FieldEffect's 2024 "Field of Dreams"

Gathering of the sisters :rofl:

Got a really heavy rain last night.

I’ve got this funk happening on Sweet Sierra. Hunch is a little hot on P and K but bizarre to only appear on two shoots. I’ll bring some of the leaves in for microscope inspection maybe it’s mites or something.

Honduras x Panama


MDS x Oaxaca

Fighting Bilbo


907xNL1 showing funky 3-blades like her momma did. Hair trigger on flowering for this one.

907xShisk looks like normal cannabis


Good Morning @FieldEffect, Your Crop
Looks spectacular. You’ve got a bunch of Eager-Beavers on the go

Hows that for a Canadian-Condition?


Little garden growing along nicely :slight_smile:

About the sweet sierra, I’m wondering if it may be a sun burn? Looks a bit like cooked tops. Are this ones more exposed when the sun hits hard?


LOL @MissinBissin yeah some eager beavers indeed. Looking forward to watching what happens this month I imagine they are going to explode

@funkyfunk you may be onto something. I actually rotated the plant the other day to check if it was something like that. I’ll take a look when I get back from breakfast and see if there is something else going on


The end of the first outdoor DWC experiment here at the FE Headquarters :rofl:

Next year will be implementing something ridiculous to keep the water cool.





In that first pic, the taco effect on the top leaves may be a point of concern. Only seen that from heat/dry, where most of the tops do it, or from Russet Mites. More localized like this, at least indoors, warrants immediate inspection. Little suckers are very very little, like size of or smaller than cystolith hairs. USB scopes mostly have enough magnification to show them, but they are not obvious if you haven’t seen them before. I spent days looking at the first ones we saw without realizing there were bugs at all.

Probably nothing, but wanted to sound an alert, just in case. They are voracious and multiply super fast, especially in warm temps.



I’m leaning towards that as well because the damage is really localized.


Update on that… I’ve brought a few leaves in nightly to look for bugs with the microscope - zoomed in and zoomed out. I’m not seeing any mites or eggs.

Regarding the sunburn/exposure hypothesis, I already rotated the plant since I noticed it. I’m not noticing anything else happening in the spot where this started.

I’ve thought about just chopping the affected branches off, maybe it’s some sort of infection or something.

I’ll take some new pictures tomorrow. The situation seems pretty static


State of the Garden: Generally well. Top-dressed some EWC a few days ago. We’ve been eating more watermelons than normal, the rinds have gone out onto the dirt to feed the worms. Soil seems very healthy both in the raised beds and the 25-gallon bags.

The rising star, Honduras x Panama:

Fighting Bilbo [Fighting Budda (Burmese Sativa x Blueberry) x Txerri Bilbo Haze (Strawberry Cough x Super Silver Haze] courtesy of @MissinBissin:

Cinderella 99:

Mexican Death Sativa x Oaxaca coutesy of @PineTarBastard:

Sweet Sierra courtesy of @buckaroobonsai. Also fresh pic of the twisted tips.

Romulan coutesy of @Rhino_buddy:

S1 (which I’m fucking STOKED about since smoke test last night):


Happy Independence Day!


Thriving garden!


I’m wondering about that too. I find other plants have the same kind of symptoms, to a much lower extend though. Leaves curling a bit toward their upside on the tops. There’s a color also of the new growths but I don’t know if it’s related to the cam or not. If you look at the romulan in particular.

There’s spots on the lowers of the most affected branches of the sweet sierra. Some others seems to have that too. Could it be some defs? Though that would be weird to affect that much only two tops. I’m terrible at that. Maybe summoning @George for a better diag could help :smiley:

They’re exploding still!


Thanks @Odd-Wonder1468 :grinning:

@funkyfunk I don’t see the same symptoms anywhere else, but maybe you see something I don’t. I chopped those weird branches yesterday morning and again inspected for bugs with the microscope. I can’t find mites but I’ve never seen them I don’t know what I’m looking for. I did zoom in enough to easily resolve the hair-like structures of the stems and lower leaves but looking at my PC right now I can’t find any snapshots.

I took more pictures to aid @George

Here’s the Romulan top down:

I’m not seeing anything abnormal to my eyes. The lower-right branch is a little wind-blown, doesn’t seem deformed.

A bunch of the Sweet Sierra:

I did notice the volunteer tomato plant in the N4 bag has similar discolorations. I’d read this as a slight Ca deficiency or a minor thrips indicator.

I’m wondering about perhaps low B


Coul be broad mites, they are really hard to see, even with a scope and lay their eggs inside the plant:


When only a concrete part of a plant is affected I always suspect bugs activity and discard deficiencies or environmental consequences …

Check this page for more info:

Thanks for the new pics, what I see (scratches) could be thrips damage:


Thanks! I’ll neem tomorrow before sunup. Seems like a good precaution. I haven’t sprayed any IPM this season.

Definately agree on the thrips and the broad mite possibility.


Neemed and happy :grin:

Hondurama starting to grow quick


I had some thrips on one end plant, so I sprayed as well. Sulfur and Pyrethrin mixed.


Gave em the old 1-2 punch :facepunch:

Does the sulfur do anything for pests? I thought it was primarily a fungicide


Sulfur kills mites as well.