FieldEffect's 2024 "Field of Dreams"

Nice FE :star_struck: its going to be a killer season :green_heart:


Alright, I’ll try to keep My comments in the “Relevant Years…” lol, damn.

I am guaranteed to find constant motion when I’m here Bud. Hats-off to your 2024 grow. Sending only the positive mojo

  • Just wondering if You have pinched Any of the Bahia and taken it to your Chair?

Only with a big grin-on can I ask, but I’m excited to hear about it.


LOL I noticed that and chuckled. But the sand is working well!

I haven’t gotten a thorough smoke test on the Bahia yet, no. Looking forward to cracking the bag open though. I have too much to smoke :rofl:

Pics from the garden tonight :sunglasses:

I love looking at the differences in structure, maturity and leaves. C99 has a bit of double serration going on


Really digging the variety you have going on! Sorry to see the pumpkin go I was really hoping to see it finish through. I can’t wait till next year to see what you come up with. Water chillers are pricey but worth their weight. :fist:

The C99 should do beautifully outdoors! :green_heart::seedling:


:rofl: :joy:

Glad you are back safe @OGSince03


I totally love double serrations :slight_smile:
My garden this season is full of it :cupid:


Howdy @CalleMinogue this is the first time I’m really seeing it but I love it

Made some of my favorite compost tea recipe to water with in the morning:

~23 gallons of filtered water
8 cups EWC
0.8 cup sucanat
0.5 cup fish hydrolysate
0.3 cup kelp extract

It’ll be done by dawn tomorrow, water temperature is 80F

Here’s the girls…


MDS x Oaxaca. Love the skinny leaves :heart: She’s happy @PineTarBastard

Fighting Bilbo @MissinBissin

Don’t worry @MissinBissin TOMORROW is Bahia smoke day. Wake-n-bake before I mow and do yardwork

907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry

907 Blue Genes x NL#1 (and a volunteer tomato)

Romulan @Rhino_buddy

Sweet Sierra @buckaroobonsai

Last, but not least, Honduras x Panama

Cheers guys, have a wonderful weekend :sunglasses:


Thanks for a great update. We onow how that Garden is going to look really soon.

Best Wishes in the Morning @FieldEffect with your Puff-test.

It Should be a PPV, I’d be watching


Just for good times I was looking at my thread from last year, same time. The plants are better trimmed this season but similar size. The next 4 weeks they’re going to fly :rofl:

I put some RSO in my ice cream I can feel the warmth creeping in. Probably sleep really well tonight

Have a great evening buddy :sunglasses:

I’ll let you know how Bahia treats me :+1::sun_with_face:


Oh yes Baby - please fasten your seatbelt :cowboy_hat_face:

I need to bake me and then I will try to work a bit in my tent :heart_eyes:

Good night



Well, @MissinBissin I may have taken a few too many tokes :rofl:

I had to really steel myself to get the yardwork done. Little anxiety to it, reminded me of White Widow. I wonder if it’s something in the Brazilian :thinking:

Once this wears off I’ll take it a bit easier. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


@FieldEffect Plants are looking great! Last couple of years, I let the hail storms do the pruning for me. :rofl:

I have some old giant Dill seeds that are direct descendants of 1000+pounders that I purchased from
I’d be happy to share them with you for next year.


Thanks @PineTarBastard I’ll look into those!

We rarely get hail but when we have, not as much damage as anticipated. I just want to minimize trim labor this season, attempting more aggressive trimming and larf removal.

For whatever reason I’m seriously considering purchasing a freeze dryer. Actually little to do with the cannabis, more just wanting to freeze dry ghost peppers and jalapenos. I’ll see what the living room CEO thinks of the idea.

I found one on eBay for $2500 with vacuum pump in Payson. We could make a nice weekend trip of it :rofl:

Feel free to encourage me over the edge :joy:


I’m just bubbling with Pride here my Friend. If “I’ve Got You thinking”, then I’m so happy! Lol

Straight ahead @FieldEffect, So glad to make that Introduction and have the seeds available for you!

Plus You nailed the Solo Grow !!

Enjoy & Have a great weekend !


Looking good bud. Just wondering how long you let your CT brew for. I usually go about 24 hours before use. The weekend trip sounds like a great idea too btw! I don’t want to be the one to blame though! :rofl: :fist:


Thanks again @MissinBissin hope you and your glorious collection of plants are also in for a great weekend

@OGSince03 timing depends on the water temperature. Early in the season when the water is about 70F 24 hours is perfect. At 80F it seems like about 12 hours is the peak. I’ve tried 24 hours at the higher temps but the foam and smell seem to deteriorate pretty significantly.

When I asked about a freeze dryer the CEO actually suggested we just go to Tractor Supply and look at new ones :grin:

I’m not going to buy a $3500+ one. But I didn’t expect her to be enthusiastic about it. Definitely needs some more research.

Freeze dried chilies, maybe some rosin. Wonder how some jerky would turn out. Need to find out what she would want to do with it.



Ah! I thought about getting a microscope to check my brews but I haven’t pulled the trigger yet. I do notice temps effecting mine as well so that’s an interesting insight I didn’t think about.

You must have led a good clean life! :sunglasses: I don’t think there could be a better response! :joy::fist:


I don’t know about good and clean, but generally decent :rofl:

Took some pictures of the chiles. Tombstone Ghost and Zapotec Jalapeno

Got nothing on ole @Hashpants but maybe someday :cowboy_hat_face:


He is truly an awesome grower of things. d8JBdDJ