Fibro myalgia

Here’s the veg tent ! @Budderton svg/bx3/f3. Captain Cruntz x3
Casey Jones x Willy G / Lebanese 20-1 cbd/thc × 2?
Lennon Soup x 2
and one i had to add but hes a little behind in things !


Jumping in here as my roommate has Fibro — I’m regularly impressed by their ability to tolerate shit from their body but would really love to be growing something that will help them. Going to spend some more time reading through this today for strains to add to my wishlist for them!

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i trully haven’t found much for my symptoms yet but have grown some truly excellent strains ! I have some links that i just recently had sent to me by other from OG , that have or have friends that have it . I have a list of helpful strains some that i have just gotten and some i am waiting for . I will pm you then as soon as i have a free minute cheers !


update on outdoor !!! confident no more males finally!!!


What do you have planned for those bare spots now?
I’m thinking a dozen autoflower seeds spread out in each one would be fun, thin any survivors of slugs and bugs to keep just the best girl. I’ll send you a bunch of my home made reg auto seeds if you want to try it :grin:


ok im in ! but do i have to watch for males again ! hahaha but seriously i had that thought but i dont have any fem autos ! also is this true i read that auto’s dont like being moved that you should plant them were or what your going to grow them in !!!


You got some nice trees growing. :+1:

thank you ! i have been through the ropes with them this year ! started with 39 and know im down to 17 . Up to last week i was still finding males i had to cut down 3 that were over 8ft totally heart breaking ! i have never found so many male plants in one place lol !!! I have to hand water them and that gets to be some work ! But this is my first year in this spot so next year i will be better prepared !

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They weren’t males. LOL
I can’t believe you pulled your biggest females because they got a couple of beans from earlier males. I should have made myself more available. Sorry man.

no buddy ! i only cut down the ones with pollen sacks ! I can tell the difference but if you want to take the blame for this Im more than willing to blame you ! hahah

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hey my bestist buddy ! how is this if im going to try this run you and me were talking about a short trip and fems. So here’s what i have and please till the end today please have you and all OGers vote which i should plant and i have to make it by today !!! 17232164077618013715706892025004|230x500
sorry for those who dont know i have 13 open spaces in my outdoor grow from finding males so alot of OGers think i should replace them with autos ! these are the one i have !
Hey at @RainToday @Carty @ShitSeeds @funkyfunk @420noob @LoveDaAutos @Sailorboy @sd9007 @g13


That’s sounds easy to me :wink: just start two of each kind, plus 3 extra of whatever you have the most of. That should get you 13 plants :slight_smile: and if they happen to all germinate just the smallest in pairs as far apart as the dirt circle allows. :slight_smile:

In a couple weeks anywhere those nice fem seeds get munched by bugs just replant direct in the soil 10 of my reg seeds spaced around the dirt circle. I’ll send you more to replace them next week, and help you identify the males around week 3. They might finish in time, and if they don’t it was only free reg seeds from my crosses, no big loss, I’ll send you more any time.


ok @RainToday made up my mind i was hard to decide but i went with
5 x White Widow x Watermellon OG (Micheal Dawn )
5 x Scoutcycle. G13
5 x froyo S1 . G13
got them on the pop mode ! i will keep you up to date ! if this works out were am i driving to to smoke the best one with you ?
AND dont worry if your across the boarder @THCeed has a boat ! hey do you know these guys if you can reach out and find how long they go if possible !!!
look at this my daughter just walked in with for me .


Lol! Yep, gonna need that boat :wink: but its only my mom who smokes, so you can just light a second one in my honor and get twice as high :joy::green_heart::seedling::v:


well that 3 ill have to smoke cant leave mom out eh !

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ok so i hear that autos dont like being moved from were they’re planted . So to solve that, I can use jiffy pots to get them up to my outdoor grow ! Which is an 1 hr drive from my home . Do you think this idea will work ?


hey talk dirty to me ! tell what kind of seeds you have again ! hahahah Im having one of those afternoons that everything sucks so i thought we could have a laugh !

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Hey, sorry! I had an off-grid afternoon, there was a fire down here nearby though we think just a house not a forest fire, and they turned off the power and then the cell towers were overwhelmed or down also. Most things are back on now, just not the wifi here yet. Home again tomorrow though.

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hope you all ok be safe cheers !

Hey guys and Ladies I hope this is a helpful review . As most know from my main post im looking for strains to help me with the pain and sleeping loss from having fibro-myalgia for anyone suffering from fibro or anything that causes you pain Im going to write a review of strains that help me and what they helped me with. This review is on Tricyle by @Budderton this strain you will find a great help with your knotted and tight muscles . Almost immediately you can feel relief from muscle aches caused when walking , I found that my morning walking has been made alot easier after just a couple puffs and gets easer from there. I would definitely try this strain for any kind of muscler problems and it doesnt cloud your thinking your able to carry on with chores, your come down is really nice and easy not a heavey knock out punch its very easy and good to use as a day smoke . Hope this helps you with you muscle problems as it has for me .