FieldEffect's 2024 "Field of Dreams"

Looks like the roots are cooking to me with low oxygen levels. If you check the roots they are probably damaged.


That’s about what I expected. Too hot. I assume the dissolved O2 falls off with the temperature increase as well.

Thank you for the input!

Had really hoped the buried tank would keep things quite a bit cooler…


There’s always another day! I think pulling it off would be awesome. Heat is hard to beat though.
I know it’s a bit much but running pipes in the ground and recirculating would help mitigate water temps. No cooler needed essentially.


I think I remember at 90F is when the oxygen is so low it can be considered anaerobic. 7ppm and then the oxygen requirements for the plant go up because it’s so large. Can lead to catastrophic collapse! I’ve seen people drop a frozen bottle of ice in there it temporarily lowers the temps.


I once had four 18gal totes with 5-6 plants in each and had to rotate twelve 1Lr bottles every 12 hours. It’s was kinda like running up the down escalator… I had to do a res change every week or two and dump as much air in the totes as I possibly could. Way more upkeep than I hoped for.


Bummer! I was wondering since the first leaf damages if water temp wasn’t a problem.

Well lesson learned. I’m sure you can design some electronic device to take care of that next year :smiley:


Well, I knew this was a potential outcome. I had figured burying would keep the temperature moderate enough.

I wonder if I can find a water chiller. Probably too late for this season but if I do this again next summer. Years ago I worked around lots of optical equipment and lasers, I would have just borrowed a massive laser chiller. I’m still on good terms with those folks and that industry in general. :thinking:

Hell, I’ve been wanting to do that for my drying cabinet anyway. I’ll send some emails today.

A dissolved oxygen meter would be nice to have right now. Not that it would help anything. Kinda like the ORP meter to me. Rarely reach for it, I’ve learned my lessons with HOCl. DO would be the same I expect, keep the temperature below 80 and things will be OK.

I was concerned with this as well. Since the beginning it was expected root temp would cause problems. Especially since all the numbers looked good except the temperature. No pest pressure either. I figured adding 20+ gallons of water a day would actually help the temperature equation quite a bit as well. Less than anticipated.

Anyway, the thing will probably die off over the next couple days. I’m not giving up, it’s not in my nature to do that. But I think my giant pumpkin is not going to happen THIS YEAR. I’ll recollect supplies and attempt stronger 2025.

Thanks all for your input, @JoeCrowe @OGSince03 and @funkyfunk , it is truely welcomed and appreciated. Lots more fun attempting ambitious projects with folks helping :sunglasses:

And I sure like attempting ambitious projects :rofl:


See, already fixing stuffs one year ahead. Make room for next year giant pumpkin! :laughing:


RIP Giant Pumpkin.

Pulled her plug. Literally. Pumps are off.

Really liking the MDS x Oaxaca leaves :heart:

Pretty outside


I am trying giant pumpkins this year too, and having chill cloudy issues instead. We’re still having what we here on the northwest coast of Washington state call “Juneuary” :rofl: and I bet the soil temp in their hill is barely 70 most days. They’re only a a little happier than yours. :wink:


Nice Try @FieldEffect with the In-Ground Hydro-mongous Pumpkin attempt.

I had no idea those beasts drank So much water…

Almost! … Next Project !!!


Meh, hope it wasn’t too heartbreaking. Roots were’nt that white.

Nice little countryside view you have, found yourself a nice little place :slight_smile: Looks like it could be a cool place to throw an OG party under the tree :laughing:


Hey there @RainToday sorry to hear about your “Juneuary”

They sure do, they just want it ~80F. Started seeing issues getting above that. And at 88F it just :skull_and_crossbones:

Kinda startling how discrete it was. Boom. Dead.

Next year there are already plans in the works. Down, but certainly not out.

Thanks funky. I’m not hung up about it. Live and learn. The guys at the hydro shop foretold this, so did folks here. I just hoped the tank burial would be sufficient. Live and learn.

It is a nice place. Definately some non-ideal things about the spot but for the most part its really peaceful. The yard has become a much nicer place to be the last few years.

Cheers, have a great weekend!


sorry bout the pumpkin.

:sunglasses: :metal:


On the bright side, got to spend some time outside this morning tending the plants. Needed to get a few more cages installed and do some pruning before stretch starts. July is when things are going to get crazy here in terms of growth. I gave them some fish hydrolysate the other night. Priming the engines. Compost tea this weekend to spark it off.

Started with 3 candies.

That was about 1.5 hours ago I’ve been cruising pretty good since about an hour ago.

Sweet Sierra lots of pruning and training. :arrow_down:

Fighting Bilbo I was pretty aggressive with too. :arrow_down:

Mexican Death Sativa x Oaxaca got quite a bit of stripping down. :arrow_down:

Romulan got a tune up. :arrow_down:

Honduras x Panama still just a baby. It’ll be interesting to see how big it gets being planted so late. I got you @noknees :arrow_down:

C99 minor work, she needs more attention tomorrow: :arrow_down:

The 907 Blue Genes Step Sisters (Shiskeberry L, NL#1 R). I haven’t even really started on these. Another day :rofl: :arrow_down:



Go Honduras x Panama !!!

I’m siding with the Little-Guy. I’ve not ever planted one outdoors that small, Yet. But its going to happen soon, so I’m enjoying seeing this Little Guy @FieldEffect



I hear the latina ladies are spicy, I doubt she’ll stay small for long :rofl:


Don’t take too many candies before working on the plants :laughing:

They’re starting to take of really well.


Happy with the stripping and training for now.

Just foliar sprayed kelp to ease their stress of getting assaulted by scissors yesterday. This sprayer is awesome but it sounds as loud as the gas string trimmer. Kinda like leaf blowing and spraying at the same time. Way better coverage with a finer mist than I’m used to with a pump sprayer. Good for foliar sprays because the wind blows the leaves up to spray the bottom sides.

That MDS x Oaxaca is going to be a monster she grew a noticeable amount since yesterday morning :rofl:


hehe in the first pics it looks like they gathered around the sprayer, cornering it. I can hear them “C’mon spray us! Spray us that kelp!” :laughing:

You’re going industrial with that!