FieldEffect's 2024 "Field of Dreams"

What a view. I’d like to have my bake’n’wake looking at it. Enjoy the summer :smiley:


Pic dump

The photo of a cola-to-be against a vivid blue sky is Fighting Bilbo @MissinBissin :sunglasses:


Really nice to see how they are stretching :green_heart:

Happy start of the week


They’re truckin’ along.

My wife was telling me yesterday that they don’t look any smaller than last year. :rofl:

I put them out several weeks later, and went from 50 gallon bags to 25s. The indica stuff is about the same size as last year. The sativa stuff too. I guess it’s mainly just drying back sooner and more deeply. If I don’t water for a day, they’ll be pissed for sure.

Been feeding the terp tea bloom and added the last of my worm castings last night, mainly on the stuff showing yellows. Need to pick up another bag.

Have a wonderful week!


Ahah, hope she doesn’t feel too hoaxed. :smiley:

I was wondering if you move their container? Otherwise chances are the roots are popping out of it into the soil, which defeats the “smaller container for smaller plants” idea.

Also might be that you have better genes in the garden this year. But I’m inclined to think it’s just your skills that keep building up :wink:

Well, I guess you won’t complain about a big OD harvest anyway lol

Looks like the chocolope took off :+1:

Enjoy the week at home!


@funkyfunk Chocolope is vibing.

She thinks it’s funny more than anything. Some of her friends smoke she likes to show these things off when they come over.

I absolutely WILL be complaining when I’m trying to get this all chopped down :rofl:

But I have mechanical help bucking/coarse cleanup this year…


Hopefully gets started flowering soon. Confirmed female at least.

Sweet Sierra a little rough looking. It’s been over 100 all week, she’s one of the few that aren’t handling it without issue.

S1 (907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry 3) is a beast with nice structure. Almost zero maintence. Smells amazing too. Happy I kept this. Been mostly smoking this for the last 2 weeks at least just out of preference

N4 not as vigorous as S1 but more trich coverage.

Romulan also looked ragged.

NOW…the sativa beast plants :rofl:

Honduras x Panama was at least a month behind the others. I direct sowed this when I realized whatever Slow Hero wasn’t going to keep up. She is a monster

Fighting Bilbo @MissinBissin getting a fruity note from these flowers already.

C99 is hungry and I’ve fallen behind on keeping her tidy. Will clean her up today. Rotated the pots last night so this is the “ugly” side.

Mexican Death Sativa x Oaxacan (I’m calling this NEW Mexican Death Sativa) @PineTarBastard

In general things are good. The clones inside are all rooting up nicely, I’ll update that thread tomorrow. I need to get cubes soaking for transplant.

Cheers, happy weekend!


I call it New Mexican Love Sativa, and when you and your wife smoke it, you’ll know why. :grinning:


the rougher ones all look hungry to me. whatcha got for top dress?

H x P was a good choice, eh? :grin:

the late planting is gonna work out in your favor, I think. :+1:

:sunglasses: I love a sexy sativa. :green_heart: where can I find those? love to trade for some!


Looking forward to that. What’s the high like other than the “Love” part? Am I going to be getting my chores done before loving? :rofl:

Last weekend I gave them a few inches of worm castings and about 2 cups each of Roots Organics Terp Tea Bloom. Everything else has been getting the bloom at about a cup every 2 weeks.

I’ll dose them with some fish hydrolysate tomorrow, I figured the castings would get the N up enough but I didnt want to overdo it now :cowboy_hat_face:

I think HxP is going to be a winner she’s certainly happy with the heat down here. My first time seeing 11-blade leaflets :grinning:

If @PineTarBastard doesn’t hook you up I think he gave me quite a few, I’m happy to share :sunglasses:


Quite a good accomplice then :slight_smile: That plant is so beautiful when it thrives anyway.

Wonder if the chocolope will overgrow the sweet sierra :laughing:

Scents must be kicking in, must be a delight to walk in the garden.

And N4 didn’t show any fasciation this time. It was really located on one branch.

Your drier will be sollicitated this fall :laughing:


She is. It’s hilarious to me she acts all “tolerant” but I’ve watched her on the cameras showing her friends all proud :joy: I’m glad she gets some enjoyment out of it though

We’ll see I expect the Choco to stop growing and burst into flower any day now

N4 looks much more normal this run :sunglasses:

And it does smell quite nice :slightly_smiling_face:

Cheers buddy


I can understand her though, that’s probably a safeguard so that you don’t fill the house and garden too much with “your” passion :smiley:

As long as she “tolerates”, there’s room for negociation for the next house :wink:


Houston, we have a problem.

200w (3)

I have no idea what the hell is going on with Romulan. The rest of the hangry plants are doing fine, C99 is in good health but still quite a few yellows.

Here is Romulan. I dragged her out of the patch last night because I don’t know what is happening.

I mean, looks like classic under watered, right? But the dirt is beautiful moisture level. I dug some dirt away it looks like this

Up close looks like beautiful soil to me, certainly not wet or dry. Moist. Earthy.

Anyway, the uniform wilting must be some sort of root issue.

Any ideas? I doubt she’s coming back :confused:

Rest of the garden is good though…


if I saw that plant 100x, I would think “thirsty” 100x. how heavy was the pot when you moved it? i noticed it isn’t full either, nor has any mulch.

if it were me, I’d fill it up with compost and give it a very very heavy drink. got yucca? in any case, it couldn’t hurt…


Dang, I’m puzzled on that Romulan Flop as well. Sorry to hear She’s a little confused; all the way into Bloom and then quit…

Best Wishes on this one @FieldEffect


Maybe a ph issue in the soil?? If everything’s good in the environment, then possibly a stress issue of some sort with the roots??

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She’s a goner. Sorry to see , buddy.


The dirt has settled a bit since season’s start. I added about an inch of worm castings already, when she looked hungry about a week and a half ago. I also put some of this periodically: BuildASoil Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 60%? It does a real nice job as a wetting agent but I haven’t tried yucca. Still on my first little baggie of that from last season.

I’m certain it isn’t too dry. The soil is nicely damp. She ain’t drinking. The pot was heavy when I moved it. The healthy plants are light when I water each evening.

Potentially. Easy enough to check pH, I’ll add it to the autopsy checklist.

RIP Romulan :skull:

Just up and quit. I’ll excavate the roots and post pics this weekend. Quite puzzling. I’m paranoid so I’ll do this on the other side of the house in case it’s contagious.

Luckily, the other 8 are well. Chocolope is making up for lost time, which I’m quite excited about. Need to get on the BT Friday morning, buds are getting into the puffball stage here and there.

Cheers thanks for the input!


Here is the garden today. Romulan is dead and on the opposite side of the yard.

Chcocolope and Honduras x Panama are the late bloomers. Hopefully they finish :sunglasses:

Cheers, have a great Sunday :cowboy_hat_face:


Sorry about the Romulan, man. Always a next time to shine :sparkles: