Fibro myalgia

Sorry fellas, I didn’t see these posts until now! The breeder of Killa Koffee is @SamwellBB of Baked Beanz. He might still have some now, so I would contact him about it! I know he has said he wants to make more. Also, he might have some close relatives that might be similar.
In this post the genetics are stated: looking good there bro :fire:
Port Wine Cheese is Super Cheese (from Positronics) x GDP then crossed to Kaya’s Koffee f2 ((Alien OG X Alien Kush (F2)) from Pacific NW Roots)

These are so valuable for the unique medicinal cannabinoid profile that has shown to offer relief for a guy I know with extreme back pain at night that also causes insomnia. He likes many other strains but says nothing else offers the same kind of relief during those painful and troublesome circumstances.
For these reasons, I am trying to F2 these now using the best two females I selected from about 70 regular seeds with the three males I have now.
I also have pollen in the fridge from the best males I initially selected two seasons ago, and they should be crossed now to the best two females today in a different room.

I also intend to further the line towards the direction of back pain relief and insomnia, with the help of my friend to test the progeny to alleviate his pain and help him get back to sleep; I’ll be vaping the males to test them for potency. I am only doing the F2 today, and I bet the F2 is a scattershot from the original, so I think I need to F3 at least before it is closely similar to the Killa Koffee given to me. I’m no pro breeder though; I have been trying to get sinsemilla until now, and I am only now starting to chuck pollen at these because of the circumstances. I wish you guys the best of luck, and I wish I could help you immediately.

Here are some photographs of what they look like, although they have only been blooming about three weeks.


DM me with your needs.


Hey you asked me for deets and told me to mention CBD or pain cream did you ever get my email ? I never herd back from you !

Hun,if you have Fibro- I know 2 people with i…it can be completely debilitating.
If you use CBD’s-- you are only getting part of the relief you need.
You need something with CBD/CBN/CBG!
There are SO MANY out there, it can be overwhelming. You may also want a little THC in it for really bad days… so looking for a '‘full spectrum’ as opposed to ‘wide spectrum’ is key.
I have widespread nerve pain caused by severe degenerative spinal stenosis— and this stuff works…for me.
THAT is the biggest issue…each persons receptor are unique-- so what works for one person may not work for someone else.
There are some out there with herbs in it as well-- do your homework on what each herb does and whether you think it is right for you.

There are 3 I use that I am happy with. But me being ‘‘me’’, I dicked around with them to fit my needs. I melted all 3 together with some plain Gummies and re-molded them.
I HATE when ‘a dose’ is so tiny that you can’t tell you are eating anything… so this allowed me to adjust my dose AND get decent sized ‘gumdrops’ out of it.

The ones I have tried and like are Lazarus Naturals, NuLeaf naturals and WYLD high-dose CBD made with elderberry syrup.

I have also used KOI tinctures…they have THC …pricey, but work pretty well.

Good Luck hun
Long-term pain is a bitch…and takes a toll on ya!
:+1: :green_heart:.


Thanks for reaching out yes I have had fibro-myalgia for about 15 years on top of that I have cyatica, copd , and 3 fractured disc’s from getting rear ended from lady who dropped her joint into her lap . That’s no shit what’s the chance . Hard to get mad at a fellow pothead ! Anyways I start my day with three full dropper of full spectrum CBD from LG health lab it works out to be around 20,000mg to just get to my first coffee , I hit two different puffers so I can breath right by the time that all hit I got my first 2 to 3 gram joint of hash and another coffee with 2 etra strength muscle and back pain relief pills from Kirkland with 500 acetaminophen , 4 testosterone pills 80ml of methadone again for pain management. So in a nut shell I’m fucked up ! But I’m still alive and kicking just not fast or high !


IMO-- you may want to consider acupuncture, or a TENS implant???
You have so much stuff in your system that you may have too much of a tolerance…?

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I have been trying lots of things from natural pathic, cupping , too many to name the only thing that give actual releaf is high doses of Cbd full spectrum so far is the only thing that brings comfort . The rest is just gambling with you liver so I don’t really buy into the north American doctors I trusted them once and totally screwed up my life and put me on a dog collar that I didn’t even notice till I was to far gone, lucky I have many good people in my life to bring me back from a really dark place !


Where do you purchase your CBD if you do not grow it and is it an isolate?

I’m just starting to grow it my own stuff and hopefully learn how to take care of myself the weed market upsets the fuck out of me with the prices that are so outrageous. When it was against the law I could by Afghani hash for 150 180. Oz now these scum bags want 400. It’s not sorry went off . It happens sometime lol if your in Canada I go to a little town out by Bellville Ontario , called Merriville , Tytinga ,or Shannonville , I go to the fox den to by my cbd a 30ml bottle with 6000ml 130.00 $witch is problem the best price I have seen for full spectrum.

I don’t know about if it’s an isolated it doesn’t say !

Do you know if that is isolate or full spectrum? If full spectrum I might contact them myself.

Sorry, I missed your reply about full spectrum.

My wife has Fibro, Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis among a few more auto-immune diseases also. She has struggled finding much that took care of all of the pain but a few daytime strains she likes are; Medihaze by CBD Crew 1:1 ratio, Red Pure Auto CBD by Sweet Seeds 15:1 ratio, for a evening relax she like Mintz Auto more of a THC indica.

If anyone has some good suggestions for night-time Indica’s for pain & sleep let us know.

I dont have Fibro, but I have Syringomyelia(+ Spinal cord surgery/shunt insertion about 13 years ago) and a lot of the same symptoms. I can’t speak to 90s weed, but even when I first starting going to bay area dispensaries in 2010 the weed was worlds apart from all the cookies stuff we have now. But I do agree that modern stuff doesnt touch the symptoms like the old stuff. Im not really a huge CBD user, not that Im against it. But Ive found in myself, and having a booth at countless weed cups in the 215 era talking to other neuro/spinal cord injury folks that the Chemdog family plants are the best for overall symptoms. Basically anything pure gassy. Chemdog 91, Chemdog 4, Chemdog D. TresDawg, Gorilla Glue, Sour Diesel just to name a few. But not the sweet/fuel stuff like Gelato and all those renames. For some reason adding cookies to stuff seems to really mute the medical benefits from what Ive seen. Best of luck in your search!


I got lucky and got it touch with two good fellas here on OG one fella makes his own CBD and he’s gonna bring me by some when it’s ready and another fella turned me on to a very highly recommended strain called Killa Koffee his send me some beans to start my own , and another strain called Frankenstein so I’m hoping for good things .


Yes, just finished a batch yesterday.

And we might be going to Canada’s Wonderland tomorrow afternoon/evening.
I think you are around that area?


Nice, I have been looking for some of Johnny’s original Frankenstein myself. Let me know how that works.

Are the Baked Beanz Killa Koffees you have or are going to receive f1s or f2s? Better to start with the f1s. Give me time and I will get back to you. Remind me in a week or so.


Sent you a PM

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@SamwellBB ,hey hope your well you told me to remind you of the killa koffe f1 f2 s for my fibro-myalgia. And I’m. Just touching base with you to see if that card made it to you ?

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