FieldEffect's 2024 "Field of Dreams"

Forgot to reply on that one: now when you have uploaded a few pictures, in the preview panel of the editor the first one will have a grid button at the bottom left of the thumbnail, near its (now editable) name. Clicking it will put all those pictures in a grid.

It seems to behave better than the previous way \o/


Buenos dias!

@Pigeonman I went out fogging this morning at 200ppm. I buy 500ppm jugs, I don’t have a generator yet. I figured if I blasted through it inside with the hydro stuff it’d be worth investing in but not at that point today. I did run into some burning at 500ppm last season with the pump sprayer, but suspect that had more to do with the heavy application from a normal sprayer, in any case I diluted 50:50 and if things go well I’ll revert to high-test. My wife, unfortunately, was unwilling to follow me outside at dawn to take a photo of me fogging the plants shirtless, as your inspiring pic demonstrated last season. :rofl:

@MissinBissin thanks for the seed trades, happy with this one so far. I think I’m getting a whiff of strawberry from FB. Took some attempts at artistic photos this AM.

^^ @funkyfunk thank you!

I’m sure the sats will capture my attention again soon, happens every year. I should know by now :smile:

Tomorrow is a holiday for us in the USA, so I’ll be again dicking around in the gardens and hopefully shooting guns and riding dirtbikes.

I organized the indoor garden I’ve got 5 males of various types just showing. They are partitioned to one side of the flower chamber. I still need to plumb the exhaust into the attic for the pollination tent, perhaps I can get around to that soon. There are 2 of the 5 males I probably want to cull but haven’t yet, then the boys can go play in their own tent. The canna breeding train is starting to depart the station :train:



You fog in the AM? I wonder if that’s what caused the burn. I never fog in the am or daytime; to many fine droplets acting as magnifiers and so much dew on my plants I’m sure it’s diluting the effect of the H0Cl.

I stick to 1hour before sundown; fog the shit out of everything and then even if it’s still wet into the dark it’s not like it’s not still killing off all those pathogens.

Also no possible way of sunburn if it reflected sun from the moon! lol

BAHAHAHA!!! That photo is now my title-page photo :rofl:
Your missus is missing out on your fogging pr0n!


Interesting point. I figured there’s still an hour or two to evaporate the HOCl, and dew isn’t a problem for me. This morning everything was bone dry. Our low is about 60 right now and the dewpoint is quite a bit below that, good point though. Appreciate the suggestion :sunglasses:

Last season it came up that spraying in the AM is potentially less ideal. In my case it’s been significantly easier because in the evenings I’m usually playing with my daughter and getting her ready for bed. 10 minutes of spraying wouldn’t be a detriment to that anymore, she could help and would probably have fun with it :rofl:

She loves power tools, that’s about the most benign and fun one. I’ll think about it. I could also do it before I go to bed after dark


Those are gorgeous Buds to wake-up to @FieldEffect!!!

Dense and Hairy. I can tell they are morning Shots and your going to have an amazing day pumping them Up!!!

Your doing a fantastic job all the way around my Friend !!!

“S T R A W B E R R Y”


they looking great @FieldEffect im behind a bit but hopefully thet get to be as nice as yours i was getting some blueberry from one of the two but its not smelling as much outside as inside


If it makes you feel any better, these sunrise pics are sexy enough :sunrise_over_mountains: :camera_flash: :dancer:


@FieldEffect i was wondering if you figured till when the FB will be chopped in your location as im trying to see how its gonna fit im the time i have left. judging by your photos id say im 3weeks behind of you, and i probly have only 3-4 weeks left prior to being forced to harvest


Hey there @amumayuk I’m guessing about a month till mine are done. What’s your lattitude? I really hope they finish up for 'ya. She started earlier than I expected down here at 34N.

@Not-Notjosh thanks man, glad you have some smoke from the not-fridge. Congrats on the harvest and dry, it looked good! Hopefully decent sunrise pics carry the ladies to the finish line here too :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks @MissinBissin she’s smelling good. Gotta run to work now :sunglasses:


What’s this fogger you speak of? I’m in the market for a new sprayer. Should I be looking at a fogger?

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Fogger is the shit. I’ll never use a pump sprayer again except for certain insecticides, which I avoid like the plague anyway. So I still have 2 pump sprayers, but I’ve only used one once this year.

The fogger I’m using is this:

I have tons of DeWalt batteries so I got an adapter to use those it works well. It’s half leaf-blower, half mister. So you get a really fine mist and it blows the leaves around really nice. I use RO water and make sure to run some pure water through it afterwards but it’s been working like a champ.

I gotta get some pics today or this week, the buds are thickening up. I’ve been a busy guy :cowboy_hat_face:


I’m gonna have to invest in that. 35 bucks is reasonable. I have a bunch of Milwaukee barriers. I didn’t even think of the adapters. That’s a great idea, I didn’t want to invest batteries for a platform I don’t have/use.

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@BeardedMech the adapter was like $10 for DeWalt and works fine. I feel the same way about preserving my tool ecosystem, now that I know about the adapters I am no longer confined to it but can still use my 20V batteries.

Well, garden survey this morning I found a problem.


Noticed shiny leaves on N4 while taking pics. Aphids…little bastards. I don’t see a serious problem on the other plants but I need to do something about this. It’s not a few here and there, full-blown outbreak on one sector of N4.

Little BasTURDS:

I’ve got these IPM products:
*Botanigard 22WP (this is what I’m inclined to use)
Lost Coast Plant Therapy
SNS 203 (doesn’t look like a good idea for this stage of growth)
Mammoth Canncontrol (also not looking like a good idea right now)

I need help picking what gets applied tonight. I don’t think anything is getting harvested for another 2-3 weeks, and I budwash all outdoor with peroxide and RO. If that matters. Thankful to have a stash of products - not that I’m glad to have an opportunity to need them. I’ve not used any IPM to date, other than having shitloads of birds in the yard to eat moths and one application of BT 2 weeks ago. I have been spraying with HOCl once a week but that’s more fugus prevention than IPM. So, I’ll spray this evening with whatever is the best choice. I think 22WP is the best option at this point, the other three seem to be oil-based which makes me less inclined to use them in flower. Intuititively I’d expect those products to affect my terps more than 22WP will. Everything I can find about 22WP says safe for flower, but it’s not as mainstream cannabis culture as the other three.

Back to regularly scheduled plant pics

S1 :arrow_down_small:

N4 :arrow_down_small:

Sweet Sierra (Left), Chocolope (Right) :arrow_down_small:

C99 still mad at everything I try :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Fighting Bilbo :cowboy_hat_face: @MissinBissin :arrow_down_small:

Mexican Death Sativa x Oaxaca :sunglasses: @PineTarBastard :arrow_down_small:

Honduras x Panama :arrow_down_small:

Cheers. Please let me know if 22WP is a terrible idea or my best plan.


You’ve got some beasts in that yard. Great job! :grinning:


:scream: fscking aphids!

Can’t help much with that, never experienced and we don’t have the same products around. Being fungi-based botanigard would be my pick too, but I imagine it would mean stopping the H0CI

That FB is just magnificient though. Hope it smokes as good as it’s beautiful.

Keep up the good grow!


Sorry to hear there is an insect Scramble @FieldEffect, “go Get’m” is what I’m hearing and You’ve got my best Wishes.

As a viewer, full confidence you’ll catch it!

Best Part is you discovered it!!!


shes gorgeous your building up my anticipations for mine


I know, is that Not a crazZy looking plant @amumayuk!
Super Nice work @FieldEffect
Mexican Death Sativa x Oaxacan is an intimidating plant lol


Citric acid, only thing else that comes to mind. More than a teaspoon per gal could burn pistils.


Hey bud sorry you’re having issues with pests. I was listening to a podcast with the bug lady and she recommends Beauveria Bassiana for Thrips I believe. Maybe worth a shot if its not too late already. Best of luck brother.