Fibro myalgia

These ladies are just so beautiful there aroma that
like fresh cut grass ! When you put all 3 of them together ! Had to move things around to get the smaller ones of a different kind there little extra ! But look how this girl stetches out with no sag

Nice class! ![17155191553772678700697650321654|230x500](upload://mbXfQMoXMBTMaG5oA0DgjVqjV8l.jpeg
And the frost


Much thanks goes out to Defseeds for these beans ! Rainbow Belts if you have any advice I would be really happy to hear it . Put in soil April19 happy frog , perlite, shrimp compost , worm castings ,oyster shell .


Here I have a couple of @SamwellBB killer koffee , mothers milk f3 I have 3 of each going in dirt March 20


Here I have a couple of beans from @Budderton from the auction I got Trycle and Glitter Trycle have 1 of each on the go I’m looking for another of his beans SFVOG BX3 if anyone has them or knows someone please send them my way ! Thank you !

These were put in April 29 th . Cheers


This is another @SamwellBB it’s a long name !
SugarBlack Rose x Samon River Og

updates soon hahahah !


Last but not least 4 X idontknowplants X fornowz donate by @THCeed and at futher time I hope he tells me what I’m growing ! Thanks buddy for all your knowledge !


Look at this frost one more week don’t think there gonna make the whole week though !

I think it will show better when she comes out from under the lights ! Have to add this shot !


Thank so much ! I will definitely shout it loud when I pop them ! Thanks to all my fellow Canadians for there trouble and @Buddertons Beans helping me out ! Truly appreciate you letting me have a chance to display your ladies ! Cheers !


Goodmorning OGers !!! A little kush to start the day !


Is that WMBKush?

Not telling !

Okay it’s picking time !!! This if you been following is scarlet purple from @blowdout2269 ! Thanks for letting me show off these

fine genetics that you produce !!!



Nice plants buddy!

But, the Scarlet Grapes is a @Going2fast creation.
All I did was make more seeds. :wink:

Congratulations on making it to the finish line!:+1:t3:

1 Like

My bad may @Going2fast forgive me for the mistake !!! Great looking profile right to Finnish never had one hiccup ! All three showed me they were ready never seen it happen like that I follow the change by the day and today when I open the tent therre was 3 x the frosting everywhere !!! Can’t say snuff well of course one thing can’t wait to smoke it hahahah !!! Turn in to my breakfast pics for that review no better way to start the day !!! Oh Geez I still gotta give @blowdout2269 for passing these beans to me and just showing that true OG spirit of sharing the experience and the beans a big shout out to you sir if I ever have a bean you like it’s yours cheers !!!


Hey let get some Monday morning pictures ! The dogs are walked ! Let getter done ! Shall we !! Thanking @Budderton this is his Trycle and Glitter Trycle planted April 29 soil mix Happy Frog GAIA power bloom Oyster shell flour worm castings (from the guy whole sell worms ) !!!hahah my own compost that’s min 10 years in the making !!!


Here’s my update on this one last time you could even see it hahah bean went right to soil this is some great genetics from @SamwellBB this is


OK hey is wow she want to exploded I upsize my pot and of course I wasn’t giving my dog proper attention and she jumped and I dropped the ball ! The root ball that is , it was everywhere but it’s been 2 weeks and all is OK seems OK! But here is Rainbow Belts that I got from @Defseeds after dropping it I would say very tough plant !


Here are the ones that I’m hoping help my medical needs ! Got my fingers crossed on both hands !!! Killer Koffee

planted March 20 Mothers Milk F3 planted Mar 20
I have 3 of each on the go !these are my final pictures of veg tonight we flip to 12/12 let hope for no balls !!!


Hey @THCeed you were showing the leaf deformity I see this and thought of you ! Hahah