a positive result on everybean lovely start they all look good some just took of as you see in this box they were all put in the same day !


I hope you get better friend! I’m following this cycle, it seems interesting!

calling grow the bombming ! I this cant be and the race is on ! brothers and sisters , sisters and Brothers can we hang our heads and pray !